Please sega, allow rematches...

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by ScootMagee, Jan 6, 2008.

  1. ScootMagee

    ScootMagee Member

    It would be nice if I could randomly log on and play a nice set with a variety of people online. The matchmaking in this game is horrible imo and destroys the whole experience. Being forced back to the lobby after 1 game every single match is so fucking tedious and makes me not even want to play. It kinda kills the game when you have to spend so much time in a lobby. I can understand why they did it in ranked matches but theres no reason for it in player matches.

    Private matches are cool but also a hassle. You have to have friends online in order to get a nice set going which kinda sucks. Sega should really release a patch for this.
  2. SnakeEater

    SnakeEater Member

    Yeah, when you consider that it's a two-part thing..the rematches I mean. It's not like the host decides and the other guy has to quit out or he's trapped. Really weird how it's not in normal player matches.
  3. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Huh? Just set up a private player match once you find someone worth playing, and invite them, then rematch as much as you want. It's not like they have to be on your friends list or anything.
  4. C1REX

    C1REX Well-Known Member

    Exactly: 3rd tab in Live window contains recently met people.
  5. LegendaryHero90

    LegendaryHero90 Well-Known Member

    Inviting a player does the same thing.

    you can request a rematch after wards all you want.
  6. crewwolfy

    crewwolfy Active Member

    A rematch option in player match would be a nice convenience, but not necessary I suppose. A rematch option in ranked matches would be good when you find someone of similar rank, but bad in that you could probably exploit such a tool. All in all, since you don't need them to be on your friends list to invite them, the current setup is ok.
  7. Defbeat

    Defbeat Member

    I wish they had it so you could have multiple people in one session and not have it just end after the match. People could just join or leave whenever they wanted and play in a winner stays on type deal. It would recreate that arcade feel of putting you quarter up and checking out the comp while waiting for your turn.

    The way it is now does, in fact, blow savage whale dong.
  8. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Having to send match information to other people watching your session would be one of the easiest ways to introduce more lag into the system. So, I'm quite happy not having an arcade-style session like that.
  9. Defbeat

    Defbeat Member

    DOA did it just fine...
  10. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    and DOA was so laggy as to be nearly unplayable most of the time...
  11. Defbeat

    Defbeat Member

    When I said "Just fine" I was implying I rarely had issues with lag that weren't on an individual player basis, in which case I would just avoid that player. The only reason I played DOA was because the online was so much fun. I just think it would have been cool to see the kind of options you see elsewhere in VF5 too. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

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