playing VF2 pn PS3?

Discussion in 'Console' started by RobynLiquorstorz, Nov 16, 2007.

  1. RobynLiquorstorz

    RobynLiquorstorz Well-Known Member

    so, i've read that PS3 is region-free (well, not really, but US and JP are the smae region, and that's what counts)

    does this hold true for ps2 games played on a ps3?

    because i've got the original 60g ps3, with full back-compatability, and i know that in japan, they put out V2 & VF2.1 in a "sega-ages" collection.

    so if i could lay my hands upon an import copy of that, do you think it'd work in the ps3? has anyone else with a ps3 tried any ps2-japan games on it?

    if i can pull this off, i'll have at least some kind of every one of the games:
    VF5 on PS3 & 360
    VF4 & VF4evo on PS2
    VF3 on a dreamcast that i keep around solely for VF3tb <span style='font-size: 8pt'>(well, that and chu-chu rocket)</span>
    VF2 & VF2.1 on a PS2 jp-disc run on the PS3
    VF (10th anniversary) on the VF4evo disc

    anyone know more than me?
  2. Setsuna_Goh

    Setsuna_Goh Well-Known Member

    ps2 games are still region locked, you need a japanese ps3 to pull what you want off, i've considered it myself but probably won't get around to it until next year as i'd need to sell my old ps3, and raise money for the japanese ps3, that would enable you to play japanese ps2 games, wich would rock XD good luck

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