Playing as Vanessa

Discussion in 'Vanessa' started by Van_fan, Mar 2, 2006.

  1. Van_fan

    Van_fan Member

    I picked up Evo like last year and it's been a while since I've played it. Ever since I bought the game I've chosen Vanessa as my main, but coming back to the game, I find myself strangely unfamiliar with her. I know the inner workings and technical aspects of how VF is played, its just that on a character level, I'm lost. Can anybody give me suggestions on how Vanessa should be played? What moves I should and should not use. Personal opinions about her are wanted. And its Evolution Vanessa, not VF4 Vanessa(just want to make that clear)=D
  2. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Andy here in LA plays Vanessa basically as a main at this point, here are some quick opinions:

    Vanessa is basically a good poking character, with some power hits and strong Throws. Since almost every move she has is safe, Andy usually likes to poke people into a big mistake, like setting up her DS [3]+[P]+[K], a Low Throw, [8][6][2][4]+[P]+[G] etc. Her DS [6][6]+[K] is one of the best moves in the game, and it's safe on Guard. Using this move against Tech Rollers in DS forces people to Guard (anything else will get hit by the kick), and if they Hold Guard during the TR, a Low Throw is guaranteed.

    Her Combos are kind of techincal in both stances, but there are some reliable ones that usually work regardless of stance & weight. If you master the more specific combos (IE when DS [6]+[P][K][K] can be used after a Stomach Crush), she has nice combo damage.

    Basically, I always find myself thinking "Vanessa can't be Minor Countered, and she's all about Poke & Throw".

    hope this helps, if you have more specific questions, I'm sure people can help.

  3. Van_fan

    Van_fan Member

    Thanx alot! That's exactly the kind of information I was looking for =D. Thanx 4 the help! If anyone else would like to say something, please post d(^_^)b
  4. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    hold [G][8] or [2][P] is your best friend in disadvantaged situations.

    Learn to utilize her vast array of canned strings to bait people to attack you mid string. So yeah, poke people into eating counter hits. Learn to use her sabakis and special highs. Those are the key into shutting down your opponent with good guessing, and sometimes even abusing moves. Something that's pretty exclusive to Vanessa.
  5. Van_fan

    Van_fan Member

    OK. Sabakis...[4][6][K], [4][3][P]+[K], [1][P], If I think I'm right, those are all the ones she has, right? Are there benefits to using sabakis over reversals?

    About her [G][8]/[2][P], is it best to use that instead of evading throw escapes when dealing with linear attacks?

    I like the idea of poking and baiting. I'll have to practice that, but Vanessa is worth it. The moves and combos you guys gave as examples has helped me a lot. Thank you once again. Anymore insight on Vanessa's game and other players' strategies are still appreciated=P

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