Playing Akira and Joysticks?

Discussion in 'Akira' started by kx500, Sep 12, 2003.

  1. kx500

    kx500 New Member

    This is to all Akira players. I began playing vf4evo about 2 weeks ago. By far my fav character is Akira. However I feel my technique is very limited by the standard PS2 controller. Akira is a character with many diagonal d-pad moves and they just don't seem to come out for me consistantly on the PS2 controller. If anyone plays with a real arcade style joystick can you tell me if the diagonal motion is improved. Until I get the joystick, any advise that can help me with the standard controller? Thanks for any help.
  2. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    My advice would be to get a good stick asap. He can be played with a pad ( kungfusmurf does it and akira_zero used to ) but I stick to my Hori SC 2 stick. It won't make him an easier character to use ... but it does make a lot of his moves easier to perform. Check out the links:

    etc or check out char training and tech part and look for stuff. Or maybe even here:

    Hope this is of some use.
  3. ZenMasterZ

    ZenMasterZ Active Member

    the Hori SC2 stick then is it? it doesnt look all that bad. i have been using the pad for a while and i have not been able to perform a lot of the moves, as i told you earlier.
    though i always thought that that was probably because of my strange button config:

    L2--[G][P][K] R2--[G][K]
    L1--[G][P][K] R1--[G]


    does anyone else who uses a pad have a different congifuration that helps them use akira?

    that was how i always played vf4. though i never used the knee or SDoD or DLC, because it wasnt nessesary to win in kumite. though it has become necessary in evo to perform elaborate combos to take additional damage on your foes (those bastard A.I.s).

    anyway, i was wondering: what other sticks are out there that could help me pull off the more difficult moves? btw, where did you buy the Hori? is there a good site where you can get good deal on arcade sticks? dun tell me that i have to travel to the UK for a $40 stick! /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif i am a liverpool fan but i wont take the journey to pull off a few DLCs. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  4. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    You're better off getting a stick if you can't perform most of the Akira's moves after a few months. It will save your hands a lot of pain playing Akira with a Pad. /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif

    Besides being able to be consistent and fast is hard enough with a stick, a pad will just simply handicap you.
  5. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Wow I liverpool fan? Me too naturally. You wouldn't have to come here anyway cos they don't sell them in the UK I'm afraid. Check

    Its a good import/export Hong Kong site but very relieable.

    I'd reccomend the SC2 one as it has 6 useable buttons asoposed to 3 meaning you can use it in other games. The config I'd suggest would be

    Shoulder buttons = nothing

    You should not be relying on shoulder buttons to be pulling off "big" moves really.

    Hori and Namco are argubaly the best commercial sticks...I've had by Hori for about 8 months and it still works fine. If you've got the time try building one yourself. If you're interseted check ot Catch22 on this site. He builds them to specification( very cool they are too).
  6. katana

    katana Active Member

    I'm a pad user myself, although I'd say am at beginner level with Akira. I say beginner because although I can pull off MOST of his moves, it's using them effectively and learning how to set them up that makes a player good.
    Knowing the moves alone counts for nothing.
    Anyway, I feel your pain concerning the pad. /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif but all is not lost.
    Akira's modified moves (replacing [2_] with [3][3] or [1][1]) are tricky, but very much possible on a pad. It's really just timing, but totally possible. No, I don't pull it off every time, but that's my fault, not the controller's.

    The SPoD is tough, but not THAT tough on a pad. I use L2 for [P][K][G] and Triangle for [P][G]. All other buttons are default. I'm definitely getting it out more times than not.
    The DLC is another matter altogether - it's hella tough on a pad, and I'm not ashamed to admit I've pulled it off only a few times. It doesn't form part of my game in any way.
    The knee is impossible for me to do. It's the one move I simply cannot get right, no matter what. I try.
    Btw, A buddy brought around his arcade stick the other day, and I had mixed feelings about it.
    Sure, the [3][3] moves were easier to get out, but I started struggling with other motions that were a breeze on a pad. Overall, I'd say I can see the potential of the arcade stick, but I think if you've always used a pad in the past (as I have) you're going to have to relearn a lot of things when using the stick.
    It all depends on how far you wanna take things I guess.

    My attitude to the whole Akira / pad thing is this - sure, some moves (the DLC and Knee in particular) are always going to be extremely tough on a pad, and may never form part of your game, but there is so much to VF that those two moves will not significantly affect your game. Just get better in other areas, such as throw escapes, parries, setups etc. That, imo, will help a lot more than wasting half yor life trying to do the DLC on a pad.

    Nobody can advise you whether to get a stick or not. That is a decision only you can make, but if you do switch, I'd say do it now, and not wait 6 months because initially your game will suffer big time with a stick, which may be discouraging.

    Overall, it's the way to go, but as csnape said, it won't neccessarily make you a better player, only make some moves easier to perform. (in the long run)
  7. Aoi_Mei

    Aoi_Mei Well-Known Member

    I´d like to add my comment. I use a pad too.
    Using DLC with a pad is easy if you buffer commands after another move, like [2_][6][P]+[K]-- DLC combo. Otherwise I find it almost impossible too.
    Using SPoD 100% with a pad is only a matter of practise. I learned to slide my fingers througth [4][3][P]+[G] with correct timing, and now I have completely mastered the move.
  8. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yes just to add something I forgot earlier. I did play Akira on a pad for 2 months. Took a while but I did get DLC and SPoD down. AS3 should be ok. I had problems with m-dbpms though and thats why I love using a stick as you can just thrash them out in an instant.

    One word of warning though...if you're getting a stick GET A GOOD ONE! The first one I bought was a logic3 one as sticks over here are generally crappy. Seen as though it was my first stick I though it was great but it actually set me WAY back on how I played as the buttons were very tiny and hard and the stick was very very stiff. I couldn't even do stuff like stpm>p>m-dbpm on it as modifying moves was close to impossible at first. I slowly got better then made the leap to an imported Hori stick and I have to say it was miles better. Nice big responsive buttons and a "loose" stick enabling DBCs and SDEs to be nicley buffered. Obviously the choice is yours, just something I thought you should be aware of.
  9. ZenMasterZ

    ZenMasterZ Active Member

    everyone, thanks for the help. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

    i concur with katana in the matter of the challenge of re-learning all of akira's attacks on the stick. maybe ive become too accustomed to the configuration settings as i wasnt even able to play with csnape's configuration properly.

    also, i have a decent win ratio (96. something %) on quest mode. so i think i can play the game alright w/o even learning the knee. i was so /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif after i saw akirazero's movies of him performing so many knees one after another on a pad (man you're nuts!), i thought to myself, I HAVE TO LEARN THAT ATTACK!! but the thing is, you can still inflict enormous damage with proper timing of jabs and floats.

    i have had other joysticks before and most of them i had trouble getting ez combinations out like [6][2][3] for streetfighter games. naturally, i was reluctant to purchase another stick. i may buy the new sc2 stick. i cant belief i mite buy a $50 arcade stick for a $20 game!!! /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif though there are a lota knockoffs n stuff out there too.

    if i find a better deal somewhere, i will definately buy the stick, at the expense of relearning all of his moves again.... /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif
  10. Akira_Zero

    Akira_Zero Well-Known Member

    ahhh dude i play on a stick now....i did those knees using one but I can knee almost anytime I want to...I used to play on a pad though. Kungfusmurf plays Akira on a pad and so does my friend Eric in New York. Both are nice with the pad but Eric can pull off amazing stuff I've seen him do an almost perfect yoho,p, shoulder ram, double palm combo more than once in a match...(double palm still hit but there I saw a little crouch dash animation) but still he is really good and he is much better with the pad then i ever was..also both can do the knee on the pad but using the stick to perform knees and to play VF in general is definitely the better choice IMO
  11. Lorenzo

    Lorenzo Member

    Lik-sang doesn't have those baby's any more you should check or they still have the Hori Evo sticks and that even for a nice price
  12. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yes I know. Evo sticks have been out of stock for months there. I got a SC2 stick from them. I'd reccomend a SC2 stick as they have 6 buttons as opposed to 3 meaning you can use them on other games.
  13. ZenMasterZ

    ZenMasterZ Active Member

  14. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Hey. I'd suggested getting the Namco stick as I've heard good things of them and they are a ( generally ) trusted brand. Thats this one:

    The ASCii stick looks alright too:

    but I suggest you check some people posts about this as I've heard some people have problems modifying moves on them. To be honest some of the other sticks look like the dodgy one I bought myself and they may do nothing but hurt your hand and frustrate you.
  15. aok1425

    aok1425 Member

    From what I recall, the sticks to buy (in no particular order) are:

    1. Hori VF4 Evo
    2. ASCII stick
    3. SC2 Hori Stick
    4. Namco Stick (as mentioned in above post)

    Anyways, is the cheapest place now i believe where you can find them. They're having a sale right now, and the sticks are a little less than $50. And 2-day air shipping is like $13. I bought my Hori EVO stick from them; good service.
  16. HIGHplanzDrifter

    HIGHplanzDrifter Well-Known Member

    should have put a catch 22 stick as #1 /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  17. ZenMasterZ

    ZenMasterZ Active Member

    yes, thanks again for the info.
    i have discovered two additional arcade sticks that i wanted to include. though i dont know the caliber or quality of the sticks, i want to post them up anyway.

    i wanted to ask if any of you have seen these sticks before and have some opinion on the matter. the latter just came out, it is the new Offical Soul Calibur 2 stick for the north american version.

    btw, the site had quite awful prices. i have shopped around, and those are the most expensive sticks i've seen so far. has reasonable prices, as do the other sites posted on this forum.
  18. Spike_Spiegel

    Spike_Spiegel Member

    Just to say, I'm using the NEW pelican stick (not that old piece of crap), and the construction is fantastic. I mean, freakin' great stuff.

    I would give it a shot to whomever has seen the new one but wasn't sure. Very big, very solid. Pure class.


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