Players Ranks

Discussion in 'Console' started by sontawila, Nov 11, 2007.

  1. sontawila

    sontawila Well-Known Member

    Hi all,

    I'm sure this has been posted already and I tried searching for it with no luck so here goes:

    What are the rank progression in VF5 and what win% required for the advanced ranks?

    Thanks /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  2. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    For those that have a win percentage less then 70%, the rank system will be...

    Master -> Defender -> Enforcer -> Sentinel -> Protector -> Guardian -> Paladin -> Liberator

    For those with a win percentage between 70% and 80% the rank system will be...

    Master -> Hunter -> Raider -> Barbarian -> Assassin -> Slayer -> Berserker -> Destroyer

    For those with a win percentage of over 80% the Rank system will be...

    Master -> Warrior -> Veteran -> Gladiator -> Vindicator -> Avenger -> Vanquisher -> Conqueror
  3. davidd

    davidd Active Member

    May be obvious but the lower ranks go

    10th Kyu -> 1st Kyu and then 1st Dan -> 10th Dan
  4. Supreme

    Supreme Member

    Just out of curiosity, is it possible to achieve the rank of Conqueror if you're already Liberator and get your win percentage up to 80 %? I achieved Conqueror, because I always quit before I lose, but this would interest me.
  5. Attorney4Hire

    Attorney4Hire Well-Known Member

    Is this how it works for online too?
  6. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Yes its the exact same system. Only with real people to fight. And online ranking is completely separate from offline ranking..
  7. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    No its not. You need to have the win% in place when you rank up.
  8. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    I have a rank question. I am currently a 2nd Dan with over a 50% win percentage. I was playing last night and had a 28 and 4 wins to loss session but my rank seemed to keep going down. In fact, on my 28th victory, it was a ranking match and it said that I would be demoted if I lost even though I had just won the previous 5 or so matches.

    I figured it was maybe because significantly lower ranked players were challenging me but there were a few higher ranked players that I played and beat where my rank still seemed to go deeper and deeper into the red and, I always create the match so it's not like I have control over who fights me. Is my rank hurt from being challenged by Kyu's and such? If not, does anyone know why my rank was getting worse and not better even with victories?
  9. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Who you lose and win to is really important. If you lose to someone the same dan lvl as you you'll lose a lot of xp but if you win you'll also gain a lot. People much lower than rank than you barely do anything to your rank. Again I haven't lost to Kyu's all that much so I wouldn't know how many losses it takes.
  10. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    The xp system is really weird, especially online. I remember when I hit 2nd dan... I went 1st dan demotion match (won it), lost a match, another 1st dan demotion match (won again), won some other random match, and then the 5th match was my promotion to 2nd dan, even though my xp bar was still way down near zero.
  11. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Im starting to wonder if this is due to Xbox live servers having gone nuts and smoking some heavy stuff... there was maintenance or something and the servers have been TOTALLY out of it last couple days. I heard some games got negative achievements and whatnot. If I was you Id stay out of ranked online until this shitstorm clears..
  12. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I played a "Master" ranked Jacky last night record: ~600W ~60L 89% win/loss percentage. This guy whooped me hard as hell and I thought I was alright, but now I see I'm not even close. The one thing I noticed is:

    In the guide book (Brady Games) it says Jacky has to rely on pokes more than combos. However, this guy was combo-ing and juggling me all over the place, he was REALLY good. I don't know if anyone else has run into this "buzz-saw" but he is unbelievably good. His character wears bell-bottoms with white, pointy boots and a round rimmed sort of cowboy hat. He basically looks like a disco dude that will kick your ass. I was just wondering if anyone else has come across this guy?
  13. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    haha thats prolly denkai (black bauer CTU) :p
  14. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I think you're right. He is unreal with Jacky. He totally bowled over me no problem. Kudos to denkai if that's him...
  15. Hyunster

    Hyunster Well-Known Member

    Not to say that Denkai is not a great player. He bowls me over too. But have you thought that he bowled you over not so much because he is god-like but well, maybe you are not THAT good? When he or anyone kicks my ass I realize that I am getting my ass kicked primarily because I suck.

    I apologize if it comes off as personal or insulting--as I don't mean to. You already offered that you realized you have a long way to go so it's not like I misunderstand you completely. It's just that I have read this kind of posts many times since old days. (Not just you.)

    Statement: Oh so and so is so awesome. Proof offered: He kicked my ass. Well guess what that's hardly an objective proof, and it actually suggests certain arrogance coming from the poster. (Suggesting that one has to be awesome in order to kick my ass.)
  16. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    Hi yes that was my jacky, what character did you use Gernburgs?
  17. RedSonRising

    RedSonRising Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to thank before everyone here before i start for the amazing resource. ive gotten a lot better in a hurry and scouring your forums is a big part of that..

    offline quest mode rank achievements - im about 95% (normal setting, 5 tourney quits - its the orbs man, needed my orbs) and ive gotten to master rank but i cant get the computer to give me 5 10th dans in a row. i keep gettin 2 or 3 and a named opponents or 4 and a 9th dan.

    im pretty sure i beat the named/titled opponent at least once but it doesnt seem to cout toward gettin my title or the achievement..

    ive searched a dozen times with conqueror+offline or conqueror+achievement and so on (without the plus obviously) and i keep gettin this thread in most results..

    how can i get 5 10th dans in a row or does it really matter that i win exactly 5 in a row against only 10th dans?

    probably a newbie question but i have to ask (and i didnt even start my own thread to do it /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif ) thanks guys (and gals im sure).. im loving this game but im totally not ready for online, im still a 10th or 9th kyu there with Nessa..
  18. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    I don't get the Nessa part, but hell, I am dumb anyway /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    See, you don't need to fight those 10th Dans in a row. You only need to beat them in whatever order you like. You can fight 2 of them, then beat 20 differently ranked players, and beat another 10th Dan.

    What you can do in quest mode is to enter an arcade, and if you see no 10th Dans, then quit and enter the arcade again. Do it until a 10th dan appears on the list and fight him/her. After the match, quit to the map, and seek 10th dans again the same way. Hope this helps /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  19. RedSonRising

    RedSonRising Well-Known Member

    nessa is just Vanessa, thats her game data name so i keep the characters organized..

    you're the man.. didnt expect a response that fast either.. thanks a lot tho, because that explains a lot too.. i was reloading back to my master save cause i keep gettin demoted when i fight another master or titled fighter..

    if im demoted do i have to start over with the 10th dan count? if not i should only be 2 off (saved after a 3 streak was cracked cause of a cheap ai Jacky)

    plus i flip out and punch my tv (i got issues, need some counseling)

    thanks alot Griever, huge help..


    just got warrior, still a little confused about where im going from here but your tips were HUGE!!

    i owe you 30 gamerpoints and a green light bracelet..

    i thought i was gonna get a conqueror but anyway, imma warrior now - im guessin its beatin on 10th dans to get the next rank?

    (i cant wait till im experienced enough to answer questions)
  20. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    ACK! I think I am going to be stuck at 2nd Dan forever! Which is probably right considering that I am win like 50% of the matches against players of the same, close or higher rank. If that doesn't improve I realize my XP bar won't change thus leaving me at the same rank.

    But right now I am like 220 wins to 160 losses. Is it bad I have that record and still a 2nd Dan?

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