place to fight in CA

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Guest, Nov 23, 1999.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hi, lookin' for the places to play VF3tb.
    Now live in Mountain View, tell me the battleground near there !
  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I live in Oregon, just to inform you so you know you have a fellow Westcoast gamer. Hope there are more. Anyways, where exactly is Mountainside? I tend to visit LA and the Bay Area and we could get together and play sometime if you're ever up to it :) I'm hoping to establish an Oregon group and also see if there is a chance of more Westcoast players since most of the good players are in the East Coast (Most likely all of them in the US). Anyways, I'm trying to get more people into VF3tb in the LA area right now. I have friends that are interested, but VF3tb and VF in general is just really hard to get into for beginners if they don't spend more than 2 hours on it...

  3. clopin

    clopin Well-Known Member

    Sunnyvale Golfland (SVGL) is where we all used to play, which can be 10-15min away from Mountain View, on the corner of El Camino and Wolfe (near Lawerence Expressway). However, most of the Bay Area and LA people have retired. I play rarely, and most other players in the area have also or have quit altogether, (e.g., BigDaddy, sugoi, myself, John Choi, Jason Cha who is back at school in Boston, and supposidly Jason La who has a nice VF page and lives in Sunnyvale but none of us have met).

    SVGL has a tb machine, one token (token cost is 4-6 tokens per dollar depending on day or amount changed); _very_ tight sticks, concave buttons :(, in a VF2 cabinet, and presently, right side punch button is sticky due to some soda spillage or such on it. I've asked them to fix it over a month now, but they still have not. But then again, no one really plays anymore, so... *shurg*. I suppose I could fix it myself if I was really interested (just by bringing some Windex and spraying it over the button).

    If you are really itching to play, I suppose you could e-mail me or John Choi, since we live in the area. We may be willing to play, although beware that we are both very rusty in the game as neither of us never really plays anymore. You can also catch us on IRC.

    join #vfhome on the EFnet IRC network
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Mountainside...Is this the name of game spot ? If so, where is it ?
    BTW, I agree the difficulty on making my friends interested in VF.
    While I tried many times, noone grew up to the "Virtua junkie" like me !

  5. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I meant MountainView... my brain was dead from not sleeping all night :p
    I'm gonna go to sleep now to make up for it. I'll probably post more tomorrow... <brain ceasing to function in 5, 4, 3, 2, .....>
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Am a little bit disappointed at virtua player's retirement.
    But clopin, you can still play ! Rusty ? It's not the problem.
    I just want to play VF3tb. It would be great, if I can play with you.

  7. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Hey there Ameo,
    Anyways, though I live in the northern sometimes close to central part of Oregon, go ahead and Email me at
    I'd be glad to know a fellow enthusiastic player in the WestCoast. Besides, I'll probably be making a few visits down there since I have a lot of friends in LA and the Bay Area and my sister is going to school at Santa Clara. Good luck on gameplay and have a happy Thanksgiving.

  8. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    To Clopin...

    Hi Clopin... I just noticed in that the only issue of Gamefan I bought this year (I don't read gaming magazines much, but sometimes I get them for flights) I noticed that John Choi from CA dominated the SF2:Turbo and Hyper Fighting competitions listed in the August 99 issue. I figure this is your friend John, or at least the one you mentioned to me before. Even though I know a lot of John Choi's (quite a lot of them in Oregon) I figure this is the one you were referring to, right?
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: To Clopin...

    Yea that is the John Choi he was refering to. John is one of the ELITE SF players in the US.

    Im a VF scrub. If you are looking for a arcade quality controller for the home system Email me.
  10. clopin

    clopin Well-Known Member

    Re: To Clopin...

    lol. yup. that is john. i would say he was the unofficial top vf player on the west coast during the heyday of svgl vf play, which was fall/winter 97(?) during weekly svgl gatherings. yup. long time ago.

    // clopin
    join #vfhome on the EFnet IRC network
  11. clopin

    clopin Well-Known Member

    Re: svgl saturday dec 11th

    so anyway, guess who "calls" (msg'd me on #vfhome) me out of the blue? ferdinand, aka B|gDaddy, aka bd. he's been craving for some vf compitition lately after a long hiatus.

    we have setup plans for saturday dec. 11th at svgl. we'll definately be there around 8pm, but most likely, we will start at like 5pm. anyone will is welcome to join us. he is bringing down a friend who plays taka. i am going to see if john will join us the session, and ferd is going to give kevin (sugoi) a call to see if he wants to play, also.

    i can't believe i'm acutally going to play.

    // clopin
    join #vfhome on the EFnet IRC network
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  12. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: svgl saturday dec 11th

    Hey man,
    Sorry I can't make it to SV Golfland that day. If I wasn't planning on going to Thailand on Sunday, I probably would have caught a flight and get there an hour early on Saturday. Anyways, I hope the showing there is great and you guys have a blast. Maybe during the early Spring or late Winter we'll do a Westcoast gathering if you guys are interested. If it was up here in Portland, it would be about a 14-16 hour drive for you guys, but I could hook you up with a place to stay (my parents have guest rooms at our house) and we could make discounted arrangements for generous portions of meals for everyone (Like see if I can make it about 3 dollars per person per meal for huge portions of Thai food /images/icons/smile.gif) Anyways, I do plan to throw a West Coast gathering if anyone's interested. So far, I know 2 serious VF players in Washington ( both 3 hours from me), myself, someone in Souther Oregon who just really wants to just play VF3 and have a good time with everyone, you guys (I hope), and a few other people in CA I can contact. Anyways, tell me what you guys think Clopin. I'm offering up a lot here, even my parent's patience (I hope /images/icons/crazy.gif).

    Good luck this weekend though!!! I wish I could go...

  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: svgl saturday dec 11th

    Chan sounds Badass im there make it around say.. March and I can suply a VF3 controller to us. Two player VF3 style buttons with american controllers and buttons.. and a stand to sit at. maby 2 of them if I feel frogy

    Im there man..


    Im a VF scrub. If you are looking for a arcade quality controller for the home system Email me.
  14. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: svgl saturday dec 11th

    Bob: You would actually ship that over here? Honestly, that would be cool and all, just wondering how you would get that to Oregon. Another question, not to be picky, but would you be able to do a Japanese style controller? Maybe you can ask one of the guys here for exact specs.

    Clopin: I know some people in CA and well, I won't say they're experts or even close to that. Honestly, don't know how their skills are, but would you like me to recommend them to go Saturday? I think you'd all have a good time and it might add to some nostalgia of better days with big groups of fans playing VF3tb. Of course, a DoA2 machine might end up grabbing a lot of people's attention if SVGL has it. Also, what version of VF3 does SVGL have? Is it VF3tb? Oh yeah, don't forget to bring the windex for the sticky buttons!!! Chances are, some of these guys are major newbies... I was just wondering if it would be cool to let them know about this event for the sake of potentially more players (and potentially better players) of VF3 down there. Maybe it'll really catch that interest of yours more /images/icons/cool.gif. However, I understand if it would end up ruining the fun there, so let me know if it's an OK or a no-no.


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