Piss yourself with some beatmania videos.

Discussion in 'General' started by CreeD, Jul 22, 2002.

  1. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I may be weird in that I never get bored of these, while most people would prolly get the point after seeing just one clip.
    But in the off chance that others love seeing these things, go to www.m-g-z.com or specifically


    and on the right you'll see various categories for movie downloads.
    Look for the gameshow section and click on "Original Movie" or "other ". If you're a real fanatic, you can click on the head of that category and sift through 21 pages for some of the deeply-buried cool movies on this site. Look for anything in the list with:
    "AAA rank", "AA rank", "original movie", [number] combo, etc.
    To those who missed my original post the gist of these movies is:
    1. They're movies of guys playing beatmania, or drummania, or some clone.
    2. They're in a real arcade settings, or in a few cases part of a cool TV show with direct feed.
    3. They're absolutely jawdropping, insane showcases of skill, speed, dexterity, and general talent.

    This site has everything you need if you're a fan of these games, and a lot of other weird, random stuff like mtv concert footage. I got 'smoke on the water' performed with the london symphony orchestra, for example.

    Some really nice ones to get you started.
    (he fucks up several times, but it's the hardest thing you can possibly do in beatmania and he gets 99 percent of it right)

    Nearly as hard, and done more flawlessly.

    This guy comes miraculously close to perfection on a course that is so ridiculously hard, all you can do is watch and laugh maniacally.

    An insanely tough drummania course done by a guy who could reliably handle drums for any band anywhere. I imagine. He's pretty stoked to finish this course perfectly.

    A huge file, but with nice resolution and very clear display of the guy's hands. These guys make chibita or shinz look hamfisted and slow.

    There are a lot more. Anything with DJ ago9 or DJ Lisu is a must. If you want to see the original movie that started it all (the url in my original post is dead) then look for a movie with beatmania, era, and ago9 in the title.
  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member


    Actually, I downloaded what I could off your site a week ago because I'm still sort of addicted to Beatmania.

    As always, gotta enjoy the DJ-AGO9 routines, but I'm really digging the one-hand on buttons style of dj LISU (or at least on the nice classical updates known as V and Kakumei). Is LISU always doing that, or just on certain tracks? Does anyone even know?

    Anyways, mucho thanks!

  3. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Dude -- you gotta swing by the land of the rising sun. Unfortunately though, the best of the crappy music games is no more -- Para Para Paradise. This (The Para Para) was a STUPID FUCKING dance that was for some bizarre reason quite popular a good couple of years ago. Mickey Mouse did it at Disneyland. IT involved a light trot in place, and waving the hands around.

    A friend of mine got busted for video recording a guy outside of a gamecenter, at the peak of his para para performance. I'm not sure if it was b/c we really couldn't film it or b/c the shop keeper felt bad that three whities were almost in hysterics unbeknowst to his patron.
  4. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member


    Ok so it's not Beat-mania, but it's close /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif . It's not the craziest showcase of skills either, but still fun to watch and I like the use of classical music.
  5. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    The bug get you also? I am getting the pad and a few games as soon as I get some money.

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