Otenami Haiken AC Details

Discussion in 'News' started by Reno, Jan 7, 2011.

By Reno on Jan 7, 2011 at 3:12 AM
  1. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    [​IMG]Otenami Haiken AC Details

    Sega has finally revealed details about the upcoming Otenami Haiken AC tournament, which begins next week starting on the 15th. Unlike previous Sega run tournaments, this is dubbed an "area championship", meaning that there is no actual national champion. Instead, there will be local qualifying tournaments like before and then a final area championship tournament to determine the champion of that area. There will be nine champions when everything is said and done. Why Sega has decided to go this route is anyone's guess. Even more puzzling is that there seems to be no upgrade revision on the horizon like with previous tournaments.


Discussion in 'News' started by Reno, Jan 7, 2011.

    1. L_A
      Two ideas.

      1. Sega can't afford to pay the train fare for the players traveling.

      2. Players outside tokyo are sick of losing to the super elite 50 or so players who are simply on another level. Setting up the tourneys like this gives local players a false sense of accomplishment, delusions of grandeur, etc and might actually keep them playing.
      For example, a local from bfe japan goes to national tourney, gets trounced by koedo, itazan, itoshun or the like and realizes the gap in skill level, then promptly quits playing vf. I'm sure this happens quite a big after each big tourney.
    2. Myke
      L_A, I don't know if I agree with your dismissal of the value of being an Area Champion! [​IMG] That's like saying there's no value in striving for the title for the Champion of the East or West Coast in the US, for example.

      So I actually like the idea of the "Area Champion". As you rightly say, a huuuuuge skill gap may exist between being a top player in your arcade only, to being the National Champ! Taking advantage of this massive middle ground seems like smart business move on SEGA's part, as well as being a win for players too. It's something else to strive for, and as you mention (in a not-so-positive way) [​IMG] , it's a goal that's probably within the reach of many more players and so the chances of them pursuing it are greater.

      Although nothing's been mentioned yet, I'd really be surprised if they don't end up running a national tournament on the other side of this. I can't shake this feeling that they're up to something. They're always up to something!

      And you know, it's probably only a matter of time before the likes of Namco and Capcom <span style="text-decoration: line-through">steal</span>borrow the idea!

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