Otenami Haiken 4 LIVE!

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Oct 10, 2004.

By Myke on Oct 10, 2004 at 12:04 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage


    <font color="red">RESULTS</font>
    Winner: Jin (Kage) (New Title: <font color="yellow">KenOh</font>)
    Runner-up: Soutaisho (Kage)

    Date: 11 Oct 2004
    Time: Finals at 15:00hrs (Tokyo time)
    Site: http://am.sega.jp/utop/news/vf4ft_ote4/index.html
    Information: http://am.sega.jp/utop/news/vf4ft_ote4/info.html
    Finals Bracket: http://am.sega.jp/utop/news/vf4ft_ote4/final_t.html (1st round matchups and profiles)

    Otenami Haiken 4 is just around the corner, and it was recently announced that the finals will be broadcast live. The finals will commence on Monday 11th October 2004, at 15:00hrs (Tokyo time) and is scheduled to last for 2.5hrs.

    Following the finals will be a 100-man kumite event with special guests:

    <ul type="square">[*]Kyasao (former tetsujin)
    [*]Bunbun Maru (former tetsujin)
    [*]Chibita (winner of Lion character tournament and co-winner of Tokyo 2-on-2 tournament)
    [*]Ohsu Akira (winner of Otenami Haiken 2)
    [*]Minami Akira (winner of Kakutou Shinseiki II)
    [*]Heruru (runner-up of Kakutou Shinseiki II)
    [*]Nuki (co-winner of Tokyo 2-on-2 tournament)
    [*]Haijin (winner of Otenami Haiken 3)
    [*]Homestay Akira (winner of Final Tournament)[/list]

    Strong Korean players, ShinZ and POS will also be at the event.


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Oct 10, 2004.

    1. Llanfair
      Otenami Haiken 4 - Tournament Pool?

      Just curious if anyone wanted to participate in a tournament pool? /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

      Due to the large number of matches, I was thinking of picking the final four, final two, and of course, winner.

      Here's the final bracket - it's seemingly incomplete, unless Taru gets a 'by'? Interesting.

      <font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>------- Block A -------- ------- Block B --------

      Nyan Otouto (Aoi) Chacky (Jacky)
      Fudou (Kage) Tsuchikumo (Pai)
      Bussashi (Lau) Anaguma (Jacky)
      ??? (Aoi) Muumuu-dance (Akira)
      Jacky Shindo (Lau) Inotchi (Akira)
      Otsunami (Lau) Matsudaira Kiyoyasu (Lau)
      Puyo (Jacky) Jin (Kage)
      Neotower (Jacky) Nuki (Aoi)
      . .
      . .
      ------- Block C -------- ------- Block D --------
      . .
      . .
      Minami (Kage) 8 (Wolf)
      Tenin Iwao (Kage) Mirukuseeki 1Gou (Kage)
      Tunodei (shun) Yourou (Kage)
      Manmo (Lau) Yanaga (Pai)
      Fudo (Lion) Senningiri (Kage)
      Akira Niwa (Jacky) Emaru (Wolf)
      soutaishou (Kage) Taru (Vanessa)
      Chibita (Lion)
      </pre><hr />

      The setup is such that the semifinals are A vs C, and B vs D.

      So - here are my picks:

      *** Final Four - Semifinals ***
      A. Neotower (Jacky) vs. C. Fudo (Lion)

      B. Tsuchikumo (Pai) vs. Yourou (Kage)

      Ok, c'mon, I *had* to pick Tsuchikumo...as much as I get a feeling that Inotchi should come out of Block B, I think an 'upset' from the Pai camp is long past due. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

      *** Finals ***
      C. Fudo (Lion) vs. D. Yourou (Kage)

      Winner: Yourou (Kage)

      Pools can be a blast - so anyone interested post up your final four, final two, and winner /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

      <font color="yellow">.cheers.</font>
    2. Dandy_J
      Re: Otenami Haiken 4 - Tournament Pool?

      Awesome idea! I was making some predictions earlier...

      But remember...that last slot is reserved for the winner of the last-chance qualifier that will happen 5 hours before the main event. So the player in that slot is pretty much guarunteed to be a top contender!

      My predictions so far:

      *** Final Four - Semifinals ***
      A. Neo-Tower (Jacky) vs Chibita (Lion)

      B. Inotchi (Akira) vs Yourou (Kage)

      *** Finals ***
      C. Chibita (Lion) vs. Yourou (Kage)

      Winner: Yourou!
    3. maddy
      Re: Otenami Haiken 4 - Tournament Pool?

      My prediction

      Block A: Neo Tower Block B:Inotchi
      Block C:Minami Kage Block D: ShinZ

      Winner: Minami Kage!@#$!$T^%!#!

      Of course I could be wrong. :p

      Go [2][P],[2][K]!

      P.S. I had to root for Minami Kage as I am actually a Minami Akira fan but WTH he's not in. So......

      Go minami (granted he has no minami step but he has his [2][K] flow chart!!!!!!! It's strong, guys!)

      Again, I could be wrong.

    4. PhoenixDth
      Re: Otenami Haiken 4 - Tournament Pool?

      arent you retired?
    5. EmX
      Re: Otenami Haiken 4 - Tournament Pool?

      Block A: ???
      Block B: Jin
      Block C: Minami
      Block D: 8

      Winner: Jin
    6. ice-9
      Re: Otenami Haiken 4 - Tournament Pool?

      Block A: Bussasshi Lau. This block feels a little weak to me relative to the others.

      Block B: Nuki! Probably my sentimental favorite...he's so flash. Tough block though.

      Block C: Chibita ain't going to choke again.

      Block D: The toughest block, but I'm going to go with the ninja style Senningiri.

      Finals will be Chibita vs. Senningiri, and the stronger will take the crown. I think it's time for a Lion to win...
    7. Siyko
      Re: Otenami Haiken 4 - Tournament Pool?

      A: neotower
      b: Jin
      c: Chibita
      d: Yourou

      -Chibita vs Yourou

      winner Chibita!

      but probably wrong x_X
    8. DRE
      Re: Otenami Haiken 4 - Tournament Pool?

      Ok here's my guess:

      A block: Neo Tower

      B block: Jin

      C block: Chibita

      D block: Yourou Kage

      Then I'll guess Chibita will beat Yourou in the finals.
    9. KiwE
      Re: Otenami Haiken 4 - Tournament Pool?

      Block A: Neotower
      Block B: Inotchi
      Block C: Fudo (sorry Chib)
      Block D: Yourou

      Yourou wins over Fudo in finals.

    10. BK__
      Re: Otenami Haiken 4 - Tournament Pool?

      block A: neotower

      block B: tsuchikumo is gonna own it... imo, judging from past performances.

      block C: chibita

      block D: 8 - top notch wolf. i think. after what ive recently seen bashing kyasao and edo down to the ground, he is no slouch vs kage, and there is 3 of them!

      Other than that its great to finally see bunbun back in action playing!!, (mabye he's upset i smashed him up, lol j/k) im glad i got to play him recently, now its gonna be even more fun to watch it! /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

      cant wait!
    11. b4k4
      Re: Otenami Haiken 4 - Tournament Pool?

      Imma say...

      Block A: Neotower vs. Block C: Chibita
      Block B: Nuki vs. Block D: Hard to call, but I'll go with Yourou

      Finals: Chibita vs. Nuki

      Yeah, so I'm probably wrong.

    12. vosor1
      Just wanted to enquire, I looked at the pages but didnt see any link whatso ever, does this mean they will activate the link in the next 50 mins or so or am i just missing it?

    13. DRE
    14. DanniBoySmith
      Otenami Haiken 4 - Tournament Pool?

      good idea. here're my picks:

      Block D: Taru (vanessa)
      Block C: Tsunodei (shun)
      Block B: Anaguma (Jacky)
      Block A: Neotower (Jacky)

      final two: Tsunodei versus Taru

      winner: Tsunodei!!!! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

      not the most realistic prediction but aside from block A in all other blocks i'm favouring a character i play (shun and vanessa from C and D) or a player i really like (anaguma from B). its basically rooting for the underdog but hey for all i know, they might even take it! i know that if tsunodei wins it i'm going to be claiming to be psychic on these boards for at least a year /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif.
    15. ice-9
      Adam, GANBARRE!!!!
    16. DRE
    17. White_Worm
      Block A: comes down to Otsunami and Fudou. Winner: Otsunami

      block B: Probably taken by Inotchi

      Block C: Nimani vs Chibita in finals. Chibita takes it (hey, I've played chibita IRL, and I'll NEVER bet against him)

      Block D: I'm gonna have to call this one 8. 'Course, could also be Emaru (maybe i'm just a wolf fan)

      Finals: Chibita vs Inotchi. Chibita takes it. Again /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
    18. DanniBoySmith
      tsunodei lost /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif. i'm going to bed. hope somebody posts the results tomorrow.
    19. Heta_Akira
      I lost my connection and had to reboot my PC.
      Now the link is not working!!


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