Opinions on VF5FS DLC Item Format/Strategy

Discussion in 'Console' started by Cla, Mar 1, 2012.

  1. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    So just when you thought Sega was trying to make good with the fans by finally bringing Final Showdown home, they go and stab us in the back HARD.

    It's been confirmed that ALL customization items are DLC. There are over 14,000 customization items. Even with the items being sold is "packs", this game is going to be EXPENSIVE to get everything even for just one char.

    But here's the real kicker though: Sega's terrible excuse for this practice. "Because VF5FS is close to the maximum size allowed for DLC games, all items other than the defaults are not included in the game and are sold as DLC."

    Wow. Just wow. I can't believe Sega can just lie to us like this while pretending they're still being cool to the fans. First off, I can promise you that FS will NOT surpass PSN/XBL's size limit even with all items included. Second off, even if this was true, there's no reason that they can't release it on disc instead. Third, I bet you that all the DLC will already be included when you initially download the game and that the "DLC" is just unlock codes. (think about it, you have to already have the data so you can see the items when you play against someone using them)

    So, there you go. 3 BIG examples of how Sega is lying to us about this DLC situation. This is just a scam to milk $$$ out of the customers. You all are DREAMING if you think it will cost less than $60 to get everything. The whole point of a scheme like this is to make the complete game cost WAY MORE THAN $60.
  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I see you've been paying attention to the shoutbox discussion, keep in mind we were just specualting about the price. Xbox live arcade games are capped at 1600 points as far as i'm aware, again just speculation but that means $12 at the most for FS.

    Also keep in mind the size limits and price caps for XBLA games are very real, you can use google and see these limits for yourself.
  3. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Not sure if that make you more angry or not, but at least it clarifies some of your assumptions [​IMG].
  4. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    You haven't been paying attention. The item data WILL NOT be present with the initial download. You cannot see the items people are using unless you have bought those items. Instead you will only see the default characters.
  5. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Say it again with more caps Seidon [​IMG]
  6. sibarraz

    sibarraz Well-Known Member

    As a kof fan who also didn't know if one day we will see the game, I just had the say, but glad that a game that nobody expect to be released will finally appear
  7. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    LOL, even when Sega finally does right, they still get shitted on.
    Really? They HATE us? Really?
    I'll probably get banned for saying this... since this site has become uber PC (seriously, I love VF but VFDC has become a lot worst with it's long history of power-tripping mods) but umm, Cla, do some fucking research before you start shitting on Sega specially after they FINALLY start to do a lot more for VF fans outside of Japan than anybody ever expected.

    If this game ends up costing $60 for ALL of the items, then wouldn't that be around the same price as most games on the market right now?
    Furthermore, how many people get ALL of the items for ALL of the characters?
    Yes, it would be nice to have them all available from the getgo but I don't see myself buying ALL items and I don't think most VF players will either...
    except for LemmyTheGame who plays ALL characters equally [​IMG]
  8. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    I don't really mind about buying or not items. I will probably get just some to support sega and dress my wolf like an indian as usual. Anyway, since there's a lot of hate growing about that i hope sega release a dlc for free that makes you able to see other people customization without being able to use them, like in magic the gathering.
  9. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Collecting items was a fun distraction [​IMG]
  10. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    As long as the items don't take away from the fighting I don't really care. I mean I would rather play VF than paper-dolls anyway.
  11. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    A lot of those customizations are too weird anyway. To the point that it doesn't even look like VF. I for one , can do without fighting some Jeffrey in a thong anyway. Honestly though, I so wanted VF5 R/FS, I would pay $200 for a copy of the game. So paying $60 for everything is nothing.

    Heck, I'm buying SF X Tekken for $65 and it won't even be my main game. VF 5FS could easily be over the XBLA size limit. VF5 vanilla was about 4.2 gig. With all the extras FS has ,it could easily be 5 gig or more. I don't care what it costs , I'm getting it all and the Combo guide if they put one out day one. Sega for life.
  12. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Awfully presumptuous considering they haven't released any pricing details yet and how does the EVO DVD's situation relate to the non existent pricing for FS DLC?

    Getting fed up of all these negative posts about FS [​IMG]
  13. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    If this means I'll get ALL the items right after I buy the DLC with absolutely no effort necessary to "get" any items within the game, I'M ALL FUCKING FOR THIS.

    I'd gladly pay $10000 to get back the time I spent grinding out items in VF5. Have you gotten all the items for all the characters in VF5? I have. It takes fucking forever. And then I even cheated with autofire to make money.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    To Cla --

    VF5:FS DLC is not that big of a deal. And considering the whole DLC size issue, its actually understandable and reasonable.

    I saw your 'anti-DLC' rally on the Soul Calibur forums at 8wayrun.com too. It was met with pretty much same attitude from the members there, but with even more indifference.

    Calm down, man. [​IMG] Its reasonably priced, and it doesn't hurt the game in the slightest. If it did, people wouldn't be buying it. It's not like they're forcing us to pay for a DLC training mode or something

    BTW, your Viola character edits are pretty awesome [​IMG] Jus sayin'
  15. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Umm, I thought the max size for an xbla game was 2GB-- but they did release Record of Agarest War for like $45, so maybe they're just saying the game will be released on xbl, and not xbla...

    Anyway, so what if there items you have to pay for??? I bet at least a couple of cats here who got SF4 bought least 1 costume pack... Anyone complain about that??? At least you can actually customize in VF... I mean even SC is selling item packs, and people aren't crying about that...

    Besides, they said it before, the DLC won't be an item unlock, it will actually be a legit download... Stop hating...

    Plus, Sega, just like SNK, doesn't get enough dough to compete with Capcom and Namco in terms of numbers, even after (insert Sonic game) sales... That's why they're always trying to regurgitate classic games, and maybe put some polish on it to warrant the price, except for VF2 on the iphone-- that joint gets a big ass LOL...

    Sega's not screwing us... They need to figure out a way to compensate the fact that this port was basically made for cats like you and me--- actual VF players... They gotta take into consideration the fact that while this game is easier to get into, there's still gonna be casuals, biased hardcore FG players, posers, and the like who might try the demo, or say they're gonna get it, but don't for whatever reason... They're not expecting this to sell like hotcakes, so they gotta try and offset that possibility...

    SFxT, well--- think about this: 12 PSV "exclusive characters", DLC gems, pre-order gems, the possibility of those 12 "exclusive" characters ending up on consoles, etc... All this was mad years in the making, and I'm sure these acts don't even compare to what Sega is doing...

    Either way, stop hating and show some damn support!!!
  16. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Clearly says Xbox Live Arcade at the top of this page... http://amcvt.sega.jp/vf5fs/

    I find it strange since games on XBLA are currently capped at 1600 points, $12 seems way too cheap for FS.
  17. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Hope the graphics are arcade perfect. Guess we'll find out this weekend.
  18. sibarraz

    sibarraz Well-Known Member

    I only know one xbla at 1600 points

    Games like the REmakes costed 1600 but those were GoD
  19. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    It's a good clue that we can have a general idea how much it might cost. I also hope SEGA can give us a big discount for ALL package bundle, and makes win-win.
  20. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    I'm disappointed, but the sky isn't falling at all. I'm sure the rationale is something like "people pay a lot more in the arcade to get the items anyway". Not the best reasoning, but it's hard to get riled knowing the inherent risk in releasing VF5FS in the first place.

    It's cosmetic DLC. KOF13 charged an extra $20 for 4 EX characters and a lot of fighting games charge for essential parts of the game itself (characters) the same way.

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