Online Warrior II: No Ethernet Wire Edition

Discussion in 'Console' started by Rodnutz, Apr 17, 2020.

  1. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Hey everyone,

    First off, I'd like to say that I hope you all and your families are safe during these tough and bizarre times. With that out of the way, let's get to it.

    For fun, I thought I'd start this thread to get some insight from anyone that plays any FIGHTING GAME, I repeat, FIGHTING GAME online via a WIFI connection. In other words, Street Fighter, Virtua Fighter, King of Fighters, Smash Bros (yes Smash is considered a fighting game), etc. Why do you opt to not direct connect with an Ethernet cable? Is your modem to far away? Do you not have a long enough Ethernet cord? I'm really interested in hearing anyone's thoughts and reasons for justifying a, in my opinion, poor connection over something that has been proven to be more optimal.

    Please think on it for a moment and if you are brave enough to admit that you are an OW2: NEWE player, step up and share your thoughts and or reasons.

    If anyone likes this thread and would also like to hear what OW2: NEWE players have to say on the topic, please feel free to share or post this thread via twitter, Facebook, your Twitch streams or other gaming communities you may be a part of. The more the merrier.
  2. Ares-olimpico

    Ares-olimpico Well-Known Member Content Manager Lion

    Me Are the first.
    VF5Fs is my first fighting game that i play with other people than my friends i say online. at first i only want to play Virtua Fighter and online was the only option, really i couldn't feel the different for me was difficult respect turn or execute basic commands. Learned a bit but my roouter was in other room and need to heat this room only to play.
    Nowadays i am a wired warrior but is something want to play wifi vs me is ok
    DomAug and Iwazaru like this.
  3. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    my PS3 is on wifi because it's on the second floor and my router is on the first floor, but i also have a wired wifi bridge on that floor and i haven't really had any connection problems since playing VF again.

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