Online Aoi player...

Discussion in 'Aoi' started by Fuuma, Dec 14, 2007.

  1. Fuuma

    Fuuma Member

    Any of you guys who post here known as DaBadSeed online? 9thDan Aoi player I just happened to play against. I have some questions for you, and would like to play you again. I think it might have shocked you to lose to a 6th kyu, but really I think I just got extremely lucky.

    edit- just played you again... confirmation on the lucky part.. very good reversals on your part, but closer than I had imagined it would be. Aoi throws me for a loop.
  2. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't take ranked matches that don't actually negatively effect the higher player's ranking (i.e. any dan vs. kyu match) very seriously. I lose to kyu players all the time... partly cause I use it as an opportunity to try out more complicated moves that I don't yet know well enough to use against better players... partly because I like to do weird attacks just to show worse players their weaknesses, and how to improve their game... and partly because I just feel bad dominating low ranked players instead of pulling back and letting them practice some combos or w/e.

    Aoi also tends to be a lot easier to play against people of the same skill as you. She depends on yomi to correctly use reversals/G-cancels/parry stance, much more than most other characters. So just random button mashing can be surprisingly effective against an intermediate Aoi player.

    (Note: I'm not trying to say you're bad or anything, many kyu players have genuinely beaten me with ease as well)
  3. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    On XBoxLive, I have met 2 good Aoi players:
    This is their GT:
    I was very happy to see such good Aoi players, I couldn't imagine it actually exist lol. My GT is kingofvf4, I hope we can have some games online /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  4. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I played DaBadSeed earlier he/she was pretty good, I can't remember who won but it was a fun match.
  5. Fuuma

    Fuuma Member

    He/she has good yomi... reversals both high and low consistently. Second match she won three straight but they were close rounds, two could've been won by a jab or elbow either way. I do think he/she wasn't going full force, but it doesn't really matter to me. I just want to play them again in some private matches to improve my game.
  6. Enishi

    Enishi Well-Known Member

    Yeah I've played quite a few good Aois. Subbers, Opti, KingofVf4(sorry for not putting up much of a fight, haven't played in 2 weeks), and DaBadSeed. Good to see so many different styles of playing one character. Always a blast.
  7. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    Hey off topic but Matt, I didn't know you were on here -- always a pleasure fighting your Aoi. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  8. KingZeal

    KingZeal Well-Known Member

    I'm an Aoi player. All my info is below.
  9. DaBadSeed

    DaBadSeed Well-Known Member

    I ALSO play with aoi if your looking 4 a few matches just invite me online....PS AOI RULEZ
  10. Black_Ant

    Black_Ant Well-Known Member

    I just picked up Aoi as my second. I stink with her so I'm willing to take a beating with her anytime I can.
  11. DaBadSeed

    DaBadSeed Well-Known Member

    good 2 c more aoi playaz...aoi rulez
  12. Black_Ant

    Black_Ant Well-Known Member

    I haven't played you in over a month DaBadSeed. I need to put the kids to bed and send you an invite. Or just put em in their cages. I seriously need some help with Aoi though. I tried some player matches the other day and was beaten by people that shouldn't even be playing the game. I was ashamed of how I played, but I don't know her well enough to react like I should. It also didn't help that their tactics were just plain weird. I'll catch up with you eventually DaBadSeed.
  13. OddyKnocky

    OddyKnocky Member

    I love playing as Aoi but my problem is I tend to go for reversals too often... stupidly often. But they are the most satisfying moves to land in the game for me... ah well. I'm also getting used to playing stick with Aoi, found it a bit easier to get used to Shun with it. Just need practice though...
  14. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    I'm kinda split between Aoi and Brad as the backup to my Jeff.
  15. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I am decent Aoi myself but I can't get a good flow with her even though I know many of her better moves overall. If I try to get too happy with the reversals I get crushed then again if I attack too much then that get crushed just the same so it is all about finding that balance between the reversals many aoi players love and the attack that keep an enemy off balance. I hadn't played my Aoi online in a while because I have hard time beating good people with her so I tend to focus on my pai more because she still has a ways to go and but I can still beat decent people with her as well. What is a guy to do I even started to Vanessa too I always loved playing her but beating decent people doesn't come easy with her either. I would quit on Aoi or Vanessa but the challenge of learning to beat good people keeps me from quitting on them entirely funny isn't it.
  16. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    By reversals, do you mean parry from YY stance or the actual reversals ?
    My advice is mix the basic defense ( sabaki, evade, ETEG, fuzzy guard) with her stance to become not too predictable.
    Use reversals only for ending rounds when you are sure you will win and still have your life bar plenty /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif or for rising attacks
  17. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member


    Yeah, I got the receiving end of a gang bang from your list of characters. Thx!
  18. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    I don't think you need to be quite that sparse with them, kingo. Though, those are both great times to use them... winning a tournament match with a reversal always gets a round of applause it seems, lol.

    Some of the other times I like to try them...
    1. Right as a round starts. Lots of Akira's will try and use 66P to start a match, or wolf's often default to screw hook, it's not like you've got any guarantee here, and you'll eat a lot of damage if you do it too often, but it catches people by surprise, and I've found it's not really that risky in practice.

    2. At large disadvantage. If you just had a 66K blocked, you're probably gonna eat a throw, and most people would say ETEG if you have the dexterity. But, with Aoi you can input reversal-TEG, you're almost as safe, plus you net a knockdown against an opponent who tries the ETEG-beating option of delay attack to punish a failed evade.
  19. Black_Ant

    Black_Ant Well-Known Member

    I did eventually catch up with DaBadSeed and a few other Aoi players and the results were better than expected. Her mix ups have to be used if you're going offensive. I didn't realize just how much I needed them until we were going at it and it was too easy to wait for openings. Once we started mixing it up, neither of us knew what was coming next and we had to throw in the sabakis countered by throws and evades etc. It definitley shows that she has a ton of potential and if you learn the offense and defense of her, you will have a great weapon in your hands.
  20. DevilJin01

    DevilJin01 Active Member

    I've only been seriously playing this game as of recent but my main is Aoi so if anyone wants to play put me up on your friends list. I don't really mess with Aoi's reversals much (the b/db/d+P+K reversals). She has plenty of ways of dealing damage without needing to feel good about yoursel by correctly predicting what type of attack they're going to throw at you.

    Pretty much all of her reversals do little damage and just throw the opponent on the ground afterwards. Which technically puts you in an advantageous situation but it's not the same as her qcf+P+K which can actually set up for combos and what not. If someone is being insanely obvious with an attack or you want to give your opponent a false sense of insecurity...then the reversals work. Other than that...Aoi has safer and better tools for thrwarting off attacks.

    I'm definitely far from a really strong Aoi player...but I just know from experience and watching videos that using her reversals isn't like using reversals in DOA or parries in 3rd Strike or nothing. They're extremely situational and really don't need to be used much at all. They simply just help to round out the many defensive maneuverers Aoi already has. If you're too far away to punish an attack with a combo or throw then the reversals have their use. Other than that...I wouldn't really mess with them other than to scare your opponent. Especially with how little actual damage they do.

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