Online 3D Fighter

Discussion in 'General' started by martialfanatic, Dec 27, 2003.

  1. martialfanatic

    martialfanatic Well-Known Member

    Looks like the attempt will be made, and it's Tecmo that's trying to make the jump with DOA Online. The only link I know of is here (sorry, gamespot sucks, but that's the first place I where I learned of this title from). I personally think that this is a huge jump. I also find it ironic (and kinda hilarious), that earlier this year, people wished for online play for Evo, and those people were put down with comments like "That's a long ways in the future", etc, and now, it's being attempted.

    I'm curious as to how well it will work, but I don't forsee any reasons why it would fail. I'm really hoping it succeeds; the thought of playing Japan's finest from home thrills me. Just so long as people don't get too lazy and stop showing at gatherings (the one I went to was the bomb).

    Opinions anyone?

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Yeah I remember some ppl saying : no it's impossible, they won't be able to do this, they won't be able to do that, blah blah blah... Hmph, so much for knowing it all ! I also hope this turns out good. Playing VF5 online would be top notch. Might even be able to download features to the hard drive. Unless they plan on releasing it for the PS3.
  3. RagingSilver

    RagingSilver Well-Known Member

    I say when Broadband gets to 2MB, online fighting games could be possible. Under 1MB, I think there could be glitches and ppl complaining even more that "I dodged that!" or "I SO throw escaped that". Who knows, all I know is, online fighting games isn't a very good move right now.
  4. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    "there could be glitches and ppl complaining even more that "I dodged that!" or "I SO throw escaped that". "

    since DOA has no dodges and no command throw escapes, this is exactly why it's probably the only feasable online fighter right now.

  5. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    What spotlite here said.
    Its simply impossible for a GOOD game with INSTANT gameplay and fast troughput.
  6. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    I think I disagree...It can be done...the fact is, no matter how much we delude ourselves, no one playing virtuaf fighter is reacting in even 2 frames time. While a lag in the network might make tournament level play impossible at the moment (remember, a wise man once said man would never fly...), I think fun, competitive games could be possible even with today's technology.
  7. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Well, I disagree with your disagreement. B/c it's that intensity of VF that makes it some much enjoyable for us. W/o that full detail and lack of lag in the while playing the game I rather not especially VF4. I haven't played VF2 online before but it's obviously nowhere as the complicated as VF4.
  8. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ragingsilver said:online fighting games isn't a very good move right now.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, we have to start somewhere.

    Everybody thought that Xbox Live CvS2 was going to be a bad idea when it was first announced. It turned out OK, not great or anything, but it was a start. The sooner companies start making these games, the sooner actual gameplay issues can be dealt with. I for one think this is great news.
  9. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shadowdean said:

    II think fun, competitive games could be possible even with today's technology.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    3D+fighting+fun+competitive = Quake 3 Arena /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

    (Doom 3 and Quake 4 coming soon)

    VF4, VF5, VF6 online? Heh, no. Idea = BAD!
    Throw counterable move + lag = FUCK!
    That's where your 2 frame example becomes relevant.
  10. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    I still stand by my can make the same argument with high level FPS...that frame or two gets you sniped or whatever...but it would still be fun and still plausable.
  11. III_Demon

    III_Demon Active Member

    you can play online fighters right now. there are versions of MAME with net support, and some other emulators... CPS emus, SNES emus... the more latency, the worse the game sucks. to get truly hardcore fighting game play, you'd need a ping under 20ms or so, which just doesnt happen in the real world of net connections.

    of course, any decent ping will get you a pretty reasonable game, it can still be fun, just not super serious fighting tournament stuff...
  12. agios_katastrof

    agios_katastrof Well-Known Member

    Like it or not, the arcade scene outside Japan/Korea, is a thing of the past. Some of you are lucky enough to be in a few pockets of the last, and I truly envy you, but you gotta face it- it's not going to last, and it is a mere shadow of what it was during the SF2 era.

    Online gaming is it. Yeah, fighters are just fledglings in this arena, but I think technology will catch up, and I do think that fighters will be where the FPS and RTS games are now. The stupid phone companys have to shape up a bit, and they need to come up with some better buffering protocols, and game companies need to design their games with online gameplay in mind.

    Anyway, moreso than the lag, it's the dumbass droppers and cheaters that plague the FPS/RTS scene. They'll be there for the fighters, too.
  13. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    I say when Broadband gets to 2MB, online fighting games could be possible. Under 1MB, I think there could be glitches and ppl complaining even more that "I dodged that!" or "I SO throw escaped that". Who knows, all I know is, online fighting games isn't a very good move right now.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, first online fighting won't need 2MB/s, second even if we all have 2MB BB, it's still not possable, the problem is the ping, you can't solve this problem, I don't think it can be sovled for another 100 years. It takes about 1/15 of a second for light to travel from US to Japan, that's 4 frames in VF, how do you play VF when you are always 4 frame late? The one who host the game will win, I think it won't hard for me to beat Ohsu if he is 4 frames late, /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif Even if we build a sever in middle, that's like 2 frame delay for both side, althoguh we are even now, the game won't be nearly as enjoyable.

    Now if youy play on LAN, it's won't be any problems, and maybe it won't be too bad for people in the same state, but for someone from boston to play someone in LA, it won't be too enjoyable.
  14. agios_katastrof

    agios_katastrof Well-Known Member

    no, no, you guys are missing it.

    you guys ever play Age of Kings or some other RTS with similar technology? they work by syncing up every machine in the game. and it's upto 8 machines, and with literally thousands of pieces to sync. this means that if one machine lags, everybody lags, which sucks, but it also means that there is no advantage to one single machine. if i'm 4 frames late, everybody is 4 frames late.

    then there is buffering. remember the 1st gen CD players? they sucked. if you even sneeze, they would skip. the modern ones kick arse. what happened- they are buffering the input.

    now all this technology is hardly perfect, and it's still a working science, but it is heading in the right direction. am2 will basicaly have to rewrite much of the code to work with such online principals in mind, but it is doable.

    will such gaming experiences be inferior to in person gaming? of course. even RTS players have more fun playing in LAN parties than online. but hell, online is better than nothing, and it offers a hell lot more competition.
  15. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    Fighters with online capabilities are a plus. No one is
    losing anything by buying or playing a game with online
    functions.Like a poster said before me, if companies start
    learning the intricasies for online fighters now, there
    will not only be more online fighters,but the way it plays
    online will be better.

    Tecmo is already ahead of all the 3d fighting game
    companies by producing the 1st 3d fighter, and the next
    game after that is going to play better online after they
    see doa online

    p.s, Doa3 has ss, and ss attacks.
  16. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    I haven't played VF2 online before but it's obviously nowhere as the complicated as VF4.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I know what you mean, VF2 had PKG and a stick, where as VF4 has PKG and a stick....wait a minute...

    .....VF4 (and 2) consist of three buttons and 9 directions (including nuetral), it's not that hard to sync up three buttons and 9 directions, as opposed to FPS and RTS which have tons of physics, units, ammunition count, etc. all being calculated simultaneously.

    I love it when people complain the game isn't meant to be online....or the lag will ruin gameplay...or " how can you do Akira's knee with lag?" The real issue is does a game benefit from online play with increased popularity [6][6][6_] which then leads to more competition [6][6][6_] which then leads to people being better at VF.

    VF5 better be online, a little lag bothers no one (except for AM2 which would lose all its arcade money). /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
  17. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    until sega can guarantee 60fps without lag, i think i'll stick with offline. losing to someone because i did Akira's [K]+[G] instead of his knee would certainly piss me off. i don't like getting pissed =P.
  18. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    until sega can guarantee 60fps without lag, i think i'll stick with offline. losing to someone because i did Akira's [K]+[G] instead of his knee would certainly piss me off. i don't like getting pissed =P.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You don't know Jack is a really neat game once you get down to it /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif Please explain to me how lag prevents you from doing Akira's knee and I'll gladly give up wishing VF was online.

    PS: How often are you using the perfect knee in say sega has to guarentee 60 fps...why don't you guarentee you can perfect knee 100% so you " don't lose because of k+g "

    PPS: Don't get in a habit of blaming lag on your losses, do you play FPS or RTS online, if you do, no one must like you very much. /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
  19. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    I agree with the above poster. Im sure namco will be next in line
    after tecmo. Namco maybe lazy but they wont let something
    like online play slip through their fingers.

    Sega (Am2) need to cater to the fans outside of Japan alot
    more. America and Europe can benifit greatly from online
    play. Since vf arcades is a rarity in America, giving Americans
    Pseudo Arcade setup (online), ie each state may have a
    group of online Arcades in their Area, and if they want a multi-state
    affair to occur, you can simply hit a button that can
    give you multiple tournament options.

    If an updated version of Vf5 is released, it can easily
    be updated through the harddrive from online or from a
    booster disk(this already happens on xbox live). This
    can help us Vf(and my fellow doa playas) have a steady dose of
    competition. They can even make it so that few arcade machines
    we do recieve can be online capatible with the console version.

    Just think about what could be done with an online vf.
    What if all new techniques are stored on the net for
    you to view at will. What about having a one on training
    sesion with players who are better than you, or just
    simply view the match and listen to the commentry(doa online
    will have this feature). I know some of you played phantasy
    star online. What if the interface was similar to that.
    Multple lobbies for each country, password protected training
    sessions, discussions being had in real time...shit VFDC
    can probably have section dedicated to it where you can
    view discussion posts, faqs, guides and frame data on
    demand.Think outside of the box guys
  20. agios_katastrof

    agios_katastrof Well-Known Member

    yeah, vf5 better be online... there's really no excuse for it, with the next gen PS and whatnot.

    and here's another thing, online fighters which are pretty much exclusively on consoles, have one particuarly huge advantage over most RTS/FPS games that are on pcs. that is, a big factor in lag is that annoying person in your game with a weak ass computer. his poopity 486 is trying to calc all the shyte, and dragging everybody down with it. but on consoles, first everybody has the same hw, plus consoles are sooooo much more efficient than pcs.

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