One year after the Tekken pack

Discussion in 'General' started by VirtualAndy, Sep 3, 2023.

  1. VirtualAndy

    VirtualAndy Member

    It's been two years since the game has been released. I wonder what's next after the Tekken pack. New costumes release or something new what the fans really wanted.

    There is Shenmue and it's they property, so where's that? Or a Sonic pack, imagine Akira dressed as Sonic the Hedgehog.

    I seen some games getting new content like Street Fighter, Tekken 8 on the work and Tekken 7 is basically done and Jojo All Star Battle is even getting new contents afterwards, while VF has been left to dust.

    What's up with that?
  2. Solomon Rayland

    Solomon Rayland Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure. There probably won't be any new content for VF5US (though it would be cool if there was) since so much time has passed since the Tekken pack. However, the success of Ultimate Showdown makes VF6 inevitable at this point. I would love if VF6 is shown at a major fighting game event like TGA.
  3. VirtualAndy

    VirtualAndy Member

    But it still missing stuff like the costumes, special items if you win a round and the option to play as Dural in vs mode.

    If they truly done with the DLC, why should we play on this game, when it lacks so much content.
    masterpo likes this.
  4. Solomon Rayland

    Solomon Rayland Well-Known Member

    I would love more content in Ultimate Showdown, but sadly, that might not happen. The game was made to reignite people's interest in the franchise and had a bit of budgetary restrictions.
  5. VirtualAndy

    VirtualAndy Member

    How can you be sure that's not happening? A game without those contents and rollback netcode? That's unacceptable. We have ask that for two years. Are you a fan of this game or not?
  6. Solomon Rayland

    Solomon Rayland Well-Known Member

    I am a huge fan of the game and would absolutely love new content. But several years hints towards an already in development VF6, so I sadly don't see that happening. Let's all pray for more Ultimate Showdown content. :unsure:
    beanboy likes this.
  7. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    The Tekken Pack was an embarrassment , a shame, and an insult to many loyal VF fans:mad: If I had wanted to see Tekken, I would be playing Tekken. Sure I didn't buy the pack, but sometimes I face someone online with a Tekken skin, and I immediately forfeit the match. I can't stand to see VF characters masquerading as low budget Tekken characters (No offense to my low budget Tekken peeps)

    First Seiji Aoki, did not even give us the complete customization set from VF5FS:mad: They left a lot of awesome customizations out:mad:

    They could have given us skins from Shenmue, Fighting Vipers, Judgment, more Yakuza, costumes from earlier versions of VF. Hell I would have rather had customizations from DOA before they gave us Tekken:mad: TBH I would have preferred skins Kilik, Maxi, Taki, Voldo, etc from Soul Calibur rather than those hideous Tekken skins.:mad:

    SIFU just dropped their last free DLC today. They delivered fans of that fighting game over a years worth of free modes, costumes, moves, features etc. And Sloclap the company developed SIFU is a lot smaller , and poorer than Sega/RGG. so
    @VirtualAndy you're right W.T.F:whistle:

    I think Sega and RGG might be trying to get a market they'll never get, all the while ignoring a market they can easily have. With all the over top explosions, flying, floating, appearing, dis-appearing, re-appearing, fireballs, whirlwinds, super moves and power ups in the up coming Tekken 8 and the new Street Fighter 6, there is a MASSIVE market out there just for the taking that is interested in fun martial arts games that are actually based in realism and quasi-:cool:simulation. SIFU is fire right now. UFC4 fire, the upcoming UFC 5 will be fire. Absolver is fire. VF should move towards more realism, more legit 3D animations, and legit stage designs. They should add a totally legit Wing Chun fighter and a legit capoeira fighter. They should extend Brad's Kick boxing to include full blown Muay Thai.:X3:
  8. Solomon Rayland

    Solomon Rayland Well-Known Member

    You are not required to hate Tekken to like Virtua Fighter. I like both franchises. However, Tekken and VF do not share the same universe, making it not the best option for a collaboration pack. They could do a collab outside of a VF game though. Paul's haircut is hideous though, you're right about that.

    Right you are there! The customization of VF5FS seems absolutely fire. Even though I didn't play FS, I can already tell that the customization in that game is unrivaled greatness.

    Seiichi Ishii was a prime developer for both the OG VF and the OG Tekken, so it's understandable why they would collaborate with each other before the other Sega IPs. But I do think that they could have better chosen.

    I actually indirectly predicted that they would do a Tekken pack like this and it was shocking when my prediction was right.

    SIFU technically isn't a "fighting game", it has a fairly different structure of gameplay than what a "fighting game" would offer. Sega might have been richer than Sloclap, but VF has been as good as dead until Aoki poured his love for the series into his goodwill to revive it and keep it going.

    VF5US might have hit sparks and Tekken designs, but Aoki said himself in the GamerBraves interview that he wished to preserve the design philosiphy of simple, easy to understand game mechanics and realistic 3d movements. My only worry is if the skill ceiling is lowered in future VF games.
    GustavoHeisenberg likes this.
  9. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    I think that is one of the big questions on alot of VF players minds. Both those who still play VF, and those who left out of disappointment, with the direction of the later games in the series.
  10. Solomon Rayland

    Solomon Rayland Well-Known Member

    The game has the perfect balance between a low skill floor and a high skill ceiling at its current state. I hope that they don't lower the skill ceiling since it's not the same as lowering the skill floor.
  11. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    @Solomon Rayland I get your point mate, But.

    Notice I used the "many" as an adjective that modified the phrase "loyal VF fans":cool:

    I did not type "all loyal VF fans", I posted "many loyal VF fans"

    IMO That Tekken $h#t was garbage and an insult, a virtual slap in the face to fans such as myself. Cleary I don't represent "all fans" but I do represent many fans that didn't not like the Tekken marriage, or the Hats-off-Tekken-Hit-Sparks added to the VF presentation. IMO it was pandering of the vilest form to players who are insecure about VF's clean presentation and worry that the reason VF does not have a large fan base like Tekken is somehow tied to our lack of Hit sparks, meters, power-ups, come-back mechanics, boxing kangaroos and the like.:whistle:

    DOA5LR had Virtua Fighter characters in it.

    So at the very least if RGG/Sega could have just had DOA 5LR guest skins, they could have returned the favor to Tecmo and Team Ninja by having

    • Jan Lee
    • RYU Hayabusa
    • Leifang
    • Zack
    • Brad Wong
    • Genfu
    • Eliot
    • Kokoro

    Skins, or Customization in VF5US. After The Tekken 7 debacle. I had waning and very little respect for the Tekken franchise. Now with Tekken 8, its clear from my P.O.V I don't want anything Tekken tarnishing, defiling, contaminating, defacing, or infecting the Virtua Fighter franchise in anyway.:mad:

    Me and the original director of DOA have the same feelings about Tekken:holla:

    @Solomon Rayland I get you and others on this forum are Tekken fans. But those Tekken customizations in the VF5US didn't do us any favors.:notworthy: They did not win the Tekken audience over to VF5US.:sick: If anything it made the FGC feel sorry for us, or in the minds of some made us the laughing stock of the FGC:oops:
  12. Solomon Rayland

    Solomon Rayland Well-Known Member

    That is a good point. Tekken appeals to different tastes, but nobody seems to have liked the Tekken pack in VF. Personally, I don't hate it, but I don't find use for it either, and I understand why other people hate it.

    You're right. The lack of a large fan base is not tied to the 2d mechanics. It's mainly down to a number of reasons. First and foremost, Virtua Fighter hasn't created a new game since FS until the release of US a couple years back, causing the popularity of the game to dwindle competitively as more and more newer games slowly drained it out. Second, many of the mechanics and gameplay you learned in other fighting games are as TBS put it: "Twisted, and sometimes, even inverted in Virtua Fighter,". It's the sad truth. I'm sorry.

    That would have been a good idea. If DOA pays respects to VF, VF should probably to the same back. Probably before Tekken.

    I agree. Tekken and VF are different games that could be paired up in a crossover game specifically made for that purpose, but not in an original VF game.

    Let's hope Aoki learns from this.
    masterpo likes this.
  13. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    To be honest, that Tekken pack is close to a complete waste of time.

    They should have allocated their resources, to bringing back all of the moves, attacks, throws and mechanics, that were taken out over the years, from VF1 to VF5R.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2024

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