one of the akira combo question in your combo section ...

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by dickson, Oct 13, 1999.

  1. dickson

    dickson Active Member

    i saw in the akira combo section one against pai on the roof: ST, m-SR, SJK, PG, DLC ... my question is how is it possible the SJK raises pai so high like when this SJK is done right after the GB or ST???
  2. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    That's why you should download the movie to see how it's done! /images/icons/wink.gif

    ice-9 | Sennin
  3. dickson

    dickson Active Member

    Re: i saw the movie but still understand how it could be done ...

    please elaborate a little bit on the tricks and timing involved ...
  4. uk-guy

    uk-guy Well-Known Member

    Re: i saw the movie but still understand how it could be done ...

    The combo you mentioned was done facing downslope so it may have 'looked' like a higher float than it actually was.

    However Akira does have a couple of 'bugs' that allow for lightning quick buffered moves and extraordinary float heights. The bug involves mechanics after Akira's stumble trip throw.

    Try this first:

    ST> b,f,f+P+K~d,b,f+P

    The '~' sign means do the following motions IMMEDIATELY after so do the d,b,f+P motion straight after the bodycheck with NO DELAY. You should get the bodycheck followed by a lightning quick doublepalm with no need to do any modified crouching.

    Now try this on Wolf on flat ground:

    ST> cd D,f+P+K~f+K, DLC

    It's important once again to input the f+K immediately after the crouch dash shoulder. If done correctly you'll get a lightning quick f,f+k (SJK) after the shoulder that qives an unusually high float, even allowing for heavies like Wolf getting the DLC on flat ground. I think the bug counts the f+P+K part of the shoulder as the first f motion tap of the SJK. Practise this and you'll get stupidly high floats on anyone except Taka and Aoi just goes into the stratosphere ;)

    Sadly good players will easily struggle and block the shoulder but it should work against step 1 players.


    UK Guy

    Yomi is the key.
  5. dickson

    dickson Active Member

    Re: i saw the movie but still understand how it could be done ...

    thanks, i never know the buffer move after ST/BG could have added an in-between move further ... will try this out on dc tonite ...
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: i saw the movie but still understand how it could be done ...

    Are these tricks only for DC ???
  7. uk-guy

    uk-guy Well-Known Member

    Re: i saw the movie but still understand how it could be done ...

    I said the bug works after Akira's Stumble Trip. AFAIK it does not work after BG. The bug works in Arcade TB but I'm not sure of Pre-TB.


    UK Guy

    Yomi is the key.
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: i saw the movie but still understand how it could be done ...

    re: "step 1 players"


    have we become so politically correct here that we can no longer call them "scrubs"?
  9. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: i saw the movie but still understand how it could be done ...

    Well, a "scrub" can still be a very good player and have been playing for a while. A "Step 1 player" is a beginner that probably knows little about the game.

    dickson, Akira gets a weird float property after the ST. Just try this: ST -> knee -> f,f+K -> DLC

    You will notice that the opponent floats abnormally high on the f,f+K.

    ice-9 | Sennin
  10. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    Re: that's because....

    Akira's SJK does more damage and floats higher when it connects the guard-broken/stumbled opponent.
    And for some reason, SJK still floats high even with the knee inbetween
    (ST, Knee, SJK, whatever)
  11. dickson

    dickson Active Member

    needs clarification

    thanks guys ... i know SJK float someone higher after ST/GB ... but uk-guy's 1st reply said,

    1. f+K is enough for the SJK, no need to f,f+K after D,f+p+k or BC which is inbetween the ST and the SJK?
    2. can we add any 1 move after ST and then the SJK still float someone higher than normal?
    3. can all these valid on DC or arcade tb alone?

    sorry for my ignorance ...
  12. uk-guy

    uk-guy Well-Known Member

    Re: needs clarification

    It's true. If you do stumble trip shoulder followed by and immediate f+k then after the shoulder you will get the SJK and super high float. I don't know if f+k SJK works after ST> Knee because I cannot pull off the knee consistantly, but I believe it could work if the motion for the knee is done as:

    ST> f+K+G~release guard>~f+K (1 f+K instead of f,f+K for SJK). Can anyone confirm this ?

    I don't know the correct mechanics after ST> b,f,f+P+K so experiment and let me know your findings Dickson ;)


    UK Guy

    Yomi is the key.
  13. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: needs clarification

    To be honest with you, I don't know how UK Guy does it! I input the two forward commands for the SJK cleanly after the shoulder ram or the knee, and it still works in floating the opponents high.

    ice-9 | Sennin
  14. uk-guy

    uk-guy Well-Known Member

    Re: needs clarification

    Okay, Okay I'm not going mad here, there is definitely an Akira float bug in the game. Ice try this and if done properly you can do the SJK with JUST ONE f+K instead of the normal f,f+k motion.

    So to reiterate:

    Do Stumble trip then :
    cd D,f+P+K, f+K
    Basically do the shoulder then f+K should be done without delay rather like Akira's 3 hit combo's or Lau's elbow-palm. If done properly you'll get a SJK from one f+K motion and a very high float that allows for even heavies like Wolf and Jeff getting ST> Shrm> SJK> DLC on FLAT ground no SLOPES needed.

    Like I've said time and time again the bug cause's some kind of speeded up buffer speed.

    Once again try the following to see what I mean.

    ST> b,f,f+P+K, d,b,f+P

    Do the bodycheck and then IMMEDIATELY do the following motion (basically it's the 'special' doublepalm that can be done after ST, BG, f,b+P+G). If done properly you'll get a perfectly buffered doublepalm after the body check without any need for modified crouch-dashing. This is 'cool'because normally Akira has some of the hardest combo's in the game that require modified crouching moves.

    Here's a couple to give you an example.

    On Aoi:
    f,b+P+G> SDE> D,f+P+K> SDE
    No Counter needed on FLAT ground. This is HARD. If you can pull this off consitently then consider yourself a Akira expert ;)

    On any character except TAKA (may need downslope for heavies):
    SDE> D,b,f+P
    Major counter needed. This is one of the coolest looking 'quick' combo's around IMO. A VF2 classic

    Upto mid-weights I think:
    ST> SJK> PG> PG> D,b,f+P
    Another VF2 classic, except now it's much harder.


    UK Guy

    P.S. I'm not adding any more to this thread !!

    Yomi is the key.
  15. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    a bug or feature?

    I know you want this thread to die already, but...

    This is a question regarding both the virtual-crouch after the ST, and the meta-buffering of attacks. Sorry to nitpick here, but are you sure it's a bug? This technique of buffering has been around since the days of VF2 and it was my understanding that it has always been an intentional (and cool) feature, and not a bug.

    Again, I apologise for being so anal, but that's what several straight hours of study does to ya!

  16. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Akira crazy Double Palms - gotta love em'

    <blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>

    On Aoi:
    f,b+P+G> SDE> D,f+P+K> SDE
    No Counter needed on FLAT ground. This is HARD. If you can pull this off consitently then consider yourself a Akira expert ;)

    On any character except TAKA (may need downslope for heavies):
    SDE> D,b,f+P
    Major counter needed. This is one of the coolest looking 'quick' combo's around IMO. A VF2 classic

    Upto mid-weights I think:
    ST> SJK> PG> PG> D,b,f+P
    Another VF2 classic, except now it's much harder.


    These combos are indeed hard to do and by far some of the coolest. The first Aoi combo I've been working on for a while now - it's a gamest combo and extremely hard to do. As for the VF2 classics, the meatplow (SDE, m-DbPm) should always be part of an Akira's repertoir. I remember telling Adam at the Chicago gathering to go for them because they would fit in nicely with his style. Personally, my DLC bites, so I tend to follow up a Shoulder float with PG, m-DbPm. They look cool and add a bit of variety to the staple Akira DLC dryness. ;) One of my favorite set ups is the df+P+G ura trick - nail em' in the back with a SDE, m-DbPm for serious demoralization.

    The two PGs after the ST, SJK mentioned above actually applies to almost all Akira float set ups. I've seen Jo Shun crush a Pai with SDE (MC), PG, PG, m-DbPm on Lau's stage. Beautiful.

    One combo in the gamest list was: (on light characters with slope) ST, SJK, yoho, PG, m-DbPm. I have yet to get the m-DbPm to connect. Apparently, you need a MC with the SJK resulting in a massive float. Trying this combos has been ridden with Murphy's Law: when I get the MC SJK, I mess up the double palm, and when I don't get the MC SJK, the double palm comes out seamlessly but doesn't connect. ;) I'm fated to never get this combo. Anyone try this one out?

    Well, on a side note, I'm glad the interest is perking up for the Toronto Gathering. Excellent - I'm getting excited already. ;) I'll make a more formal post soon with some solid planning tidbits. ;)


    <font color=black> Llanfair the prized <font color=green>cabbage</font color=green></font color=black>
  17. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: needs clarification

    I just tried it out, and I can't seem to pull it off. It seems to me that doing the f+K right away after the D,f+P+K will get you nothing as Akira is still in recovery time.

    Then again, I am not exactly the most finger-agile VFer around the block, so it could very well be my lack of dexterity that's not working for me.

    ice-9 | Sennin

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