OK I gotta ask why....

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Chunbelievable, Nov 18, 2007.

  1. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    Why keep challenging the same person over and over again on Xlive? Meaning why challenge someone over and over again who you know you can not beat right now? I don't enjoy the wins I get from beating up the same newbie over 10 to 15 fights.

    For newbies I understand the desire for a rematch, that's perfectly fine. I understand you maybe want to get in the good practice and perhaps learn from the player beating you. But after ten fights of not getting a round and eating a bunch of excellents come one. Stop already. I don't want to block or ignore any newer players. I stll consider myself a newbie. But there has to come a point when enough is enough.

    OK conversely I also repeatedly get challenged by some higher ranking players who I stand very little chance against. I don't entirely undertand this either but I created the match which means I get whoever wants to challenge me, and I accept that when I make the match. This may prompt the obligatory "don't suck and you won't lose" response from some of the players here but, if it is obvious you out class me I think 5 straight wins without me winning a round is a good enough beat down don't you? I will still keep making the matches and not pulling the cable, I refuse to do that to anyone. But I can't imagine it's fun kicking my ass over and over again when I don't have the skill to put up much of a fight.

    I like playing playing better players and try to learn from them what I can but, in the case I want to learn I will challenge the player I want to learn from. To constant beat down challenge is a little demoralizing. I dunno, not to make a big deal of any of this but I just wanted to ask why? I'll still keep creating the match and I will still wilfully accept any and all challenges.

    That's just my rant. I'll also wilfully accept the ramifications here of posting said message.
  2. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    Just realized that maybe this should be in teh XBOX Live forum. Sorry, any admins wanna move it there?
  3. Sikarios22

    Sikarios22 Member

    Something I'll do is host a few matches, then quick search a few matches. That usually keeps the opponents random each time. And Chun, is that also your gamertag? I think my Eileen played you a few nights ago.
  4. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    Chunbelievable is the tag. I have played a bunch of Eileens but honestly only the one from last night sticks out to me. xxx<insertname>xxx something or other was his tag.

    Eileen can cause me such problems if I am put on the defense.
  5. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    I would assume that players play the same player over again beacause... they have fun, are learning something, or trying to rank up.

    I sort of feel bad when someone that is new to thegame plays me over and over. If I was constantly being beaten by someone I would ask them for advice, but most people I play never get to that point.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    just choose quick match...then you have total control over who you fight...only negative is you are forced to use 2up side but that's always good practice anyhow.
  7. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I haven't really come across this problem all that often. The only guys who constantly can whip on me online are guys from these forums and I play with them when I feel rdy to learn new tricks anyway so it's like a pop quiz. Rest of my online matches are kinda of close or I lose becuase of dumb mistakes of mine aka not knowing my opponents character well enough. Hence why I'm currently shifting through all the chars in the game I have major problems with and learning how to fight to win with them. It really helps because you can see how other people deal with their crap. It's also nice seeing other eileen players to see how they deal with the situations too. . . when they're good eileen's. I haven't met too many good ones online randomly yet.
  8. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Then just give them advice? Why do they need to ask for it? I'm not trying to criticize you of anything, but if you see that a player is struggling with a certain aspect of the game, such as throw escapes, just mention it to him.

    You: "Hey, I noticed you don't do any throw escapes."

    Newb: "What are throw escapes?"

    *you explain*

    You: "If you need any more help, check out virtuafighter.com"


    I think that's one of the beautiful aspects of online. Veteran players (well...any VF fan, veteran or not) helping new players not only get better, but have them stick to VF. Helping them integrate into the community. Helping them find the information (via VFDC) they may not even know exists or that they even need.

    Just my 2¢... =/
  9. RobynLiquorstorz

    RobynLiquorstorz Well-Known Member

    for me, fighting a player that beats my ass over and over is a chance to learn their (and other big-skill players) strategies and fighting style. very often if a person is better, or even just the same skill level as me, i lose the first time i fight them, and usually badly. this come from playing VF against the same 3 people for the last 10 years. i'm very used to their styles, and not a lot else. but by the 3rd time i've fought someone, i can usually suss their style a little more and think thru my fighting style more. the 1st time i fought blackLAC i was totally swept. he had me on the ropes everytime the bell rang, and i lost every round faster than i've ever lost. by the 3rd time i fought him, i won 2 rounds. i still lost, but i got better. i learned. not only his style, but a new counter and a new move on my end. because if i didn't he would have killed me again and again.

    plus, i play VERY late at night, and often there just aren't enough folks online to be picky about who i'm scrapping . . .
  10. gl0ry

    gl0ry Well-Known Member

    Perhaps someone wants to get good at the game and they're trying to learn from their mistakes. The only thing I can suggest is stop hosting if it bugs you.
  11. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    oh my gosh I saw your name online, gl0ry lol
    I forgot who you used, but I guess I played you last fruday hehe.

    for me, I don't care who I play. last friday, I played one blaze player five times. it was ok. everyone who was watching my matches at zach's house was laughing at the blaze player's voice."again!?""shit!""damn it!" this voice chatting system is pretty fun.

    as I played, I think two players pulled their cables, and one player killed himself(went to ring out)

    I don't think it is a good idea to think that playing the same player is sick. If you think so, japanese players may feel the same way, you know? you don't have to ignore players.(I am sure I(I mean zach's ID) have been ignored by a lot of players though hehhehe)
  12. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    I doesn't bug me too much, I just don't take pleasure in beating up on the same newbie over and over. I know I can stop hosting but it seems that I can only find matches when I host. I can never seem to connect when I do quick match.

    As for the players much better than me handing my ass to me repeatedly, I do take it as a learning experience the first few times. But for them to keep coming back to abuse me just makes me ask why. I guess I am fun to beatup.

    Robyn, I play crazy late at night too, have we played?
  13. gl0ry

    gl0ry Well-Known Member

    Yeah it was jacky vs jacky, I wanted to play you more to learn some things. I've only been playing for about a week now
  14. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    how did you know it was me? lol I did not write zach's ID.

    I guess we will be able to play on December 7th. I'm going to zach's house on that day. you may don;t need to play be on the day because Japanese players will start playing VF5 online by December 6th(I mean 6th in Japan time).
  15. gl0ry

    gl0ry Well-Known Member

    I asked a person I knew who zachdms was, he told me it was preppy and that yosuke often visits there and plays a mean jacky, so I knew it was you lol /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  16. RobynLiquorstorz

    RobynLiquorstorz Well-Known Member

    not yet, but i've actually been keeping an eye out for you, because i'm a chun-er myself. but i haven't touch any ranking matches yet. not to sound like a baby, but i'm still kinda uncomfortable on the xbox controller, and don't want to f#¢k myself out of the gate on rankings, yaknow?

    i'll try to remember to send you a friend req. and at least i'll know when you're online and we can have some private scrappin' . . .

    (btw: i LOVE denver, and the people there have been some of the best, most welcoming individuals i've ever met in my many travels. plus: y'all have a KILLER zoo!)
  17. OneHitCombo

    OneHitCombo Well-Known Member

    It does kinda suck when some 10th Dan joins your game, kills you effortlessly, then seeks you out to do it again.

    Bonus asshole points if they let the replay run, and heavy pounced you 2-3 times after you die. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  18. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    This is all I am saying, it's is kind of annoying to be beat down again and again when the high rank player obviously out classes me. Like I said I guess I am fun to beat up on.

    As for the pouncing, luckily enough it only seems to happen from newbies and if they do it it only fuels me to hand them their ass mercilessly. First round against this newb I got an excellent and the next round I eased up just practicing reversals. Dude got the round then pounced me twice. Next two rounds were excellents my way. Higher ranked players don't seem to do it all that much. If they do I lost so whatever. It's the newbie who got lucky or I eased up on, then the little extra hits bother me.

    I try not to hit anyone once the round is over. It's just a practice and I don't expect other players to follow it. It's just me. For players better than me I know if I got the round I probably got lucky and I don't need the celebration hits to piss anyone off and for newbies I don't want demoralize anyone.

    Robyn, definitely send the request. Always up for some scrapping with players from here. And thanks for the compliment, Denver is indeed a great spot. Moved here from NYC and have been very happy since I did so.
  19. RobynLiquorstorz

    RobynLiquorstorz Well-Known Member

    <span style='font-size: 8pt'>(totally off topic, and apologies to anyone not named chun for the sidestream thoughts)</span>

    chun, the first time i spent any time in denver, when i was leaving the city, it was rush-hour on a monday, and traffic was a gridlock. as i sat there, not moving, something felt weird. i couldn't put my finger on it, until i noticed every driver in the cars around me. unlike my experiences here in ohio, or from when i lived in detroit, or brooklyn, i noticed that not a single driver around me looked pissed. nobody was honking, screaming, hitting their steering wheel, or generally being pissed about the gridlock. and this started to creep me out, that nobody was being aggressive. and then i saw the mountains again, and it hit me: of course they're not pissed. they're surrounded by THIS much natural beauty! mf'ers in detroit would've been a lot happier in gridlock, too, if they had the f*ckin' rockies to look at as their time slips away . . . nature has such a calming effect, even in the city.

    it's always been on the short list of "the next city to move to"
    but as i get older, and more bitter, and more of a hermit, moab, utah sounds better and better! (which i discovered because of recommendations from folks in d-ver)
  20. CapnKill

    CapnKill Active Member

    How do they seek you out? I thought it was all just random...

    Personally I always want to play against someone better, cause thats the best way to learn. Watch them and see what they do.

    As far as pouncing after a round.. who cares.. its over, don't matter. If I do it, I'm certainly not trying to send a message, its just something to do instead of sitting there with my thumb up my ass... I mean no dissrespect by it.

    And I skip all replays, unless it was really really pretty.

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