Official Playstaion Magazine VF5 Article

Discussion in 'General' started by Jide, Jan 20, 2007.

  1. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

  2. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    words of wisdom from the vf sage and guru Archangel,
    vf legend list:
    Ice 9, Archangel and Rayne, who will join the ranks of legends only time will tell /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  3. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

  4. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    I'm so glad to see it get such coverage. Granted, it really is a huge title for PS3 regardless of whether you like the series or not, but still glad to see them covering it.
  5. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    That was a good article, thanks
  6. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Is it just me, or does anyone else think the tone of articles like this may actually do more harm than good?

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> -it's a game that demands intimidating levels of commitment before the "fun" can start...

    ...realistically, you're already 10 years behind... shouldn't even think about tacking Akira until you've been playing for a couple of years...

    tougher than earning a real Black Belt </div></div>

    don't get me wrong, I'm glad the game's getting coverage. I just hate the tone of articles like this, because who'd want to play a game that obviously requires so much effort before, in the article's own words, you can have any "fun"?

    This trend of writing about VF has been around for a while; it's like the game writers know that the game has hardcore elements, and to display that they're clearly "in the know", they're gonna go on and on about how hardcore it is. But, do any of us really play VF because we think it's the hardest, or takes the most time to master? No, we play VF because to us, it's the most fun fighting game.

    Articles like this make it sound like you could read the Bible faster than you could start enjoying yourself with VF. I started having more fun than I'd ever had with a fighting game the first time I put a Quarter into a VF2 machine. And I chose Akira.
  7. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    don't get me wrong, I'm glad the game's getting coverage. I just hate the tone of articles like this, because who'd want to play a game that obviously requires so much effort before, in the article's own words, you can have any "fun"?

    This trend of writing about VF has been around for a while; it's like the game writers know that the game has hardcore elements, and to display that they're clearly "in the know", they're gonna go on and on about how hardcore it is. But, do any of us really play VF because we think it's the hardest, or takes the most time to master? No, we play VF because to us, it's the most fun fighting game.

    Articles like this make it sound like you could read the Bible faster than you could start enjoying yourself with VF. I started having more fun than I'd ever had with a fighting game the first time I put a Quarter into a VF2 machine. And I chose Akira. </div></div>

    Well to be honest I play VF solely because it is the hardest yet most in depth fighting game. Difficult games are more fun to me, that's why games where I lose many times, like Starcraft, Unreal Tournament, Virtua Fighter are my most played. I like games where you have to spend time watching, discussing and studying the game. I see my friends playing Mortal Kombat for PS2 and telling me it's awsome and I want to punch them in the face...

    The problem with marketing a game like this is that most people play games to win and only win. In RPGs and games like MGS or GTA there is one goal to the game, beat it and finish the story. Now for those who are hardcore you can not only complete story mode, but you can collect all items etc. and get a %100 rating and unlock all the secrets. In something like VF where the main draw is Quest Mode, playing endless matches and occasionally losing matches, the reviewers know that once you get to the highest arcade in VF winning only comes around %80 of the time and that's for good players. So unless you play to learn the game and get better, the draw to VF is either beating KSII or whatever final tournament is in Quest Mode, or collecting all the items. The way Sega should market the game is by saying "beat quest mode to become the ultimate virtua fighter etc." and then that the game has infinite replay value beyond achieving highest rank.

    But as far as saying the reviewers label the game as difficult it is true that VF is the hardest, and typically VF4 and Evo got rave reviews and VF5 seems to be wildly anticipated by pretty much everyone in the videogaming community. I mean I've seen some articles about VF5 that say it will make or break the PS3's success in 2007. I'd rather have articles that at least are positive about VF being hard though and not this shit about "Akira can only be played if you've actually worked for Sega since at least VF3:TB." I mean instead of saying that VF is hard...say it's hard but has the best training mode of any fighting game ever.
  8. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    I think the fact that the training mode has been ripped out of vf5 (apart from simple stuff like command inputs) is going to hurt the game for people starting out. Very few people will be willing to trawl through hundreds of posts on this site to find out techniques, setups etc. The long road to getting a beginner good at vf has just become even longer. Dammit Sega!...
  9. wasted

    wasted Well-Known Member

    OPSM did a big cover story for VF4 and I still have my copy of that mag.
    VF lovers there be, I will pick one up when I see it on shelves
  10. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Actually the one thing I happen to agree with that article is the fact it takes a lot of time commitment to enjoy the game. Honestly in these days I don't see someone who's just starting can enjoy the game with me unless they put a ton of time into it first. By a ton, I mean a couple of month of hardcore playing of a few hours per day. This has nothing to do with discouraging new players, it's just a fact: it takes a long time to understand vf, and vf is hella boring if you don't understand it. If I meet someone who's trying to pick up VF4EVO, it would be very boring playing him, and I'm sure it would be boring for him to play me also. It just take a lot of time and that's the way it is, of course Sega doesn't help this by not adding tools that help people learn.
    Other than that, the article is crap, a bunch of pretentious journalist wannabes trying to fill some blank pages with ink and color. Can't even spell Jacky right.

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