NYC VF5 Replays (USA version)

Discussion in 'Console' started by _Denkai_, Mar 7, 2007.

  1. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    Here are some replays between me and Konjou aki. I assume everyone knows how to view replays by now but for those who dont heres how.

    First off this only works for the American version. Go to the link below and select download free. From there enter the verification code below and begin downloading the zip file named "replay". Unzip the contents to your SAVEDATA folder and enjoy.

    thiers 3 matches contained within the zip

    GOH (denkai) vs El blaze (konjou)
    GOH (denkai) vs El blaze (konjou)
    Jacky (denkai) vs El blaze (konjou)

    Stay tuned for more

  2. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    Dude you dont even know how to extract replys properly. Each replay should be 4 kb not 2mb each. And Uploading the system file also, thats shear incompetance. Read Mykes replay thread before you waste any more upload space.
  3. Pushku

    Pushku Well-Known Member

    calm yourself down there buddy .... with your incompetEnce reply
  4. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Yeah dude, you could've said all of that in a respectful manner.
  5. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    ? dude its stated in the replay description that I accidently added the system data into the zip file.If 2mb is really THAT HUGE to you then dont download them then. Hell in fact, if you're going to bitch about a 2Mb size then dont waste time downloading anything on the web.
  6. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I watched them last night on my just acquired PS3. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    I haven't even started playing the game yet, just been watching replays.

    Good stuff man. Embrace the power of the DARKNESS! heh heh

    These were recorded past Sunday huh, how come I wasn't invited. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  7. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    i wish i could see these replays,i have the japanese game though /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  8. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    all i have to say is WOW! for people(NYC VF'ers) to be welcoming you into their social group so easily / nicely you are really rubbing everyone the wrong way. In all my years of meeting people in person or via the internet, I can't say I have ever met a person the likes of you. This post was totally unneccessary. I would ask you to make an apology to Denkai, but just by the way you use your words and having met you in person, I can tell it's not even worth it. Maybe you should spend more of your time learning some social skills than improving your SELF RING OUT TACTICS.

    SHAG- my bad I will try to include you sometime... it's nothing personal against any of my NYC peeps, but you have been to me and Nelson place before in the past. Unlike Nelson's room, my cubicle can't host to many heads. hehehe I should have bought a full size bed instead of the queen, but then where would my ho's sleep! lol
  9. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Nice replays, the Goh player is intense. We need to meet some time and play some VF5.
  10. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Rod I was just joking man. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif I was playing at Ben's place that night.

    If I'm upset with you, it is for the fact you haven't officially announced you heading to SoCal at the end of the month.

    We got to let peeps know we're gonna have a RAPE PARTY! Yeah!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  11. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Nice matches, really enjoyed watching them, can't wait for more.
  12. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

  13. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    Lets get this straight bud, Im not trying to join anyones "social group"Im simply playing the game getting any decent competition I can find, And since its not in the arcades, (except on 8 motts street). I paid my fucking 12 bucks to play just like everyone else . I'll say this you guys were surprisingly normal,,I was apprehensive about going there and being stuck around a bunch of bearded fat comic book reading freaks. Except for that faggot SMURF, I KIND OF WANTED TO SNAP KICK HIM IN THE THROAT. aND THAT FAT WEIRDO WHO KEPT SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF HiS LUNGS IN MY EAR ABOUT HOW MANY DRINKS SHUN TOOK, MAKING IT IMPOSSIBLE TO CONCENTRATE. If I did some dumb shit like that on the uploads you net nerds would be all over me. Do I really care,of course I dont fucking care about how big his file is, so in that respect i apologize for telling the truth, but how hard is it to read myke replay thread? So dont get any delusions. If somebody makes a dunb move like uploading a video in 2mb instead of 46k dont cry for me calling them on it.

    As far as the self-ring out I blame that on using your fucking clunky arcade stick. If I was using the pad, that shit would never had happened, it wassupposed to be aflip kick,not abackwardhop. . last friday the ninth , I had to fight with that thing to get Gohs f f pk off, and it almost cost memy match against cruz. The digital buttons are better but the stick sucks in aclinch,theres too much margin for error. Not really error in most cases but the microsecond more it takes to input a command on sommeting larger than a d-pad can be costly.

    I was just using the stick to expedite the flow of the match changes, but if youre going to be a dick about it Ill use the pad next time every match. Fuck that I lost alot of matches using that clunky shit,just tring to conform. It takes more time to imput back forward command using that oversized toaster, and it completely fucked up my evades. Not only that but you cant just set the buttons in three buttons abreast, you gotta set it with god damn carpal tunnel inducing VF4 cabinet arch. SEGA were morons to deviate from the original 3 side by side button config, They had to get all cutesy with the asshole button arch. You dont see Capcom putting Street fighter 3's six buttons in a diamond configuration do you? No because THAT would be FUCKING STUPID.
    And whoever put that puds picture in my avatar is a fucking faggot with aids. I razz some guy over a mild fuckup and you cry bloody murder. You guys aretoo SENSITIVE. What do I expect you play in the village.
  14. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Yay, another noobs who can't handle losing. I heard NYC people stomped all over you. For as much as you think little of them, how does it feel getting owned by them?

    You can come up with all the excuses you want, but in the end you are just another new guy who thought you are hot stuff until you played some real people.
  15. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Uhmmm, weren't you there playing with us in the Village? LOL

    If you want we'll use a pad against you.
  16. Heta_Akira

    Heta_Akira Well-Known Member

    Any fighter's objective is to find good opponents.

    You found a good group to practice?
    Try to get along with the members, but don't do favors to nobody.
    If you are better with a pad, play with a pad.

    Maybe you are really good with a pad and sucks big time with a stick. But remember that there are people that will sabotage their game in purpose, so they can blame something out of their poor performance. I really hope that you are not one of those.


    Because after reading all this, if you want to play again with these guys, you better get possessed by some famous japanese sarah player. That is because pad or no pad, they will try their best to bring you down just for the heck of it.


    A very bad entrance, but you still have a chance to fix things.
    Get you pad, get possessed and fight the big boys.

    Heta Akira

    Just in case, don't select open stages. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  17. Morninstar

    Morninstar Member

    Youtube??? would be nice.
  18. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member


    all I have to say is " LOL ", dude I am going to ACT MY AGE and just drop this pointless shit and move on. You seem like your about the same age as me, so why don't you show a little bit of maturity and do the same. The insult and name calling is just down right childish just to get your point across.

    I will say this one thing though. I have read your original post and this new one again and I am trying to understand where you are coming from. But, the problem is how you use your words man. You just don't get it do you? No one likes a net loud mouth. You come off to strong and it's totally not neccassary. You can go on about how you don't care what we say and think about you or your game play, but to me you obviously do just a little. Why go through all the trouble of coming down to the village in the first place? If you ask me, it because you want to get stronger at the game. If it's anything else then personally you are wasting your time. The NYC community that you constantly keep putting down is a community that was built by people who simply love the game and nothing more. Each person in this group does not think themself higher or better than anyone else. Yes there is obviously some sort of ranking order in terms of strength, but it's something we never really talk about or care for, for that matter. We just get together and play because we think its a beautiful game and we love just hanging out with each other and growing as friends. Now if you don't want to be a part of our circle of friends that's fine with me. I really could give a fuck. But, if you plan on just chilling and getting some games in, sharing some strats, in hopes of trying to make yourself stronger then maybe you should just find it in your heart as an ADULT to be a little nicer to people in general. We didn't attack you first. We(as a whole) are just defending ourselfs from your onslaught of constant insults. I think I speak for everyone on this. Grow up man! In the end it's simply just a game and nothing more. Be smart and try to build something that will last a life time after your done playing this game. One of the things that I love about VF more than anything is the countless friends that I know around the world. I love bragging to people I meet about how I know someone from pretty much anywhere on the planet. Just the other day I was talking to this beautiful Aussie girl from my job and of course I had to brag... "Australia cool! I dated an Australian girl before and I know this really cool guy that lives there.(MYKE)" It's such a great feeling man to just be loved by the many people I have met from here. Guys from all walks of life who just open there hearts and there homes to you simply because of this game. I mean "WOW" who the fuck opens their home to you over a fucking video game. Its unheard of! That just shows you how special we all are to each other. Baaah! I could go on forever about this, but personally I don't think someone of your caliber would understand it. When the smoke clears and VF is no more for you, you will have nothing. When the smoke clears for me, I will have countless friends who I can treasure till they put me in a box and stick me in the ground.
  19. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Same shit different day, moving along. I rather go drinking, besides I'm getting too old for this shit. :p
  20. CrewTW

    CrewTW Well-Known Member

    I think thats the coolest post I've ever read from you Rod. My thoughts are exactly the same. We've all gotten older and managed to stay friends for nearly a decade and for some even longer.

    I think next time a hot headed newbie comes along (or Shang) we should refer them to this post.

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