NYC This Weekend

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Namflow, Nov 19, 2002.

  1. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    Hey all - Alex and I are going to be visiting New York City this weekend (actually, we're following Blind Guardian accross the east coast and seeing their show in New Jersey). Since we'll be down for the whole weekend, when does the NYC crew usually meet to play? I read about the sweet setup you guys have for Evo, and of all of you I've only met Rodney & Shag from March Madness a while back. Alex and I would love to play you guys sometime this weekend (the concert is Thursday night, and we don't have much else planned besides chilling with our friend we're staying with) & would love to check out CTF. I've actually never been there...

    but yea I'm ranting, so what time this weekend are you guys gonna be playing? See ya then...

    ps - if you like heavy metal or tolkien stuff or are just in the mood for a good concert, go see blind guardian! yey shameless plug for an awesome band
  2. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Where are they playing? I believe you said in Jersey?

    I've never heard of them, but if you guys are willing to travel to catch them they must be good.
  3. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Shota Tomura-san will be in town also. He is among the brightest Seven Star VF players in North America. I will be there on Saturday AM with a cup of coffee waiting for doors to open. Friday night Shag says is consistant good time for VF$ EVO machine with super bottons and sticks from CREWny make this one of the best, if not the best VF4 EVO in NA. all the best.
  4. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    Sweet, what time do the doors open? We'll be there.

    Also, does anyone have directions on how to get there? We'll be taking the train into Penn Station... Thanks for the help!
  5. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    directions: 8 Mott St is address of arcade zip code 10013
    Take N or R train to canal st station. walk upstairs to street level. head toward Mott St.
    (east) and make a right turn on Mott St. ChinaTown Fair Arcade is on left side of Mott.
    at 25 Mott is good coffee, nice people and dimsum. I like their red bean bun. They open about 11 AM at this time of the year. If it looks closed knock on glass door as I may already be inside playing EVO with all other arcade machines off. 917-734-6168 Saturday morning if you please. HammerHead usually shows up about 12:30PM. he is quite good with several characters. He does a mean Aoi Dance step. Akira is featuring an awesome okizeme game. He rips out 270 throws with Vanessa, etc.
  6. baobab

    baobab Well-Known Member

    From Penn station really your only two bets are the 1/9 or the A/C/E to canal and hoof it east to Mott street, then south. The walk's not too bad, just make sure you're going east.

    See you guys tomorrow.
  7. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    Thanks a lot for the directions... We're going to leave New Brunswick at around 3:30 or so, will probably make it to the arcade by 5:00...

    We look just like our avatars, and each other... (I can almost guarantee we'll be the only twins playing evo /versus/images/icons/smile.gif)
  8. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    Hey guys it was a pleasure seeing Rodney and Shag (who appears to have improved greatly since I saw him at March Madness 2002) again, and meeting Andy and Nelson who plays a mean, mean Shun and Vanessa...

    I was surprised to see so many people playing at ctf, there were sometimes 6 or 7 people in front of me to play... The screen was nice, but the machine was kind of small and the joysticks took quite a bit of getting used too... and the competition was very difficult...

    so yeah, unfortunatley we arn't going to make it back tomorrow... the guy we are staying with made reservations for dinner, and the train to nyc is a bit more expensive and longer than we originally thought, but we'll probably be back sometime during xmas break...

    see you guys later,

  9. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    The crowd was big because the game just came out. I had to leave early, sorry I didn't say good-bye. I figured I would you see you guys the following day. Oh well. Hope to get some more matches with you soon.

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