North America VF4 Evo Clips

Discussion in 'General' started by Rodnutz, Apr 27, 2003.

  1. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    all I have to say is I think most of these clips are WEAK! I do have to give credit to Cappo though. I really like what I see from him. Keep up the good work man. IMF, don't take what I have to say to heart bro. But I don't like what I see from you anymore. You have great, no fuck that fantastic movement. But that's it! All I saw in those clips were EXTREMELY HIGH level machi play from you. You do know how to use Kage? The old Iron Monkey Fist used to lay the smack down. Now all he does is run around like a clown. Im not trying to diss you dog. You know I just tell it like how I see it. Maybe it's because you two know each other so well. Anyways I have always complemented you on your movement and ability to adapt and kick ass. Keep up the good work.

    Last but not least, I really got to talk to Andy about the clips that he leaks. It's always the ones where everyone else is off or it's there first game and he dominates. WTF! I am watching this shit and shaking my head at it, knowing that myself and Adam play a thousand times better than that. Disgusting! Where are the clips of me and my like 10 game win streak after that crap that he captured. Oh right I was winning so it's not qualified!
  2. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    LOL hahahahahah too funny /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  3. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    Nice clips guys!

    TN players look stronger than some of the earlier clips, and Cappo seems to have improved quite a bit since I played against him back in March... He's also got some cool music going on /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif ... IMF is strong as always... CrewNYC's Pai looks good too...

    Namflow and I will put up some videos soon ...

  4. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    /me takes the can I resist?

    Let's start with "NYG4"

    [ QUOTE ]
    <font color="orange"> Llan is coming to what!!?? NYG4? no way! doesnt that contradict all that he said about not going to another NYG ever again. </font>

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Uhm, last I heard, NYG4 is in September? October? Dunno, because no date has been set. And for the record, I have confirmed nothing of me coming to NYG4. It's highly unlikely, to be honest.

    Now, there's this thing at the end of May however. But this is not NYG4. The end of May is an "invite only" event, whereby the level of play has been filtered in an effort to keep it at a higher level. Ryan Hart, Odu, and another UK player will be there, and all communication thus far has been exclusive to emails and telephone calls. Why this event is being organized in such a fashion is NYC's deal.

    So, heh, I'm not contradicting myself. This May event (whatever we call it) is not meant to be a gathering in any way. I've spoken to Adam personally about this. There's to be a tournament, and even a team tournament for that matter. I will stick to my guns, Sal, and keep saying that I won't be at an NYG4. I have no interest whatsoever in "get-togethers" or "gatherings" where we "just play" in NYC. I will make efforts to go to tournaments, absolutely - no problems there /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    [ QUOTE ]
    <font color="orange">man, you guys make it really difficult to meet you, its just too awkuard. </font>

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Will you just put your idiosyncracies aside and come out and play already? I'm going to be in NYC in May - 100%. What's so awkward about that? Come out and play Pic.

    Next on my replying agenda...presentation of play...

    [ QUOTE ]
    <font color="orange"> all I have to say is I think most of these clips are WEAK!...WTF! I am watching this shit and shaking my head at it, knowing that myself and Adam play a thousand times better than that. Disgusting! Where are the clips of me and my like 10 game win streak after that crap that he captured. </font>

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Rodney - c'mon man. If people start posting clips after hours of filtering through stuff just find footage that *rocks*, what good is that? I'm sure there have been rounds where you totally kicked ass. However, do you think that people are watching the NYC clip and saying "dayam, Omaha Jeff's Akira sucks"?. No, they're not. They're watching some NAVF, and more than likely enjoying it. Who gives a shit if you won or lost, really. If you know you're better than that, fine - that's all that's important. A clip is a clip is a clip. They're tiny snapshots of people playing in NA. I'll be honest with you - in that last clip against Andy's Pai you were playing a character in which everyone has seen it all. Been there, done that Akira. No one is expecting to be "whoaaaaaaaa! check out that Akira". It's all good, man. If NA had thousands of hours of footage then, sure, we can all filter though it to get the very best moments - but at this point, we've got barely an hour of footage. Go figure. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    The latest Toronto clips were chosen because thay were entertaining, I thought to watch. The first one is good match with a tight finish. Fun inashis in the down-to-the-wire end of round 5. The second I capped primarily because I was impressed with the inashi on his SPoD attempt after ST, SgPm. They're entertaining matches. There are parts of them where I could've done this better, or that better. And that's what footage is best for - to review and hopefully learn from.

    Here's a suggestion to everyone wanting to capture NAVF from sessions on a PS2: Use your freakin' VCR!. I can't stand replay files. Not only does it take time, but they don't show stats and the lousy bar is at the bottom and you're only going to save a handful of matches. Put your PS2 through your VCR. Throw in a tape and record *everything* from a session. Now, you've got lots of footage. And if you're sick of going through it to find good matches - give it to someone to do it. This is how we do it in Toronto. We never save replay files - it's always on VCR so that we miss nothing. [/snicker] And no, it won't slow the game down if you feed the PS2 into the VCR first [snicker].

    Moving on - time of play....

    [ QUOTE ]
    <font color="orange"> in nyc vf terms that means about 20 or so 7 hour or more sessions since the time ps2 came out or in normal NAVF terms are concerned, its probably about 6-7 months for some people considering 3 sessions a month. </font>

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As much as I understand what he's trying to say here - let's get real, people. You've had the game for 35 days. Ok, great, you've played A LOT. That doesn't mean that you've had the game for *longer*. You've had the game for 35 days. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif Bear in mind that you've also had the game in the arcade for a lot longer than 35 days. My comment was not meant to be anything more than 'pointing out the obvious' in reply to Pic's comment. It's a PS2 clip. It can't be that old /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif Nothing more. Has the gameplay improved since then? Great /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif But it's just a clip - read above.

    And lastly...Pai strats...

    [ QUOTE ]
    <font color="orange"> You should use K more...When you block something like Shrm, or DblPlm instead of throw use K cause its guaranteed. 52-55 points for the followup combo... </font>

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I know I know I know I know. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif It's just one of those things that I can't seem to habit, y'know? It would be a good addition for sure and I've been trying to make a more conscious effort to stick them in there. Thanks for noticing though /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    <font color="yellow">cheers. </font>
  5. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    It's cool to see NA clips from people we know, and that's all that matters. These are just small examples of people's skills. Do you seriously think the audience is going to draw their conclusions after seeing only ONE of your matches? I don't think so.

    BTW, what's wrong with IMF's Kage? I thought machi was supposed to be a good thing. /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
  6. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    At least he's not as Machi as a French Soul Calibur player. /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
  7. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Putting up NA clips maybe is not a good idea....

    When did people become so obsessive about being "seen as good players"? If you really cared... just put up a bunch of movies of you winning and register multiple accounts and start praising youself...
    Maybe that will help people feel better... /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif

    p.s. Llan, I make sure to hit X to get rid of that bar at the bottom at the beginning of all the replays I put up. One of the clips had the inputs cause people wanted to see that. Using replay files are fine imo, just gotta remember to hit x right when you start capping the match. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  8. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Llan, first off my post on the nyc clip was not a complaint on my part. It has nothing to do with anything other than the fact that Andy only seems to post the clips or rounds where he dominates. I could careless if I was the victor at the end of the match. I jjust feel like if your going to go out of your way and capture a match, then make it a good one so people can enjoy it. Put a clip up with some nice movement like IMF(kage)vsCappo(lei), or some throw escaping, or even some unusual okizeme. Sure I agree with you, people have already seen alot of akira. But I bet there is atleast one thing that my akira does that someone elses doesn't. There is always something that someone else does that no one else will do, or wont bother to do. So it's not about winning, it's more so andy's decision on what is good. Before I made that post I talked to Adam to see if it was even worth posting. Since he agreed with me, I put my 2 cents in. I am really sorry if I offended anyone, but I am sorry I am really honest. Everyone knows I am not a trouble maker. Just a straight arrow who loves to have fun and play some VF.... bah I am done with that!
  9. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    You! stfu and "come onnn!!!, LET'S RUMBLE!!!" /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    /me puts a ecstatic look on his face...

    "OOHH MY GAWWWDDD!" /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
  10. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    stfu jerky!
    I agree with Rodney there, there should be something cool on a posted video.
    anyways, Rodney and the rest of you nyc folks. I don't mind coming to NYC again like the last time. Due Jerky and Hyun's newly discovery in their sexuality, I have unable to get any playing time in. Let me know if/when is a good weekend to come down..
  11. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    actually, I thought your post was refreshing. its nice to see some honest opinion. For some people the game will never be about fun which is too bad. One of the biggest reasons I refuse to travel to play anymore is that there are very few experiences I've had where I've enjoyed the company of those I played just based on their attitude.

    The group of people I have met while playing VF and really enjoyed them as people is ridiculously small: Shroud, Mr. Bungle, Jo Shun, Adnan, MyKe and Moby to name the fastest on my mind.

  12. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Hey Rodney,

    nice to see you come out of the woodwork to drop some honest opinions! I remember seeing some NYG clips a while back where Andy was beating you over and over, and we were laughing like "yeah, andy's posting the matches where he wins". Oh yeah, and he did d+K+G like 5 times in a row to you... mad skills!

    Since I just played with IMF at TiT, I can say that he's more interesting when you're on the other end of that defensive game than he comes off as in the clips. I enjoyed the IMF/Cappo stuff a lot, and I REALLY want to play with Cappo!

    Anyway, sorry I won't be seeing you in NYC sometime soon, but I have to go to Japan, poor me /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif.

  13. CrewTW

    CrewTW Well-Known Member

    Okay now I am MAD.

    The prescise reason why I posted candid footage of matches in a row was EXACTLY to show that picking a random match of 50 or 100 was complete BS. You might play well in one, but shit in the next.

    The candid foot age of my lau was like 4 or 5 matches in a row. What did you see? 5 Sweeps in a row? If it hits keep doing it. Its called mental rapeage. Did you happen to see I guessed correctly when I decided to switch up to an elbow. That takes incredible NERVE to do something over and over when we play to win ALL the time, the fact that you watch me win over and over means its real, not some random BS. Did you see the win in counter in the top left? Hmm maybe not. Did you see I stopped sweeping in the SAME set of matches?

    Suddenly I guessed correctly 80-90% of the time. Thats simple MENTAL ownage.

    Like Rodney pointed out, those pai matches were NOT an NYG preview nor a showcase. The clip is called PAI1.WMV not NYG not Rodney not GhettoShun.WMV. Its called PAI1.WMV and meant to show some of my pai tricks.

    IE, hopping over low p with u/f+kg, or the low throw guessing.

    So spotlite I will try and sweep you 5 times in a row and if it hits what does that say? Mad Skills? I would say so, considering you fashion yourself as a good player and it means I guessed correctly 5 times in a row. Do I get to laugh at you if it hits?

    Anyway in the future if anyone wants to show REAL dominating footage you put up candid matches over and over so we can see the mistakes you make and not make. If you win 1 out of 10 it says nothing. If you win 5 in a row and the win counter already says 8 it says something about how strong your game is. Plus you can see the WIN% at the end.

    Rodney you seemed to forget the candid footage I sent out of Nelsons Vanessa and your Akira. Same style winning footage.

    If people get all peevy I dont put enough clips of them winning online they shouldn't. Of course its my choice to put up what I want. As long as I label and describe them accurately. Don't like it? Then you make the videos instead of me.

    To LLAN: Lets be honest now, I didn't think you or FL would be coming to another NYC event. Tournament or Not. If you dont think this event will be gathering style play heavy you are deluding yourself. You think we'll get top tier comp here to sit and wait? It will be 80-90% gathering play and 10-20 tournament play. Just FYI.
  14. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    The thing is he didnt actually release this video, I have no idea who found this video. Maybe Andy showed this to someone and that person shared it with other people and then it finally got to ninjinsan which he hosted on his server. My theory anyways. So, in reality he didnt really post the clip it just got out somehow.
  15. CrewTW

    CrewTW Well-Known Member

    Well this clip was really meant as a test clip I sent it to Srider and I sent it to Sal. Both of you had my okay if you wanted to leak the clip out. I had no idea it would go onto VFDC, but when it did, I told Srider he could do what he wanted too. I think he said he couldn't edit the post anymore.
  16. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I made the post cause hearing comments from people on IRC and seeing Llan's post of his toronto clips, I figured that having a centralized thread for NA clips would be beneficial for people.

    Sure, the clips are not really a showcase of what is possible in this game or even exciting stuff at all times. They are merely there to provide a snapshot of NA players playing this game. Imo there is no purpose to pick out specific clips that contains rare situations that happens once every 50 matches, cause these are not showcase clips. You might as well download combo vids or capture a fixed match for that purpose.

    These clips are not entirely super exciting, but they serve their purpose well, and that is strictly gameplay footages of NA players. Please post clips that are exciting to you if that is what you want to see. Don't trash the efforts of other people. People spend time and effort to capture clips and host them on the net. If you guys don't like it, then might as well request Myke to close this thread. All these unnecessary negative comments are uncalled for and it really is frustrating to hear people trash your efforts. I appreciate honest opinions, but if you don't like something, do something to change it.

    I have no intentions other than sharing media with other people, posting these clips is not a way to show or validate anyone's ability or things of that matter. These are strictly all the clips of NA players that I have and those that I thought people would like to watch, that is why I put them up.

    The bottom line is, these are all done with good intentions, if you took it another way, request this thread to be closed. Frankly, I'm tired of all these back and forth. This is the reason why people talk down this community.

    Sal: I made the first post since after Andy sent me the pai video, it reminded me that cappo and imf wanted me to post their clips, and the recent feedback from people wanting NA clips prompted me to put them all up. You make it sound like it was something illegal to do hehe... /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  17. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    To LLAN: Lets be honest now, I didn't think you or FL would be coming to another NYC event. Tournament or Not. If you dont think this event will be gathering style play heavy you are deluding yourself. You think we'll get top tier comp here to sit and wait? It will be 80-90% gathering play and 10-20 tournament play. Just FYI

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Alright, that's fine. On the phone, Adam was pretty keen on a tournament and a hopeful team tourney too. These things take time. If you want only 20% of the weekend to be tourney, then it's going to be a shit tourney - damn short. How fun is that?

    As far as I been able to discern so far, this is Adam's gig. He's told me that it's going to be a good tourney - and I believe him. If I've misunderstood, my bad...

    So, if you want a gathering - have a gathering and open it up. If you want to start bouncing the door to keep a certain level inside, then you've now stopped 'gathering', imo. And it was pretty clear from the emails that this was not NYG4. Anyway, whatever.

    If i'm deluding myself, fine - and by the way the attitudes are flying I might just as well delude myself into not going - sheesh. Thanks for the warm hospitality.
  18. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Sudden_Death said:

    The thing is he didnt actually release this video, I have no idea who found this video. Maybe Andy showed this to someone and that person shared it with other people and then it finally got to ninjinsan which he hosted on his server. My theory anyways. So, in reality he didnt really post the clip it just got out somehow.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No offense, but the internet is public domain. Shit, we find all kinds of japanese clips and post away, regardless of source or permission. If you send out a clip and it gets posted? Tough. It's far from a big deal.
  19. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    hehe, first of all let me say........HOLY SHIT ANDY REGISTERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    well, i didnt share the clip with anyone so maybe srider did and that other person showed it to another and so on and so on.

    the spotlite comment, in all honestly andy i think he was just kidding and stuff, no biggie.

    and about rodney's post, THAT WAS ALSO A JOKE TOO hhahahah. he really wasnt conplaining, just like saying "hey man, let me be on camera more" kinda thing hehehe.

    and to LLan, nice favor you did to adam by posting some details about this upcoming gathering which was not supposed to be posted here cause of potential folks asking to come, in which case it would of been rude to tell them that its an invite only thing, then you see people saying "oh those elitists nyc vfers" but thanks to you adam is going to have to put up with more people like YOU that werent invited, of course he wont say nothing to you cause it would seem rude. people have to understand that this was supposed to be a gathering of friends who play vf, to play people that * I * and all my other peeps feel 100% confortable with. also, like andy said this IS mainly gathering as usual, its 4 freaking days of vfing with only a couple of hours of some tourney THAT MIGHT NOT EVEN HAPPEN, you know we'll probably just say, "ah fuck it lets just play, fuck the tourney". so really you ARE indeed contradicting yourself, if you're no, then you are playinly dissing the gathering style we like, thas kinda rude. and do you think i would show up and meet you after all of this talk? do i want to go to a place that i have to ignore some dude to enjoy myself? nah man, i want to be 100% confortable.
  20. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    "Sal: I made the first post since after Andy sent me the pai video, it reminded me that cappo and imf wanted me to post their clips, and the recent feedback from people wanting NA clips prompted me to put them all up. You make it sound like it was something illegal to do hehe... "

    hehe nah man, its really no THAT of a big deal, its just that i remember andy saying that he wasnt going to post that video at all, and seeing it was a surprise, it would of been nice to ask andy first b4 it /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif sorta like a just in case type of thing. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    to LLan: IT is polite to ASK before posting someone elses stuff on a public forum, its just a nice thing to do you know. might as well post pics of your family (for example) in here and make fun of it, going by your logic.

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