Noob question

Discussion in 'Lau' started by Son_of_lau, Jan 30, 2007.

  1. Son_of_lau

    Son_of_lau Active Member

    ok this question might make me look retarded, but im having problems with the "Do a 4 hit combo" quest. does anybody have any pointers or a move that usually gets 4 hits off? ive gotten 4 hit combos off before, but only when button mashing.
  2. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member
    Check out the emergency Lau FAQ down-low on the page.
    For this question specifically the section:
    "Combos 1: Bread and Butter"

    And I'll also point out that if you're playing on a PS2, VF4:Evolution offers more content for a friendly price.

    Good luck with the game, and don't let it get ya down. The more you play, the more the topics discussed in the above FAQ will start to make sense. There's no need to grasp it all at once.
  3. Son_of_lau

    Son_of_lau Active Member

    oh ok thanks for the guide. that is the 2nd guide from here that really helped me. i guess the easy answer was to just say "use PPPK", but i tend to miss on the kick for some reason, but its usually only when im attempting that quest. it is just funny that i can get to the 3rd tournament, but i cant finish this quest. im going to try this out.

    oh and im sorry i diddnt specify. i am playing Vf4:Evo. i saw it in a bargain bin at toys r' us for 10 bucks(unopened btw) and i picked it up. i did play a little vf3 before that, but not really against anybody that was good at the time. lau was my first character i ever played and just stuck with him, though i think that i might better with jacky.

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