No connection to other players?

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Conti, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. Conti

    Conti Member

    One thing I find increasingly frustrating is the lack of connection with other players I want to play with. I'm not talking about lag or bad connections, but no connection at all, making it impossible to play. That's especially frustrating when I want to play with someone from the forums, of course.

    In ranked, it's about 50% of the people I cannot play with at all, and it doesn't matter where they're from, even if they're from my own country it might not work. On the other hand, I get fine connections from people across the globe, it seems entirely random.

    So I figured I'd start a topic to see if I'm the only one having this problem, and if there's ways to fix it.

    I tried various things already, setting my router so the game does not complain about NAT problems any longer, having a wired instead of WLAN connection.. and while all that helped with people I could already play with, the number of people I cannot play with did not decrease.

    I'm getting really annoyed at this. Are there any other things to fix this, or does my ISP just suck and I'm out of luck? Or is not being able to play with 50% of the other players normal on PSN? I honestly have no idea, hence this thread.
  2. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    Well i had the same problem with you conti and also with crazychunk. I know youre from poland and hes from britain, so there should hardly be a problem.
    Still i can play you most of the time with 4 or 3 bars, but with crazychunk i only got it to display our connection 2 times.

    I really cant think of an explanation that makes sense. Maybe it is the internet provider, maybe its just that the connections arent compatible, i really dont understand how that would work though:(
  3. Vencabot

    Vencabot Well-Known Member

    I have the same problem, and I don't have much more to add accept to tally myself as a fellow sufferer. As you say, who I can and can't connect to seems entirely random, and, occasionally, I'll be able to connect to a player fine one day and not at all the next... This happened when I met Darksoul in ranked, today, and wanted to have a rematch following our games a couple of nights ago. Today, no bars at all, crossed off connection bar, auto-disconnected.

    It's very annoying.

  4. pupstar

    pupstar Active Member

    It is soooooo very annoying.
    As volX said - I think we managed green bars 1 1/2 times. Otherwise no connection at all. I get the same thing with Bilal too. one day green all the way, the next nothing. Very odd.
    I'm also getting a lot of full bar matches, where the lag is worse than a grey bar match.
  5. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    the strange things for me is that sometimes I can and sometimes not play ppl. I remember playing volx a lot of times at first, now we can't connect.. [​IMG]
  6. End

    End Active Member

    The red-lined connection icon is misleading. Many times I played with someone with full 3 bars (or is it 4? anyway, all green), then the next day I got this "unapproved" connection mark. IT WILL GO AWAY, just keep on challenging. Thats my 1st point.

    My second point is pure chaos. Chaos in its finest, really. I accept all challenges (with excpetions of: pullers, known laggers & people who just brutalized me twice in a row or something......yeah, but I accept all :p) The thing is, the full GREY CONNECTION means, sometimes, shit. Lagggg all the way, cant do anything etc. etc. just 2p to victory or something.
    BUT, at the same time, SOME of them grey bars means lag-free offline-like expierience. Just, wow at that. Many times I entered such a game expecting to throw a towel in the first round, just to be positively surprised by the fluid combat.

    In the closing line: Keep trying to play people You know You had good connection to, as finally You will be able; and give those GREY bars a shot at, sometimes. You may be surprised :)
  7. gastinell

    gastinell Well-Known Member

    Happens 2 me also. Dennis0201 and I are basically neighbors and we get that no connection icon a lot. I have to turn off my xbox like 5 times just so it will let us play each other. Never had this problem in vanilla when trying to play with him or anyone else.

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