Newbie at VF Commands help!

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by OAG_3K, Mar 17, 2006.

  1. OAG_3K

    OAG_3K Active Member

    I just went to 5 stores but they said VF4 evo was no longer in production. Finally I got a used one at microplay. I love the game. I am now learning Akira but damn his commands are hard. In the practice command mode it tells me to do [2_][6][P][P] but I just can't seem to do it. It seems that it has to be done in 0 frames if I am not mistaken. Does anyone have a video demo on the timing of this move or VF moves in general? What do you have to do? Every time I do the move I end up doing the single palm! Thank you guys for helping me in advance.
  2. Warm

    Warm Member

    press the second p around the time when the first p connects, you'll get it eventually by instinct.
  3. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    0 frames? No, I think second punch is between 17-19 frames after the first one. Learn the timing visually in training / turn on the framedisplay so you can see if you're doing it to slow / fast. It gets easier with time just keep practce!

  4. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    You can go for movelist practice mode; there choose to view any option which shows how are you hitting buttons - and then go into movelist and choose this move - CPU will perform it and you can watch the timing.
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Press the second [P] the moment the single palm connects (hit or guard).
  6. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Generally in VF sound provides an excellent clue for input timing...for akira you learn the grunts and press the buttons in the same rhythm the grunts will be coming out. Works for spod, dlc, as3, sgpm>de.

    Also, in command training you can get the game to perform any move from the movelist. I think you press start and whatever button they assign for "start demo". Something like that. Have fun.
  7. OAG_3K

    OAG_3K Active Member

    Thanks Guys it worked but man now I am having problems with knee especially on a ps2 pad.
  8. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    Try this little trick I learned.

    If you have the default setting on your controls just slide your finger on the k+g button so as to input k+g at one frame, but since you need at least two frames of k you must hold your k button whilst just tapping the k+g button. Worked for me and now I can finally enjoy the marvel and damage that I can achieve with it. It's so fun that now I just keep doing knee all the time and it looks so freakin' cool.
  9. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    <font color="blue">MAXIMUS</font> has unveiled the Kneepad Solution.

    Seriously, that's pretty damn innovative.
  10. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    Maybe I should ask for this to be put into the Akira documents?
  11. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Don't push it...
  12. happy_GOH_lucky

    happy_GOH_lucky Active Member

    yeah...i'm new at virtua fighter too..sort of. anyway, akira is my favorite character but i still coulndt get that command right. is it possible to do it with a ps2 pad? i dont hae a stick.
  13. happy_GOH_lucky

    happy_GOH_lucky Active Member

    for all of you VF there a better way to input DfPP on a ps2 pad. since you have to hold down on "D", i just cant seem to get it right with the pad.
  14. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Akira's knee is certainly possible on PS2 pad.

    A lifetime ago Creed put up a video of him doing 6 or 7 knees in a row using a ps2 pad. So yes, it is definately possible.

    As for Akira's sgpm-de ( [2_][6][P] (hit or guard) [P] ) if you don't want to do it from a crouched position you can modify using a crouch dash [3][3] or [1][1] to get the move out. Just replace the [2_] command with a crouch dash.

    And for what it's worth, I suggest buying a good stick to play Akira with, if you're interested in playing him to his fullest potential.

    He can be played on a pad (there are a few pad Akira players around here) but (IMHO) to really max out his damage potential and general usage I'd advise learning him on a stick.
  15. happy_GOH_lucky

    happy_GOH_lucky Active Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    LM_Akira said:

    As for Akira's sgpm-de ( [2_][6][P] (hit or guard) [P] ) if you don't want to do it from a crouched position you can modify using a crouch dash [3][3] or [1][1] to get the move out. Just replace the [2_] command with a crouch dash.

    And for what it's worth, I suggest buying a good stick to play Akira with, if you're interested in playing him to his fullest potential.

    He can be played on a pad (there are a few pad Akira players around here) but (IMHO) to really max out his damage potential and general usage I'd advise learning him on a stick.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    can you replace all the [2_] with [3][3] with any character's command, or is it just Akira only.

    also, is it absolutely required to use a stick for VF? i have never use a stick before. i was a tekken and SoCAl fan and even without button mapping for those game, a d-pad is just as effective as a stick. sorry, im a noob at VF.
  16. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't say that it is absolutely necessary as it is possible to play without stick, but it is the true way to play VF. Playing with pad is possible, but it will hinder your gameplay in some areas of VF. Overall it is better and simpler to play with stick. You may continue to play VF with pad, but I suggest switching over to stick as soon as you can.
  17. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    If you check out the training mode on the evo disc it explains that all chars can use crouch dash to modify from crouching moves. In fact it's recently been brought up here several times.

    See, even tho you say you're a Tekken player, I'd suggest always using a stick for that too...I mean I've never seen anyone get consistent wave dashing and ewgfs, dewgs, wewgfs etc...with Mishimas on a pad, stick is the only way to go on that IMHO but it depends who you use to an extent.

    Basically, if you're playing VF on a pad you're limiting yourself. You can't play in the arcade (which is what it's supposed to be all about) and can only play when a game comes out on PS2 or whatever. Further move, the stick is so much better for so many of the commands you need to input, it logically makes more sense to learn to use a stick so you can reach your potential faster.
  18. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Sticks are better than pads, but if one player is better than another, it won't matter which tool they use to play the game.
    I used to be a pad play, whilst all around me were stick players, but I was still able to beat them all because my skill level was better. Now I use a stick, I am better with commands, but someone who is better than me at the game will still be able to beat me, even if they are a pad player.

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