New user (release date 31st?)

Discussion in 'Console' started by CoreyFearless, Oct 30, 2007.

  1. CoreyFearless

    CoreyFearless Member

    Hey everyone! For about a year now I've been keeping up with Virtua Fighter 5 videos but could never play it because it was for PS3. Now that it's coming to the 360 I plan on getting it tommorow. Fighting games have always been my favorite genre and I've been playing Tekken 5 very heavily for years, as well as DOA4. I had Virtua Fighter 4 for the PS2 but haven't really played as seriously as I have with Tekken. Just by playing the demo for days, I can say Virtua Fighter is a more enjoyable game in every sense. I'm looking forward to being a part of this community and I'm trying to convert all my "casual gaming" friends to the Virtua Fighter scene!
  2. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    Welcome Corey, glad to have you aboard.

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