New to the VF world...

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by iceburg, Nov 26, 2007.

  1. iceburg

    iceburg Member

    Hey wsup everyone, I am new to the VF world and I must say I LOVE this game. I have been playing fighting games since Street Fighter. Its very nice to play a game with balance, a nice learning curve (steep), and online competetion (thats actually fun). My character is Lau (I hear all the groans lol)the reason I choose him because he is basic and helps me learn the VF system. The reason I am posting because I am looking for any masters or anyone who enjoys online comp. The way I feel you only get as good as the person you play and perfect practice!

    My gamertag is: iceburg3006
    Hit me up I need all the practice, help, and beat downs I can get so I can understand this technical fighter and get better lol
  2. KowtowRobinson

    KowtowRobinson Well-Known Member

    I play Lau, nothing wrong with playing any character in this game. Send me a FR and we'll get some games in soon, same as my name here.
  3. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    I have a difficult time recovering from Lau's knockdowns, especially online which inveritably means I get to eat a whole lot of stomps! Lau like all the rest of the characters are perfectly capable of handing me my ass. Nothing wrong with having him as your main.

    Feel free to send me a FR as well. Gamertag is my screen here. Welcome to the community. Being here by itself raises your VF IQ 10 points :p
  4. iceburg

    iceburg Member

    I will send the request when I get back on. Also who do you play with?

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