New to Akira

Discussion in 'Akira' started by Tails1210, May 2, 2004.

  1. Tails1210

    Tails1210 New Member

    I've feel that i've played Lei-Fei long enough to start making additinal room in my brain to learn another person. That person is no other than....Akira! I've got the SPoD move down pat. I can do a few of his combo's. The only thing i need help with is doing DLC (the command is [3]+[K][G][6][P][4][6][6][P]+[K]) fluently. I've SEARCHED the boards for advice on how to DLC, but i didn't get any good results. So can someone please give me tips on how to DLC? If i can learn to do this, i'm on my way to becoming an Akira player
  2. GKaizerZero

    GKaizerZero Well-Known Member

    i know for a fact i actually saw a thread that had at least 3-5 posts on it about the DLC. just try looking again AND don't forget: all the akira info you ever need

    just don't ask how to do the knee. please, for your own sake.
  3. Mysterio

    Mysterio Well-Known Member

    Ok.. one thing, forget the DLC. Learn how too mod the dblplm ([2_][4][6][P]) fast as hell. It's far more important and more useful. New akira's think it's more important to know the DLC (I made that mistake /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif) but u can make much, much more powerful combos with the dblplm.
    So, forget the DLC (it'll come to you after a while) and start practicing the dblplm in combos! /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  4. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    i agree with mysterio. i've pretty much mastered dlc, but dblplm still doesn't always come naturally.
  5. GKaizerZero

    GKaizerZero Well-Known Member

    try crouch dashing into the dblplm. that way the [2_] is buffered and... argh... i'll just explain it in notation:
    [3][3]\[1][1] -> [4][6][P]. it's easy. try these as well:
    [4][3][P] -> [4][6][P]
    [2][P] -> [4][6][P]
    [3][P]+[K] -> [4][6][P]*
    all the first moves end with Akira in a crouching position so the [2_] is buffered. if you try it a couple of times it'll feel natural.

    * this really only works two conditions
    1) it must NOT hit as a counter hit. if it does it'll cause a leg collapse and the dblplm will almost definitely miss... i think... can i get a confirmation on this?
    2)the first hit is blocked and the opponent doesn't act fast. even if they block the dblplm it'll still push 'em back. preferrably into a wall.
  6. GKaizerZero

    GKaizerZero Well-Known Member

    question: do you have the SPoD down pat yet? after getting the dblplm down, i suggest learning that. also get into the habit of using:
    the yoho ~ [3][3][P]. wonderful floater. the possiblilities is endless!!!
    the backcheck ~ [4][6][6][P]+[K]. quick, makes for good counters, imo and is a nice combo finisher since it hits low-flying opponents.
    DLC with backturn/bodycheck ~ [3][K]+[G],[6][P],[8]\[2],[P]+[K]. it's not as flashy as the full DLC, sure, but it still gets results.
    (not sure of the name) ~ [K]+[G] [P]. nice combo finisher, and its decent on it's own as well.
    hope i was of some help. and i hope i didn't come across as mean or anything earlier.
  7. BiakkoSoShoda

    BiakkoSoShoda Well-Known Member

    Hi guys, my 1st post (gghhhh). Akira is my favourite character (in the arcades I used to play Jacky), I think he's a great stabber. Ok, I'm a Noob, but I think that, besides all, mid kick is very useful in different situations. Also, when u get up, a good combo is[2][K], [2][3][6][P][K], [K]+[G], [P]. Easy counterable if u try to hit a veteran, but great vs cpu... A great timing with Akira is indispensable for counters, a great precision too to execute his multipart throw ([P][K][G], [4][3][P][G],[6][P]... What do u think? thanks for reading!
  8. Valdimiar

    Valdimiar Well-Known Member

    is the SPoD
    SPoD is really good for wall combos
    I'm kind of new to Akira as I am now playing him on a Stick
  9. BiakkoSoShoda

    BiakkoSoShoda Well-Known Member

    Ops... Errata corrige[2][K], [2][3][6][P]+[K], [K]+[G], [P]... Sorry
  10. BiakkoSoShoda

    BiakkoSoShoda Well-Known Member

    Hi Valdimiar! Thanks for your answer.SPoD is a great move,but difficult to perform With a pad... Not enough Practice... Maybe. But certain moves with a pad are a lot more difficult... What do u think about[3][P]+[K]+[G], [6][P]?
  11. Mysterio

    Mysterio Well-Known Member

    Well.. The moves which include the commands: [3], [1], [9], [7] are basiclly hard to do on a pad. On a stick, you can "put" the stick there.. get one and get it /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  12. BiakkoSoShoda

    BiakkoSoShoda Well-Known Member

    /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif I got it.
  13. GKaizerZero

    GKaizerZero Well-Known Member

    the SPoD is really not that hard to perform on a pad. it just takes some practice is all. it's all about muscle memory. after awhile it comes so naturally it's scary.
  14. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    Playing akira on pad takes tons of practice. Its not impossible at all, just difficult. If you can start on a stick I would consider it more pay off, but if you only plan on playing console pads are just fine for Akira.
  15. GKaizerZero

    GKaizerZero Well-Known Member

    damn straight. you can't fuck with pad master Vith! rock the end, bitch!!!
  16. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member


    Gkaizer, when you gonna play vf in north Jersey! I still waiting!
  17. solidsnake

    solidsnake Member

    Headz up from Poland!. I owe VF4:Evo for ps2 and I had problem with this godamn knee- it looked almost impossible to perform this move using pad) . But here iz the trick I use: define left analog stick as "kick" so you can press it with your left hand.Now define R1 or R2 as K+G. During game bruise R1 (or R2) with right hand(hit it very fast with your index finger) and INSTANTLY press&hold left analog stick......looks weird but works for me! Now I can do this move almost everytime.... here is a nice combo : [3][3]+[P], [3][3]+[P]+[K], [K]+[G] (release G after 1 frame <-the knee)) and light down attack. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  18. solidsnake

    solidsnake Member

    f*ck made a tiny mistake: instead [3][3]+[P]+[K] should be: [3][3],[6]+[P]+[K] I hate keyboards (imagine playing VF on keyboard! aghrrrrrrrrr! )
  19. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    solidsnake said:

    Headz up from Poland!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Stop doing that. You're giving the whole country a bad name with your newbie posts.
  20. solidsnake

    solidsnake Member

    Damn I wonder why it is that way: a new parson writes something and old veterans ALWAYS think that he/she is a dickhead. Man we live in 21 century not medievil times. My method of doing akira's knee works and is worth trying if you can't pull this move out in no other way.... I don't want to argue anyway... I've got a big respect for all you VF die-hard players...

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