New Messages

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Jason Cha, Oct 19, 1999.

  1. Jason Cha

    Jason Cha Well-Known Member

    Is there an easy way to see the new messages on the board? on the old board, all the read messages appeared purple as a visited link, while the new ones were in the default blue... made it easy to visually skim the page and just read the new messages without having to look at dates or times or whatever....

  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Jason, what view do you have as your default? (you can check/edit it in your profile) I have mine as showing all threads (expanded) and the icons of all new messages appear in <font color=orange>this colour</font color=orange> whereas all read messages appear in <font color=yellow>this colour</font color=yellow>. It's as close in appearance to the old board as you can get.

    There shouldn't be a need to look at the dates or times of a post unless you're curious to see some of the ungodly hours some people post at /images/icons/crazy.gif.

  3. Jason Cha

    Jason Cha Well-Known Member

    hmm. am i just blind? when i go to edit profile, and then the display settings, i don't see any option that allows me to change the color settings...

  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Uhm, there are no colour options for you to change, and that's not what I was getting at. I was guessing that your default display view wasn't with expanded threads, and hence, you're not readily able to see new messages within the thread at a glance.

    Assuming it's not a problem with your default view, then my second guess would be that your video settings have a problem displaying <font color=orange>this colour</font color=orange> and <font color=yellow>this colour</font color=yellow>. Do you see two different colours there? Orange and yellow? What colour do the message icons appear in? I kinda doubt it's your video card/settings because my crappy 1mb video card at work functions just fine.

    My final guess, and this may be a long shot, is that you're not navigating using the forum's nav buttons in the top right. After reading a message, do you use your browser's back button to go back to the forum list? If you do, then don't! Instead, use the up arrow nav button. If you use the up arrow button, your cookie will get updated to keep track of which messages you've read. Hope this helps.

  5. Jason Cha

    Jason Cha Well-Known Member


    i've got the defaults on expanded threads, and i can see the color difference in your post, and i've tried playing with just the navigation arrows, but all the messages appear in the more orange colour regardless if they've been read or not.... i dont know what could be wrong. anyone else got this working?


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