Discussion in 'Arcade' started by KiwE, May 21, 2004.

  1. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Ok, prepare to shit your pants. Lau.VF found these new pictures of VF:FT that are from the Sega Private Show Spring 2004 from a 70-80% finished FT apparently so credit goes to his ass.... are you ready?




    The two final pictures; the first is Evo Kages 2_3p while the second is the option one.

    Well all I can say is Wow if this is the graphics of the stages we're talking major hotness at a not finished game. Looks like Kages stage eh? HOTNESS! =^__^=

    The link / source:


  2. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member


    Xbox port, where are you?
  3. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member


    Hi I'm Mr Xbox and I wanted to say I'm currently busy preparing for another letdown game with Halo2 - yes yes the marketing worked and although first game was tipped bestgame ever and was shite I've managed to bring up the hopes again for another! Well that and I've added polygon tits to the next DOA game - Yay me! \(^_^]/

    What I'm trying to say is WHO CARES?

    (='.'=) -> "I certainly don't! But then again I'm a bunny! I shouldn't be speaking at all!!! "

    /KiwE (How's that for fanboyism? (>^_^)> Hah!! I'm still happy about these pictures man so fuck consolwars altogheter mmmkay? =)
  4. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

  5. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member


    Who said anything about console wars? I don't even own an xbox myself, but would do my best to buy one if VF4 FT comes out on it. It's only a feeling that those stages would look better on the xbox (considering the 2 VF4 versions on the ps2 aren't perfect).

    And about those stages.... YAY!! They certainly look easy and smooth on the eyes /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif.
  6. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    Looks great. I hope there is a x box port.
  7. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    nice, cant afford xbox. jus hopin it comes to ps2.
  8. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    It is sad that DOA4 stages SHIT on this.....
  9. Mindscan

    Mindscan Active Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shadowdean said:

    It is sad that DOA4 stages SHIT on this.....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    yeah and it's funny how VF just shits all over DOA
  10. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Shadowdean, why do you even play VF? I mean I can understand not wanting to be a fanboy, but pissing on any new news regarding VF is getting a bit rediculous.
  11. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Do you know where the guard button is? I shit on it cause it frustrates me that the graphics are substandard...please, do a little research on bashing people before you post...I've been in the VF community since 93 or so...when did you jump on the cockwagon?Oh yeah, a monkey dick and be specific..your gunna say vf shits all over doa graphically, since that is ALL that is being discussed in this thread.
  12. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Wow doesn’t take much to “bash†you! I don’t care when you joined the community, nor do I care why you hate the new VF. I asked you why you still play it.
  13. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shadowdean said:

    Do you know where the guard button is? I shit on it cause it frustrates me that the graphics are substandard...please, do a little research on bashing people before you post...I've been in the VF community since 93 or so...when did you jump on the cockwagon?Oh yeah, a monkey dick and be specific..your gunna say vf shits all over doa graphically, since that is ALL that is being discussed in this thread.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yikes! I would hate to be on your bad side.
  14. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    I really like the look of that stage - mainly because it seems to just be a part of the landscape, instead of the landscape sculpted around that one stage.

    I wish they would focus on things like shadows though - the background should be of minor importance.

    And Shadowdean, I haven't seen enough DOA4 to compare, but in VF, keep in mind that if at any point the framerate were to drop below 60 frames per second, both players faces would EXPLODE.

    and i just pray it comes out for ps2 /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  15. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Bitch please.

    "Cockwagon" Josh as in a Majority movement? No seriously, there isn't a single news item being posted that you don't go in and whine over so his question was totally just from his part - FUCK this "I was just talking about the graphics!" man.

    Wether it's a new move in FT / Sega PR / FT's being launched or whatever - fuck - you even went in and pissed over the "Request: VF.Net support for International market" thread after a while with your "Is this going anywhere" post that got removed!

    Now see; this is the part where you say you have the right to voice your opinion and that would be correct; but spare the "I just complain about the graphics" bullshit ffs. With such great community players from 93 like you (hail teh king!) on VF's side - who would need enemies? And who are you to play the "voice my opinion" card alot anyways when you try putting down new peeps on the board with that shitty "since 93" line anyways? Gratz; you win an invisible color radio in the member lottery - GG.

    Best part is when you "go on the record" as saying FT will be released on PS2 "atleast in Japan" like anybody would care about your grandé opinion or you have been swayed - let's break out the champagne shall we? If I sound mad it's cause I am - whine as you want (we should all pitch togheter for a giant fucking carebear) but not on my newsitems you don't.


  16. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    well, its evident I don't play it just for the graphics. Hrmmm..why do you play it?
  17. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    When does DOA3 drop below 60 fps...the only time it might of was when you got knocked out of a building and fell down a level...since that was just a cinematic sequence and you had no real control during that time, it did not matter.
  18. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Bitch please.

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:

    "Cockwagon" Josh as in a Majority movement? No seriously, there isn't a single news item being posted that you don't go in and whine over so his question was totally just from his part - FUCK this "I was just talking about the graphics!" man.

    Wether it's a new move in FT / Sega PR / FT's being launched or whatever - fuck - you even went in and pissed over the "Request: VF.Net support for International market" thread after a while with your "Is this going anywhere" post that got removed!

    Now see; this is the part where you say you have the right to voice your opinion and that would be correct; but spare the "I just complain about the graphics" bullshit ffs. With such great community players from 93 like you (hail teh king!) on VF's side - who would need enemies? And who are you to play the "voice my opinion" card alot anyways when you try putting down new peeps on the board with that shitty "since 93" line anyways? Gratz; you win an invisible color radio in the member lottery - GG.

    Best part is when you "go on the record" as saying FT will be released on PS2 "atleast in Japan" like anybody would care about your grandé opinion or you have been swayed - let's break out the champagne shall we? If I sound mad it's cause I am - whine as you want (we should all pitch togheter for a giant fucking carebear) but not on my newsitems you don't.



    [/ QUOTE ]

    and why the hell should I not complain about the graphics, especially when VF has been usually the game to set the bar with graphics...C'mon, when VF3 came out on model 3, it shitted on everything out there...hell, model 3 still holds up pretty well. I love the gameplay and never complained about it but fucking a dude, get your head out of the popular collective ass of "graphics don't matter" gang. I am sorry, when vf4 evo came out, I was nothing but sunshine after I learned the whole story...If I don't like a majority of the new moves added (gee...people seem thrilled at the changes to wolf) and I think the graphics are becomming sub par, among other things, why the hell should I be happy and complacent. I am glad that now that VF gives you the chance to live out your doll house fantasies by dressing up your characters, taking them out to tea and driving them around in barbies virtua porshe makes you happy. It was a cute distraction for me but in the end really did not hold an appeal. Even my sister lost her interest in dressing up dolls.
    Maybe if people were more vocal about what they like and did not like, sega would take notice. But to my knoweldge, they never really have given two shits about what American gamers have thought...even vf2 days, sega never once sponsered a tournament or anything of that nature, let alone give one notice that they are paying attention to the VF market think that has IMPROVED? Cause hell, I see all sorts of VF advertising, marketing,, it follows me wherever I go.
    if it makes you happy to agree with everybody and not have an opion then great. People like you have gone far in this world, hell - look at Clarence Thomas. But please don't bash me or come down on me for having the audacity for having a fucking thought. You should try it someday, you might like it.
  19. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Re: Bitch please.

    After looking at these pics quite a few times i have to say i agree with Shadowdean. The stage does look good but is far from ground breaking and doesnt really raise the bar as you would expect Vf to normally do but since the game will probably beat most fighters out there then i'm sure the grapics issue can be set aside. As for an x-box port i hope sega stick with vf being on the ps2 i cant afford to buy another console just for vf yet alone start searching for another stick.
  20. Gorbag

    Gorbag Active Member

    Re: Bitch please.

    Why you talk about X-box? Sega announced it on this console?

    About Stages, there is a progress since Evo, so lets not "shit" on it. We are numerous regreting stages from VF3 or some non-square stage as in DoA. I guess it will come in VF5...


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