New Dural Boss Battle Ideas??

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Dec 12, 2020.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    The character roster in VF is for the most part complete. Sure Brad could use a few more Muay Thai moves, Sarah's move list could be augmented with Tae Kwon Do moves, and Lei Fei could get some Wing Chun, but all in all the fighting styles in VF are pretty complete.

    But what about Dural? OF COURSE I'm biased here, but I play and have played a great number of fighting games, and I have to say that Dural is the most legitimate (in every way) of any fighting game that I've ever played, or seen played. Dural is a legitimate culmination of all of the fighting styles in Virtua Fighter. To face and defeat Dural is to be able to deal with any of the fundamentals VF can throw at you.:) So what's left?

    Here are 5 things that would make Dural and the Boss Battle even more fun and challenging.

    1. Dural should have a small set of unique moves that no other fighter has (i.e wall attacks, down moves, back turned and side turned attacks,etc).. Dural could also feature experimental moves that AM2 is considering for a future version of VF. Remember Dural has taught us all we know, but not all that she knows;) However, Dural should only resort to this small set of unique moves when her health is below 25% in the final round
    2. At the start of each round Dural should be able to randomly choose one of the classic fighting meta-game techniques, for example:
      • Rush Down
      • Turtle
      • Zoner
      • Poker
      • Hit & Run
      • Trapper
      • Keep Away, etc
    3. Dural's stage should be unique, but able to have the attributes of all the other stages in the game. That is Dural's stage should be able have walls no walls, a large area, a small area, a long narrow area, breakable walls, unbreakable walls, low walls, high walls, bright lighting, and dim lighting where its almost like fighting in the dark. These characteristics should be random and change each round
    4. The rounds should be graded: Round 1 (Normal Difficulty), Round 2 (Hard), Round 3+( Legendary)
    5. Dural should represent the best and most complete AI in the game andDural should hold an extremely high (but unique) rank in Virtua Fighter.

    Making these 5 changes to Dural and the Boss Battle would transform Dural from the best Boss in a Fighting Game to Legendary, unmatched and unsurpassed.:LOL:

    Being able to consistently beat Dural should represent absolute mastery of all the fundamentals in Virtua Fighter and should prepare a player to competently face intermediate to advanced human players;)
    Phoenix Force likes this.
  2. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    They should make a Dural boss battle mode, similar to boss battle mode in SF Alpha 3 on dreamcast, where you can pick it on the mode select screen, and immediately fight Bison or Akuma. But to make it unique, you get graded when you defeat her, and you get a prize or unlockable if you get a grade A.

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