Need tips vs Sarah!

Discussion in 'Kage' started by spyder0080, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. spyder0080

    spyder0080 Active Member

    I've been having trouble with Sarah players recently, especially once she goes into Flamingo stance. What are some things I can do with Kage that are effective against her?

  2. Chinsilver

    Chinsilver Well-Known Member

    When Sarah goes into her flamimgo its usually a sign for people to block due to the speed of her moves within the stance but from my experience against her once you continuoulsy block it becomes very difficult to counter thus its best to counter early.

    Here are some options against her flamingo:

    1. Backdash and use [K] [+] [G] (most of her best moves from flamingo are from close range so if anything; you can counter with [K] + [G]) which will cause a beatdown and you can follow up a short combo e.g. [2] [P] + [K] [K]

    2. Backdash and follow with an elbow (i.e [6] [P] or [4] [P])
    You can also backdash and follow with one the elbows and if timed correctly can counter hit allowing for a mixup option such as a throw or [​IMG] [3] [6] [P] if they try to attack immediately.

    PS: Holding [6] [P] or [4] [P] takes you to jumonji stance and if she follows with high/mid [P] + [K] can reverse her attacks while [K] + [G] will beat anything low she thows at you.

    My two cents thrown in, hope it helps. [​IMG]
  3. Crowmosexual

    Crowmosexual Member

    How about [6]hold[P],[P]+[K]+[G] kick reversal? Is that worth throwing out?
  4. Chinsilver

    Chinsilver Well-Known Member

    That takes you into shippujin and imo is not great for quick characters and is better when you already have an advantage on your opponent.

    Jumonji stance is better due to its defensive/sabaki qualities
  5. Mr_Rellik

    Mr_Rellik Member

    I think he's talking about after you're already in Jumonji and you want to reverse mid kicks and knees. That is risky and could be rewarding if you guess right.
  6. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Chinsilver, it is not his mistake, he wrote it correctly, [6][P](hold)>[P]+[K]+[G]

    this is Kage's kick reversal from Jumonji.

    to go into Shippujin from [6][P] there is no hold, just [6][P]~[P]+[K]+[G]

    Crowmosexual, this is actually a great option against sarah
    Genesis likes this.
  7. SHwoKing

    SHwoKing Well-Known Member

    [4][4][P][+] [K] move should be usefull in this situation. I will give a try tonight.

    Kage doesn't seem to have specific stuff against Flamingo apart from the generic one like [2][P] / Evade. [3][P] is way too slow to stuff both FL [K] and FL [P][K] but he has the best punishment on blocked FL [6][K][K]
  8. SHwoKing

    SHwoKing Well-Known Member

    [4][4][P][+][K] is a worst option than [3][P].
    Really the best option a mix-up between [2][P] and evade -> crouch dash so you can avoid linear attack and crouch under / block FL [K][+][G]

    Backdash is not an option, you can't backdash her, her moves are too fast to create enough space.
  9. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    I'm pretty sure 3P beats out both K and PK options from Flamingo as both are high attacks (PK ends as a mid but initial P is high).

    3P ducks under and beats high attacks. I forget what the exact frames are but I think 3PP can beat high attacks even at disadvantage (up to a certain disadvantage).

    I won't be able to test till tomorrow night to confirm.
  10. SHwoKing

    SHwoKing Well-Known Member

    [3][P] is too slow, the [K] of Sarah's FL [P][K] hits you before. Bur [3][P] beats FL [P][2][K]

    But in fact, it depends of the move used to enter flamingo. My tests were done with a blocked [4][K] so it is +4 for Sarah. [P][+][K] or [8][K] would be another story.
  11. SAPhoenix

    SAPhoenix New Member


    Your best option against her Flamingo stance (if you don't know what to look out for) is 2[P]. Seriously. It's a momentum killer, and when she doesn't have momentum, she's less of a threat.

    My advice to you would be to go into Training Mode and learn her transitions (4[K], [P][+][K], 3[P][K], etc are all very common). Learn when she has advantage and when she doesn't. Learn what is linear and what isn't. Also try to identify the moves in Flamingo that you have the most difficulty dealing with or reacting to. You'll have a far easier time against her if you actually know what to look out for.
  12. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    ill just post this here....
    Strider786 and SAPhoenix like this.

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