Need help with countering

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by chrono, Mar 22, 2005.

  1. chrono

    chrono Member

    I play PS2 VF4 Evo. I tried to practice countering using Pai in free training mode.

    I setup the CPU to do high attack only. I tried to [4] [P]+[K] and [6][P]+[K]. The countering move only come out like 25% of the time.

    I also setup the computer to do mid attack only. I used [1][P]+[K] and [3][P]+[K]. The countering move does not even come out at all.

    Is countering really that hard in this game or it's me. Do you input the countering command before or during opponent attack? Any tips would be appreciated.

    I don't think Pai can counter low attack. Correct me if I am wrong.
  2. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Countering is normally stopping your opponent's attack with a stronger or faster attack. You can also have a minor counter when you hit an opponent during their recovery from a missed or blocked attack.

    To score a counter, you pretty much have to anticipate an attack and throw yours out.

    Look for an in-depth guide in these articles.
  3. Robio_kun

    Robio_kun Well-Known Member

    not that hard in game. it is very rare that you counter because you see the move coming. more often you anticipate that the move is coming and respond accordingly. that is most likely to happen when you are at a small disadvantage and the other player doesn't think they can get a throw in. This is also a good place to try a throw escape reversal, where you input the reversal command folloed by a few throw escape directions.
  4. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    You literally have to input the reversal the moment the attack hits. The reversal window is really small (actually Pai's [6] counter windows last a bit longer), and your opponents attack needs to "hit" you during those few frames that the counter window is open. Think about it like evading, you can't hit the counter if you throw it out before their attack starts.
  5. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    I actually am very good at reversing and to tell you the truth the best way to do reversals is to do them when your opponent attacks you when he thinks you are at a disadvantage. Also like Vanity said you need to do the reversal just as the opponent is launching his attack. Also I have to ask, are you mainly a Pai player because to tell you the truth I use Akira and Aoi for reversal type characters and I don't know if that makes a difference.
  6. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ... I tried to [4] [P]+[K] and [6][P]+[K]. The countering move only come out like 25% of the time.

    I also setup the computer to do mid attack only. I used [1][P]+[K] and [3][P]+[K]. The countering move does not even come out at all.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Excuse my previous post. I didn't look close enough at your command notation. I was talking about something else. Sorry about that.
  7. agios_katastrof

    agios_katastrof Well-Known Member

    first to clarify, chrono is asking about reversals/inashis, and not counters- just a matter of lingo.

    anyhow, i think the reversal window is 10 frames, which isn't all that much. so yah, you have to anticipate the incoming attack, and not react to it. the good thing is that execution of the reversal is 1 frame, which is pretty much the fastet "move" in the game.

    so like vanity said, you use reversals in similar situations as evades. evades are generally safer, but for characters with good reversals (like Pai), you can mix up the evades with reversals every now and then. pai also has those nice inashis. and you are correct, she can't reverse anything low.

    personally, i think anybody except for Aoi should just stick to evades. but thats just imho.
  8. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    The easiest thing in vf to counter is vanessas [6][P][K][K], although, i think in FT she has a punch option after the first kick.
  9. chrono

    chrono Member

    Re: Need help with reversal

    Sorry I mixed up the lingo. I looked at the move list again. You are right. The moves I am trying to learn are called reversal.
  10. alphanumeric

    alphanumeric Member

    Re: Need help with reversal

    Reversals are nice sometimes at the end of a string, such as Lau's PPP. If you block the first two, then grab the last one.
    Reversal timing's a pain, but along with evades, it's a good way to take control.
    Really, you have to wait until the move's coming out, if your early the reversal will end before the move hits you (that's the way it is with the standard P and DP)
  11. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    Re: Need help with reversal

    i don't think you can reverse lau's [P][P][P], it keeps you in guard stun i believe.
  12. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Re: Need help with reversal

    You can either *reverse or duck the last p if you successfully defend the first two punches.

    *iirc this requires your back to the wall
  13. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Need help with reversal

    Force guard was taken out since Evo ver B I believe...
  14. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    Re: Need help with reversal

    Yep youre right. You can duck the last p or reverse it. Although I recommend ducking since it is incredebly hard to do a reversal in that situation.
  15. Lectisternium

    Lectisternium New Member

    [ QUOTE ]

    I don't think Pai can counter low attack. Correct me if I am wrong.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Whenever someone attempts a low attack on me I dodge if a punch or jump if a kick...Pai is my main character so needless to say I have encountered a fair share of low attacks and have had no problems.
    Hope I helped.

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