Need help figuring out Taka...

Discussion in 'Brad' started by JackRyanForPope, Aug 22, 2012.

  1. Seriously, any Taka player of even minor skill can just totally destroy me. Attack? All his stuff seems to come out faster. Block? I get staggered and then the real beating ensues. Please help!
  2. Frostycyke

    Frostycyke Member

    Go into training mode and figure out Taka's frames, what his fastest attacks are, how to punish, which way to evade...

    Also, here is a helpful video about how to punish Taka, it's done with Lau but if you know Taka's disadvantage on block and you know Brad's start up frames, it's easy to know what moves to use after blocking.

    And finally, learn the combos that work on Taka, he is super fat, so all of the standard juggles don't work, you can still do damage to him, but you need to know how. check out the Brad combo threads for Taka specific combo's
    R_Panda likes this.
  3. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Taka's moves don't come out faster, but he has a lot of range and some of his moves have evasive properties. Good moves to use at the start of a round are [6][6][K] and hit scanned [3][P][+][K][P]. They should beat that launcher that crouches under a lot of moves. Throughout the match, try using moves that have a low hit box. [4][K], while a good move, has a pretty lousy hit box. It's almost like a high sometimes. Besides the moves I've mentioned, [4][4][K] also has a low hit box, along with lots of range.

    Taka does a lot of damage on Brad, but Brad can also do lots of damage against Taka. One such move leading to big damage is [P][+][K][P][4][P]. If the third move counter hits, the followup will connect, launching Taka. You can get around 100 damage from both foot positions after that. Also, Brad's natural combos are Ducking [P][P][P][P] and Counter Hit [4][K][6] Ducking [P][P][P][P].

    Be aware of Taka's throws. His directional throws both deal 80 damage. The combo throw is his [4] throw.
    VirtuaOdeon likes this.
  4. G_A

    G_A Well-Known Member

    Is it just me or Taka is the worst match up possible for Brad ?

    Brad strengths are generally punishments and combo damage, and yet Taka is better in these domains in a match Brad vs Taka.

    So what is left for Brad ?
    Aside P+K(P4P) nitaku and 4K, I don't really see on what Brad can rely.
  5. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    Strings and options, I would say. Using strings as nitaku gives you more chances than Taka gets for damage, which should help balance things out. Also, remember that Ducking [P][P][P][P] goes into Brad's Ducking nitaku on hit, so it's both a ton of damage and a powerful setup.

    I also think Brad's range game might be better than Taka, even more so when talking about half circulars. But I don't have a ton of Taka experience and I might be wrong on this one.

    There might be more but I need more experience. Taka's top tier, you're just gonna have to deal with that. Good thing Brad is too.
  6. G_A

    G_A Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I kept in mind that ducking PPPP is NC against Taka, that's why I talked about 4K, being even more efficient against him (and probably the best way to punish at +17?)

    But about range, Taka has IMO the upper hand, his launchers have an insane range and are fast enough to surprise. About that Taka is probably the worse character to backdash, his kick has great range too and his launcher can get you while you are in stagger.
    Outside from his launchers he has good moves too.

    About Brad being high tier, the reasons that make him a high tier character are definitely not verified against Taka. Even his 2P+K6P is nerfed, which leaves him without safe possibility to punish a crouching Taka...

    By the way, anybody know against what his sabaki is effective? I found nothing about it.
  7. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    Can you rephrase that question? Are you talking about Taka's [4][3][P]?
  8. G_A

    G_A Well-Known Member

    No, I believe it's 4P+K+G, looks a bit similar to Wolf's RAW, he takes some damage and gives a huge slap in return.
    I wanted to know which kind of moves he can endure.
  9. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Punches and elbows only, and you can blow through it with fast strings or moves with a hit throw, like Jacky 3P+K!P+G.
    G_A likes this.
  10. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    Taka's [4][P]+[K]+[G] is an excellent time to use [4][K] for that strong CH combo.

    Keep in mind that if Taka does the taunting version of this move out of his stance, it still sabakis and he can do a linear mid elbow that staggers on block, hit and CH, without needing an activation like naked [4][P]+[K]+[G]. Very evade punishable.

    Btw, I have to revisit this for a moment:
    [4][K] Ducking [P][P][P][P] is not a natural combo, the [4][K] combos into Ducking [P] only on CH, so that unfortunately won't work as a punish, though I love that thinking.

    As far as his long range moves go:
    His [K] is really good...
    [3][3][P] and [3][3][P]+[K] are punishable on block, so make sure to punish him for these good moves. [3][3][P] is -15 on block and [3][3][P]+[K] is -17, worse advantage than this class of move would normally receive thanks to its range, damage/ring out potential and its double limb property. The move is very good, but it is very punishable. You can get like, 68 damage! Man Taka doesn't take much damage from normal hits.
    [2_][6][P] is like [3][3][P], except 16f, half circular, and safe at -8. Pretty bullshit, but whatever. Side step it to the front. Expect it after getting hit by [2][P].
    I think [P]+[K]+[G],[P] has some range on it, iirc. It's high and full circular, duck and punish.
  11. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Tachi'ai 4P+K+G does not sabaki anything, I don't know where people got this idea, but it doesn't. It's only purpose is to do the P followup.
  12. G_A

    G_A Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the answer. Another sabaki/reversal/special that elbows can do nothing against. I wonder why some people love to stress that Brad has the best elbows, it looks pretty much pointless in FS.

    And yeah, it's not a sabaki in itself, sorry I knew it, it's more an abuse of language since it's often used in that purpose.

    Wait, it doesn't work on minor counter?

    To be honest, I just thought about it after playing yesterday, I didn't check it. I will try to check tonight.

    I have to try too how [4][6][P]+[K] > [6][6][K] works against Taka. Libertine listed it as a combo, I am curious to see if it works from long range.
  13. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    Jackasses makin' assumptions 'bout shit.

    No, mC simply gives you a damage increase. Only MC and side turned adds frame advantage, based on damage. Tested it in the dojo just now to make sure, that would be a pretty buff punishment otherwise.

    That [4][6][P]+[K] combo is pretty funny, makes Taka slide on his ass for once.

    Pointless elbows?! Not in my VF! Elbows are part of the basis of any solid fundamentals in VF, and FS is no exception. If your opponent is showing a tendency towards sabakis and reversals, or you can simply get a read on one, remember that these are hard counters and can be a big risk on your opponent's part; they're only targeting one or two specific kinds of attacks, while you have a variety of launchers and other moves that will blow that crap up if you don't get caught sleeping. [6_][K], [4][K] (more specific to Taka) and [1][P] are all moves of varying height that will blow up the wrong hard guess on CH and are safe against high guard.
    You do need to be able to hitcheck his elbow to use it, and Brad in general, correctly.
    G_A likes this.
  14. G_A

    G_A Well-Known Member

    Damn about mC properties... Brad really has no good punisher against Taka then.
    I had a doubt since [6][K]+[G] launch the enemy very well on mC even if the opponent is on crouched position (it doesn't on NH).
    Thanks for checking.

    About the Brad's elbows, I think I got misunderstood, Brad's elbow moves are great, no doubt about that. Just that I don't really see why these moves being part of the elbow class make them so special.

    Aside that, I aware of his launchers but I guess I am getting a bit jealous of Taka's 15f headbutt launcher :(.
    R_Panda likes this.
  15. G_A

    G_A Well-Known Member

    Ok, I got time to make some tests.

    [4][6][P]+[K] > [6][6][K] indeed works, but the timing is pretty strict, really don't give much time to hitcheck and since [6][6][K] leaves at -15 on guard and Taka can punish it hard... not sure to use it.
    Sometime [6][6][K] can even whiff because of the walls.
    [4][6][P]+[K] > [3][P]+[K] works, and [4][6][P]+[K] > [3][P]+[K][P] works when a wall prevents Taka going too far.

    I confirm that a heavy down attack is guaranteed after [9][P]+[K]. And easily hit-checkable.

    And I tested if Taka could crouchdash after [4][P]+[G] from Brad's catchthrow. It seems that he can't, that means that [3][P][P] is guaranteed. Not groundbreaking but every little bonus is always welcomed in this match-up.
  16. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    Keep trying, fellas.
    Brad vs Taka = slap, slap, slap, slap, elbow, headbutt, combo, Taka wins, Woo Hoo!
    Followed by a 4PKG "Hmmm" taunt for good measure. :p
  17. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    I don't see whats to get jealous about when Brad has an 14f launcher...
  18. G_A

    G_A Well-Known Member

    I believe that only Aoi can sabaki/counter it.
    That was the context of the discussion, that elbows are most of times subjects to sabaki/counters.
  19. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    I think there is some time to hit check, because you can buffer the [6][6] and press [K] if it hits, and [P] if it's blocked, and the hit animation and particularly the sound is very noticable. If it whiffs/gets ducked, press [G]. I don't know, it's not hard for me.
    I wonder if there's some good [4][6][P]+[K] wall combos on Taka. I've found some for others, but haven't checked the move out vs Taka much.
  20. G_A

    G_A Well-Known Member

    Well, I just wanted to stress that it needs to require more attention to hitcheck than other combo starters, where usually we have plenty of time.​
    It's more a question of being focused when doing it and I admit that I have a short attention span. :D
    About wall combo I didn't searched much yet.​

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