Need Gatiling Kick Beat help Sarah!

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by Lion_Cub, Sep 11, 2003.

  1. Lion_Cub

    Lion_Cub Member

    I know how to do it but whenever I try to enter the directional command Sarah only does a backflip! please help!
  2. Cas

    Cas Active Member


    That's right, because the command for GKB involves a [4], Sarah will always backflip if you do this normally. The trick is to enter the command during the execution of another move: this is called 'buffering' the throw.

    So while another move is taking place, quickly enter [8][4][2][6][P]+[G] - this should work as long as you've hit the [P]+[G] before the other move ends.

    If you're going to practice this in training I'd suggest entering flamingo and doing something harmless like the [P]+[K] sabaki - it won't knock the opponent away and it has a nice long execution time in which to enter your throw input.

    Incidentally, my partner swears blind she once did this throw without buffering it. She was in command training mode doing Sarah's commands, and she just flicked around the edge of the buttons (pad here, guys) and hit [P]+[G] for a sweet GKB. I don't suppose anyone knowledgeable is going to stand up and tell me that if you enter the command in 4 frames or less (or whatever!!) that it doesn't need t'be buffered?
  3. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    So while another move is taking place, quickly enter [8][4][2][6]+[P]+[G] - this should work as long as you've hit the [P]+[G] before the other move ends.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's enough to go through [4] "before the other move ends".
  4. Lion_Cub

    Lion_Cub Member

    Thank you!
  5. Crazed

    Crazed Member

    i always seem to be able to do the gatling kick, without buffering the move!

    'cause, if i'm right, you can also do the move the other way 'round, [2][3][6][9][8][7][4][1][P]+[G], if you do it fast enough, which is possible, if you just go smoothly around the buttons (not hard to do with normal opposible thumbs).

    I hope i was of any help here

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