Myke's Replay Aggregator/Match Indexer program

Discussion in 'Help' started by HofHaH, Apr 27, 2018.

  1. HofHaH

    HofHaH Member

    Hi, folks,
    I recently saw that Myke wrote a computer program that recognizes characters in match videos complete with time stamps. It's something that I have wanted to do for years. This inspired me to come up with lots of ideas on expanding its capabilities.

    I do not want to make money from it, I would be willing to pay a license fee to get to work on it (if that's how it works).

    Only problem is... I'm not a coder/programmer and never found it interesting enough... until now. I have always wanted to learn how to do it and this is my chance. I'm pretty sure it is within my capability since I taught myself a (speaking) language, a musical instrument and years ago tried to do Khan Academy with the aim of building the thinking style necessary to be a coder and programmer.

    I humbly ask Myke to involve me in the development and receive my humble ideas. If that is not possible can you spare some tips (e.g. what programming language to use; where did you learn it etc.) on how to make my own computer program with the same aims from your experience? Thanks.
  2. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    If you're looking for programming basis (which are definetly needed if you want to do anything like what myke does) a good way to start, for free, is installing grasshopper on your mobile phone. That way you can start grasping how code works. Don't expect to become a pro with code thought.
  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    @HofHaH, I welcome any ideas from anyone, so feel free to share them in the relevant thread. Since I've been coding for well over 20 years, I find it pretty easy to pick up a new language, so I'm probably not the best to advise you on how or where to start for the first time.

    However, to try to answer your questions though, the original program was written in Python as a prototype, but I'm in the (slow) process of converting it over to C++. Python seems to be really popular right now and there's a plethora of sites and videos you can use to learn from. I actually taught myself Python as I went along, and literally started by googling for python tutorials. So, if you're not feeling that adventurous then you can always go to the official site,, and start out with their beginner's guide.

    Good luck!
    Ellis likes this.
  4. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    If you're really serious about learning programming. I strongly recommend Bjarne Stroustrup's

    Programming -Principles-Practices.

    If I could recommend one book that covers the whole thing this would be the book. But I only recommend it to people who are very serious about learning how to properly program. If you're not serious you would n't make it very far, but if you are serious this book is a gold mine.

    I know, python, php, javascript, angular, ruby, groovy blah, blah, blah are all popular right now, but C++ is the most comprehensive and is implemented everywhere for every kind of computing device and can be used for all kinds of programming styles. Any thing you find missing can be found in the

    C++ Boost Libraries
    C++ POCO libraries
  5. Harpooneer

    Harpooneer Well-Known Member

    I want to echo what @masterpo says about learning one language first. I don't think it needs to be C++ necessarily, but if you learn one language in depth and focus on concepts and practices rather than getting hip to the latest library / plugin / whatever to solve your problems for you, you can apply the skills you learn to any language you are trying.

    Take anything I say with a grain of salt, as I only use what I know to automate basic tasks at work and I wouldn't say I'm even remotely what qualifies as a programmer. I do know that if I'm forced to use a language I don't know to accomplish something I can figure it out easily enough with some light research because I learned the basic approach first (even if I do end up with some sloppy stuff sometimes).
    Ellis and Tricky like this.
  6. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    You a programmer bro
  7. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    C++ could be benificial to learn first to get the "process thinking" object' from the getgo; but in case it is too frustrating a place to start i'd echo Python, as myke mentioned.

    (it's also the only language ive had fun enough to actually make something that was like useful in, but im not indepth enough to be a skilled programmer anyways)

    consider python and then c++, id say, tho most "accesible" jobs might still be in things like java, C# and such, especially for mobile development.

    But python is _Really_ quick satisfaction if doing self-hobby projects of somewhat a range of scale :)
    DoomFry likes this.

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