My throw escape method

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by k4polo, May 13, 2007.

  1. k4polo

    k4polo Well-Known Member

    This game ewquires prediction of the same throw in order to esacpe a throw. The best way for me to escape throws for me is to first practice mashing P+G as fast as you can. Once you mastered that. Keep mashing P+G and rotate the joystick/pad and keep pressing P+G. The way you rotate depends on the character you are facing. And some characters you can use half circle and keep mashin P+G. liek if you vs Pai. Most her throws can be escape back HCF mashin P+G all the way. In fact if teh characters doesnt have UBDF throw then keep with HCF commands.

    I found with pai if u do HCF HCB mashin P+G all the way then you can cover most of her throws. It takes alot of practice and i know alot of ppl know this already. Me and my brother are good at it and we hardly get thrown then again we can mash buttons fast and rotate pretty fast.Also this is for the noobs out there.

    Covering the neutral P+G thrwo a bit trick as in u gotta account
    for that as well. And P+G then rotate mashing P+G and rotating. Essentially you are trying to to cover every direct in order to escape the throw. I found this highly effect and escape even df,df, throws using this method.(As in i can rotate 720 and mash P+G for a single throw.

    I suggest noobs start with the easy HCF and P+G to escape throws. Predicting the timing to escape throws is difficult as well. I post another thread on when to think to escape a throw, but the common time is when you are punched on counter hit.

    On an unrelated note i use Sarah, Pai, and Jacky.

    Also this hints is for the noobs are there.

    P.S. Doesnt me using the word mash make me sound like a noob?

    I think it does :p.
  2. resist

    resist Well-Known Member

    no offense to the original poster bt this is exactly what you do not want to do if your serious about learning how to perform multiple throw escapes properly (or any aspect of the game for that matter).
  3. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    What you should learn are the 3 best throws of that character and practice TE those throws. Also practice situations where a throw would get you rung out and mix that in. If you can consistently do 3TE and recognise your guaranteed throw moves you'll be fine. Even better practice ETEG. Remember easier said than done.
  4. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    lol i do the samething as kap....but i dont do it hcf i just do it based on the charcaters dangerous throws.
  5. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    Also how is it noobish because your smashing.......

    It works

    Also if the characters three best throws are in the stick movement too than it is a good tehnique flame intended.............
  6. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    The HCF/HCB motions aren't necessary as they'd be wasted inputs, just remember throw break directions, and maybe put some yomi behind it (for /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/db.gif).

    If only I could escape when my opponent is hounding me, just lack the yomi/reflex for that (th-counters are easier though).
  7. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Well, the fundamental flaw with this technique is you'll likely whiff a throw with it, making yourself vulnerable to getting counterhit.
  8. k4polo

    k4polo Well-Known Member

    oh wow thx guys. I didn't think anyone would respond to my topic and consider it bad. Its mainly characters specific though. Hmm lets see here. Do I ever whiff a throw with this method? Hardly. I am very good in estimating throws.

    My brother so good at it he can do 720 most of time. essentially its more character specfic tho. But essentially you can cover ALOT of directions for throws by doing this. Ever Back,df and b,f is covered by this. I've even covered df,df throws.

    Thanks guys for the criticism. I expected this topic to go down the drain. Criticism is always good. Negative or positive.

    On an expert tourney level I wouldnt waste input on sound directions for certain characters like by for instance. It pretty useless to cover the U direction for a throw escape against pai since she doesnt have U direction in throws making her throws easier to escape to me at least. Essentially this method tries to cover all direction for the throws and if u get it rotate twice mashing P+G you can essentially cover at least 90% of all throws. Basically I escape most throws with this and I use it for evade throw escape as well.(Although i dont Evade throw escape often. I know I should.) Take alot of practice thouugh but consider your opponent as well. basically to throw me you gonna have to guess which way i am rotating and do opposite rotation or try a neutral grab which i am currently practicing to cover.

    The problem relies in the neutral P+G throw and if the opponent does a move the opposite direct you rotated. That can pose a threat. Of course it opponent depend as well like for wolf =, I am most likely goign to mashin P+G and roate the giant swing's directiion. And yep, recognize when to escape throws is very important as well since this method is useless if you are unable to do so.
  9. k4polo

    k4polo Well-Known Member

    and I will vary my rotation it deemed necessary. Sometimes with my brother i have to since hes so smart XD.
  10. k4polo

    k4polo Well-Known Member

    The reason why I dont whiff is because I can rotate very fast and can do 360 and maybe 720 mashing P+G for one throw. Its method of how i rotate the d-pad. It seem highly impossible to do this for one throw but in fact it is possible if you have quick fingers but thene again I play alot of fighting games.
  11. k4polo

    k4polo Well-Known Member

    Essentially i am willing to waste inputs to cover more throws. But of course pai, there is no need to cover U,UB,UF(Can someone tell me how to do those VF directions u guys do XD.)
    SO if be easer to just mashin P+G and do half circle rotations. Personally me i would button mash P+G and rotates HCF and HCB while mashin P+G in order to cover most of pai's throws. (I am so glad that her UBDF throw change to BDF :), I am also sad for this as well as I use pai as well :(.
  12. k4polo

    k4polo Well-Known Member

    what i mean is i do mash P+G rotate HCF and HCB(I mean consecutively to cover BF throw and the FD throw at same time) to escape one throw of pai. only doing HCF and mashin P+G would let pai have the opportunity to use FD throw which is not good. Best to opposite rotate to cover mostly all of her throws. I mash pretty fast so i am not worry about if i miss a direction.
  13. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Hold the guard button after you input your TE's (whatever they may be) or else bad things happen. Like...

    Jacky /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif (delay) /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif
  14. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Just to add a more common example: /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif(delay)/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif

    This is uesd more often to score a quick KD vs people who like to attack with big moves after defending elbow or in the said case of TE attempts.
  15. InspectorTrue

    InspectorTrue Active Member

    I haven't had the chance to play vf5 yet, as we don't have it here in the Philippines yet.

    But in vf4ft, you can actually see the throw start up animation, i have escaped some throws on reaction, but only the ones i am familiar with, like shuns p+g, lions f+p+g.

    Can you still do that in vf5, given that throws are 0 frame now?
  16. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    0 frame throws are exactly what the name implies.

    There is 0 startup frame, so by the time you see it, it's already too late.
  17. k4polo

    k4polo Well-Known Member

    knowing when to throw escape can be a times harder than escaping the throw. If you can realize the throw then my method or any method really is ineffective. I usually do it after a counter hit of a light punch or when i feel disadvantage after i get my moved blocked.
  18. k4polo

    k4polo Well-Known Member

    Yea With zero frame throws. Seeing it is not good. I dont see to escape i rather make a guess at it since I know mostly when i might get thrown. But I do the motion fast and when i do the motion I am usually not in control of myself. HArd to explain what I mean. I usually try throw escape when i cant move the character. (when i whiff a move or a slow move of mines is blocked.) Sorry guys I just confused you guys :(.
  19. k4polo

    k4polo Well-Known Member

    Essentially I am saying i mash P+G and rotate clockwise and the counterclockwise while maashing P+G, then you can escape 95% of all throws in the game. I cant necessarily do it tho8ugh XD. I can do 720 sometimes though and cover most of all directional throws and double direction throws like FF, DF,DF throws.
    I just saying this stuff to help ppl out. Iam fighting game obsessed and I play tekken as well.
  20. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Why do you keep saying 720? Nobody has throws on any of the up directions.

    Also your method is not good and shouldn't be encouraged at any level of play because you will always whiff a throw if your opponent doesn't throw you. This isn't a good thing.

    Escaping your opponent's 1 best throw accurately and with G at the end is better than doing 3 random escapes and leaving yourself open to a massive MC.

    After a while 1 escape will be 2nd nature and you can work more in from there. Making sure you hold G at the end of your escapes should be your priority.

    Summary - Don't mash, this game is about accuracy.

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