Most number of bounces every character can make...

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Tomoe, May 30, 2012.

  1. Tomoe

    Tomoe Member

    ... in a combo [for the lightest characters] (title continuation)

    Hi there... [​IMG]
    As we all know, in VF5, most of the characters have the ability already to make several (or all; except Dural) characters 'bounce' with a certain attack when the opponent levitates (high enough to bounce) after a certain 'floater'. I just want to know, and also for others' information, and also for application, the most number of bounces you have made to any opponent by a character who can use attacks that can make opponents bounce. I'm not sure with this, but, using my Pai character, I already have made 4 bounces to Eileen, and Pai. Also, using my Sarah, I've already made Pai and Eileen bounce three times. Both are with the wall's help. (VF5-ps3)

    I just want to know the most bounces you already have made to any opponent by your character. It would be a great help for players like me and most (or all) of us. [​IMG]
  2. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Kage can bounce minimum of three times without a wall using [6][6][P]+[K] after TFT.. Im not sure of the real max.
  3. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Akira can do two bounces but only on Vane and Aoi, the combo required to bounce either of those characters twice is highly situational too.
  4. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    I think there needs to be a run down on the new combo system:

    Depends on the `bounce,` as certain attacks lead to certain states, and there is an order to these states. Here is a basic run down:

    Floater, the combo needs to start somewhere. Think Akira [3][3][P], Aoi [3][3][P]+[K], etc.

    Depending on the weight class, stance, and hit type, the next class are bound attacks. There are two kinds of bound states: standing and low bounds.

    To get a standing bound, use a move like;

    Akira [2][1][4][P]
    Brad [9][P]+[K]
    Goh [9][P]+[K]
    Jeffry [2][1][4][P]+[K]/[4][3][P]+[K]
    Wolf [9][P]+[K]

    After these attacks you can pretty much fit any of your character`s respective strings.

    However, sometimes the best source of action is to continue with the combo by causing a low bound.

    Akira [4][3][P]
    Brad [1][P]+[K] BT [2][P]
    Goh [6][6][P]+[K]
    Jeffry [4][6][P]+[K] Threat [P][P]
    Wolf [1][P]+[K]

    In some (if not most cases) just do a [P] into one of these moves.

    Take Wolf`s basic [3][K]+[G] combo:
    [3][K]+[G] [9][P]+[K] standing bound [P] [1][P]+[K] low bound [4][K]+[G][K]/[6][P][P]/etc.

    Remember, you cannot ever go from low bound to high bound, and during some combos (also depending on the weight/stance/hit type) you cannot have more than one kind of bound.

    Let`s check out Jeffry`s [6][K]

    normal hit versus Akira, [6][K] [P] [4][6][P]+[K] low bound
    counter hit versus Akira [6][K] [P] [4][3][P]+[K] standing bound, cannot do a low bound causing follow up (as far as I know with Jeffry).

    Wall combos are a similar creature:

    You want to initiate a wall splat, (optional wall hit), high bound, initiate a high wall splat, from here you can go into a low wall splat or a low bound. Last, if the opponent doesn`t tech, an additional hit is possible with an Off the Ground attack.

    Here is an illustration:

    Pai counter hits with [3][P]+[K] > wall splat > I think [3][3][P]+[K] may be her additional re-float hit thingy (this step isn`t necessary, but can add a nice amount of additional damage)> this causes a higher bounce off the wall, use a high bound causing attack ([4][6][K]+[G])> from there cause a high wall splat > go into a low wall splat or low wall bound > last additional hit

    ch [3][P]+[K] wall [3][3][P]+[K] [4][6][K]+[G] standing bound [9][K] wall splat [6][K]+[G] low bound [3][3][5][P]+[K][P] [3][3][5][K].

    Not the best combo, but it uses all the above steps.

    An answer to your question: Most characters can get at least 2 `bounces` in, some can get 3 in (but can not recall right now).
  5. Tomoe

    Tomoe Member

    With the wall's help, do you know the most number of bounces Kage can do?

    I do agree with the two bounces, but is that with the wall's help?
  6. Sashaz

    Sashaz Well-Known Member

    What is the lau bound or bounce? Is it down pk for the bounce.
  7. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Three should be the max. Maybe a fourth is possible, but it would be rather pointless since they get smaller after a bound move is repeated.

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