More VF4 ideas....

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Chanchai, Dec 27, 1999.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Well, I just thought up another idea for VF4 and it's probably subject to a ton of controversy as it would probably change the game quite a bit...

    I was thinking of the possibility of an extended counter-attack/attack-reversal/inari/throw system.... Basically, the general idea might be along the lines of Dead or Alive, but that's not exactly what I'm thinking of. That's just the closest I can think of describing it simply... However, this system is more restricted to a few characters and would allow them to counter reversals as well as the opponent countering those reversals, however, I'm imagining this system gives a way to obtain the initiative in this close quarters hand to hand sometimes feet combat... Hmm... wouldn't want it like a parry-fest in SF3 and definitely not a dominant factor nor a misleading factor, but I figure if someone could figure out how to balance it properly into VF play without making such a drastic change to VF, it would be Yu Suzuki... I imagine quite a few guessing games in this system and somehow a way to limit how much it's done so that we don't get 30 full seconds of counter-fest then draw.... That would be kind of dumb....

    Can anyone figure out what I'm talking about? Like I said, this is limited to a few characters and a few of those few would be able to jump into a throw in which the other person would have to perform a throw-escape... Not to mention that this system would have high, low, and evade aspects and definitely somehow have something to limit it from being a dominant "cheez" factor of the game (I think some of us can imagine how such an aspect can totally ruin a game). This would also have to be anti-button-mash technique, meaning that it wouldn't be too easy to perform, but not too complex... I wouldn't know what a decent frame window would be for this, but it's just an idea. My concern might be how much yomi it would take to become an expert in this aspect, but I would hope that such a system would be designated towards experts and high level play because if otherwise (designated to less than high level play) it would probably be an over-exploited feature like parrying in SF3.

    In addition to all this, I think it would be a neat way to cause positional manipulation across the battleground. Probably something very hard to get into and continue for the reason I stated above, higher level play limited. Since VF concerns positioning and 3d movement I feel this would suit nicely if implemented proberly with directional manipulationg as opposed to the 2d nature of SF3 where a parry-fest can get very very old. Again, I would want this quite different from DOA as VF should be VF and DOA should be DOA. Wouldn't want it to look like a DOA clone. Like I said, this would be quite different than the DOA system. I haven't had enough experience with DOA2 to compare, but from the sounds of it, the system I'm thinking of is likely to be more highly evolved over the DOA2 system and wouldn't have a button designated to it. Anyways, I probably lost some people by now... but do tell me what you think and if you have any ideas for, against, supporting, adding, subtracting, or whatever to this topic.

  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I don't know about you guy's but i'll be happy with two extra charaters and couple new moves and throws.

    The Wall
  3. nxw0016

    nxw0016 Well-Known Member

    More characters (at least two), they can be boxing, Thai boxing, jodo(?) or Tai-chi, or.. whatever is cool.
    More costumes.
    No high jump.
    Even better graphic (of course!)

    The following are some joking idea:
    One-botton crouch-dash (i.e. d/f +E) -- ya!
    Sexier outfits for ladies!
    Fat man/woman (not as Taka, but just big and fat)
    No ura nor oki...
  4. Vicks Biru

    Vicks Biru Well-Known Member

    Sexier outfits could be okay, but not over-exposed ones!

    Firstly, they make the character much to big. An example is Sarah's Costume 2.

    She looks huge in it compared to Costume 1 and all Costumes in all VFs. I think something on the lines of VF2's Costume 2 and the garb she wore in the Ending movie would be nice. And by the way, because Sarah looked so huge, my mum mistook her as a man. On realising it, she called her "too beefy" and "are you sure that's a girl?"

    For Pai, the samfoo costume (Outfit 1) is cool, but maybe they could bring back the blue one (SIGH...). Anyway, the Costume 2 looks a bit weird. Something wrong with the colour combo, hat and earrings. They make her look like a chinese lantern, or an old grandma.

    How Aoi can change her look I have no Idea. Maybe her hair could be let loose, or her ribbon droppable when she's hit.

    Oh yes, and if there should be a new female character, I think we should have a middle aged lady or perhaps an old one. Perfect for Tai-Chi, Kage's mom or Shun's wife/daughter.
    <font color=orange>Better run home to Mama now! Ohohohohoho...</font color=orange>
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    all i want..and these aren't too much to ask, i don't think.

    a bra for taka

    full frontal nudity

    a transvestite space ninja character

    a "70's" mode where the BGM is disco hits (instead of their normal stand-still swagger the characters dance to the music) and all they all have long, shaggy bad hair and wear polyester outfits. spinning mirror globes on all stages

    weapons; they must be sex toys. akira gets a big steel dildo
  6. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Whoa!!! This is actually pretty cool!!!!

    Actually, I'm referring to the fact that Rich is actually having a little fun with the VFDC messageboard!!!! hehehehehehehehe

    Interesting ideas, "not much to ask for?" sure..... /images/icons/crazy.gif

    Anyways, as some people have stated, I would be satisfied with almost anything as long as it still had that VF feel, even if it was a simple rehash of VF3tb, but... I don't see anything wrong with poking around some ideas. No matter how bizarre (Rich)...

  7. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, I agree with The Wall... two new characters, and a couple of new moves/throws. Apart from that, some notes:
    1. God forbid them from making a DOA style universal-reversal button.
    2. No blood nor bruises, etc. That'd spoil everything.
    3. Aoi MUST have a japanese schoolgirl outfit!!!
    4. Speaking of outfits, make an INTERESTING one for Dural (if she's still there).
  8. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, I agree with The Wall... two new characters, and a couple of new moves/throws. Apart from that, some notes:
    1. God forbid them from making a DOA style universal-reversal button. - I whole-heartedly agree. I would like to see a more active blocking system
    2. No blood nor bruises, etc. That'd spoil everything. - I disagree - I think adding abit of grit could give VF4 some attitude - as well as give a visual clue to the state of your character.
    3. Aoi MUST have a japanese schoolgirl outfit!!! - UG - NOOO..please..get a girlfriend....
    4. Speaking of outfits, make an INTERESTING one for Dural (if she's still there). - As well as much more details stages for everybody else....nice large stages.
  9. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    3. Aoi MUST have a japanese schoolgirl outfit!!! - UG - NOOO..please..get a girlfriend....

    Now WHAT THE FUCK was that all about?! How do you know I don't have a gf? Damn, how do you know I'm male, eh? Jerk.

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