More Japan VF4 Tourney Tibits

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by SummAh, Dec 27, 2001.

  1. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    anyway..I was just reading famitsu online n came across this interesting bit of news...

    currently...players in Japan are begining to take part in qualifying for the tournament...(even though the big day is a good two months away)...

    the numbers below shows which character is being used most and used least in the tournament...

    Character Number

    1) Jacky 125
    2) Akira 106
    3) Lau 95
    4) Kage 66 (GO KYASAO GO!!!)
    5) Wolf 60 (GO BBM GO!!!!)
    6) Shun 52
    7) Aoi 46(most popular chick!)
    8) Lion 42
    9) Jeff 39
    10) Vanessa 35
    11) Lei 26
    12) Sarah 24
    13) Pai 24

    *Personally, I am unsure what this unknown is suppose to represent...*
    Anyhow...currently, 741 players have qualified...and these numbers will definitely change as qualifying are still in progress.

    For what it is worth...of the 741 players...
    only 12 of them are ranked 'Emperor'...
    157 of them are ranked 10th dan,
    3 of them are ranked 'mini emperor',
    85 of them are ranked 9th dan
    96 of them are ranked 8th dan
    112 of them are ranked 7th dan
    74 of them are ranked 6th dan
    69 of them are ranked 5th dan
    53 of them are ranked 4th dan
    37 of them are ranked 3rd dan
    15 of them are ranked 2nd dan

    From my reading..I came across charts that showed the RN of the players that have qualified, it even shows the name n location of the arcade those players qualified in!... Anyhow, I was only interested in who those 12 'emperors' are and what characters they will be using...

    Outta the 12 of them..there's gonna be
    2 Jacky
    2 Akira
    (4 pigs altogether)
    1 lei
    1 sarah
    1 wolf
    1 Aoi(YAY!)
    1 Lau
    1 shun
    1 Kage

    No Jeff, no Pai, no Vanessa among the twelve of them.
    Never fear though! I came across some really high ranking Pai, Jeff n Vanessa players.

    Seems like almost every character has a 'master' behind them...making the tourney quite fun/fair/exciting..IMO

    Judging from the recent Japanese clips..I think we can all look forward to a spectacular tournament...
  2. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    Question to anyone reading...

    I'm new to the Japanese tourney coverage, since I didn't know anything about this site or how to access any info about Japanese tourneys in the early days of VF3. Some of you fortunate people have tapes, vidclips, etc. of the tourneys, like Beat Tribe and a couple of others.

    Where would I go to find out about the tournament coverage, and get tapes? I've seen a few clips of Japanese VF3 tourney action, and I really liked it. And I would love to see more VF4 tournament coverage (gotta love those outfits!).
  3. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    The only one I do know of is
    Although I highly suspect it is not available to non Japanese residents.

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