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More idiocy at Zaibatsu...

Discussion in 'General' started by Triple Lei, Aug 2, 2002.

  1. Triple Lei

    Triple Lei Well-Known Member

  2. Enishi

    Enishi Well-Known Member

    Thats pretty sad and funny. I've seen Zaibatsu a few times in the past as I am a Tekken fan so this doesn't surprise me. They practically can't go a week without some kind of idiotic rant on why VF4 sucks. For instance, the one guy who said it sucked because of ...stomps?! What the hell kinda stupid reason is that? Tekken has em too, but as with VF, no one uses Julia's , Jack's, etc's stomps except in certain situations. I think the smartest thing anyone said was what a guy named "PaulPlaya" said: "Some people just like Tekken too much and won't even give VF a try.".
  3. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    i agree it seems they've played tekken too much to understand that VF is more in depth, and took a lot of real world fight traits, kinda sad, especially seeing someone trying to explain the obvious differences of both games and then comes a reply of someone so stubborn that he might as well be called an idiot. LOL, anyway it kind of amusing hehe /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  4. HighKing

    HighKing Well-Known Member

    I can understand it if they dislike VF4 but to bash it in such an ignorant way is stupid. They are obviously close-minded people who are huge Tekken fanboys, BUT the transition from Tekken to VF4 is unusual so their dislike towards Virtua Fighter 4 is understandable. They probably are just hardcore Tekken players who are used to the more shallow multi-button commands instead of the deep fighting system VF4 has.
  5. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    well.. you know they've dedicated 85% of their lives to tekken so understanding how VF4 works is gonna be tough, all in all its a really big case of misuderstanding on both games aspects. its kinda sad that only a few groups here in the states understood or at least tried to understand, how the game is. i guess that's how it goes. /versus/images/icons/frown.gif
  6. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Well, I would not call Tekken shallow...just because you have a preferance for button or stick input does not make the other way inferior.
  7. Ellinas

    Ellinas Well-Known Member

    Some of the replies to that post just left me speechless. Especially the guy that did a comparison of the 2 games and decided that tekken wins in the "major categories" of gameplay, story, and character design. I'll give them character design (maybe, it's debatable, tekken's designs can be seen as cheesy) and story, well vf almost has none... the gameplay seemed to be judged only based on the cpu, and I can't respect players who judge a versus/multiplayer based game on fights vs the cpu. I would say VF has a waaay better AI but anyway... Funny that people don't bring up balance, IMO, the most important thing in a multiplayer/vs game is balance, because from balance comes variety and longevity. Look at starcraft, there's still a ton of people playing it online. The game has excellent style and personality, as well as story, but the balance is what has kept people playing it for years.

    Most of the points they bring up against VF are just so trivial and stupid, it amazes me. I think the real problem is that these people have never seen what high level, or even half assed decent level VF gameplay is like.

    I'm going to register and direct them to some high level VF4 videos I think. Maybe if they see good players in action (instead of the PPPK scrubs they've most likely played against) they'll see how cool VF4 is when you know how to play it. I've seen some high level tekken 4 and it's horribly ugly IMO.
  8. HighKing

    HighKing Well-Known Member

    I meant Virtua Fighter's fighting system, in general, is more "deep" than Tekken's. IMO.
  9. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    you know i did the same thing i registered, to show them the light unfortunately registration there takes quite a while. /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif,

    anyways i agree with what you said the only one person brought up the topic of balanced, but it was toppled by an ignorant fool who said akira is overpowered, and its amazing too how one guy said he doesn't like the paper, rock, scissors concept of the game, and he likes tekken coz it doesn't have that LOL, talk about dumb, man, i mean seriously, so he's been playing a fighting game like tekken for a long time and he doesn't know that every fighting game is based on a paper rock scissors concept LOL this part was the most hilarious part ever of that conversation ever.
  10. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    I'm going to register and direct them to some high level VF4 videos I think. Maybe if they see good players in action (instead of the PPPK scrubs they've most likely played against) they'll see how cool VF4 is when you know how to play it.

    Let me save you some trouble. It won't work. I'm a member of tekkenzaibatsu.com /versus/images/icons/blush.gif , and I've seen these threads/flames come and go. A large number of the Tekken players almost always have the same gripes about VF (mainly because they are ignorant of the game). Someone will direct them to sites like tbzone, daioh, and thenomercy, but they almost always stick to their narrow-minded reasoning (VF is too slow, button arrangement, character appeal, etc.) The thread will go back and forth for a few more days. And then another will reappear in about a week (or a month at the max). Rinse and repeat.

    In my opinion, it's just not worth it.
  11. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    wow, so their pretty much stcuk up on tekken, and bringing up VF4 would be surgically trying to remove the arcade stick out their ass, oh well, its sad, but i guess that will never change, too bad.
  12. Triple Lei

    Triple Lei Well-Known Member

  13. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    That's OK, we love you here too and accept your apology. You're a goodwill ambassador, of sorts.


    Seriously though, when a site becomes as massive as Zaibatsu or SRK, idiocy is bound to flock there and breed. Which is generally why I dislike some of the really big, popular messageboards out there... they make me waaaaaay too angry.
  14. cooks94

    cooks94 Well-Known Member

    wow tekkeners seem very angry...... maybe there just so pissed by the imbalance in tekken 4 they have to let off some steam on VF. There just nitpicking to find everything that even remotely resembles tekken. Oh my god Goh has a hood!!!! Jin had a hood first so no other character ever can wear a hood or else there ripping of tekken! Jesus Christ Brad has slicked back hair, Just like Steve, that is if they shave brads gotee and dye his hair blonde..... how dare AM2, nobody can have slicked back hair... EVER!!!!!!!!! Hey I got an idea...... VF was the first 3d fighter, Tekken ripped us off man lets complain about that. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif whew i just had to let of some steam.....
  15. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    i dunno. i see everyone jump on a newbies back here. its not like every board has its nuances.....albeit the zaibatsu shite is out of hand though......
  16. BakuBaku

    BakuBaku Well-Known Member

    Its not even worth defending anything at TZ, I used to always be defending VF there. The only thing that hardcore TZ players play is Tekken and SC. They were even hating and saying how stupid 2D fighters are. You can goto hell for that you know?
  17. cooks94

    cooks94 Well-Known Member

    yes VFDC has some problems but id dosent lie on those who flame the "newbies" it lies in themselves. We dont flame newbies we flame people with nothing good to say like one of the most populare examples }3}3fighter. We might even flame you one day if you start posting me too on everything. We might even flame me or has it already begone........... /versus/images/icons/shocked.gif
  18. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    well the issue isn't really about flaming newbies in that site, its mostly tekken platers showing big hatred to VF, simply because of its complexity of gameplay, its like saying i'm a lazy couch potato and i don't like VF because it makes me think, that's the way i see it. as Far as flaming newbies, i really try hard not to, but some of them do ask for it, basically i have no problem with newcomers asking questions, just those who think they know everything already when they only played it a week and have never played any other VF but VF4, don't you think that's asking for it, otherwise i don't flame, and in terms of wether there's idiocy in this site or any other well..... there are some, and like you said Zaibatsu obviously has more of it, but otherwise its found every where, as Einstein once said: there are only 2 things that are infinite in the world, the universe and mankinds stupidity, and he's not sure about the universe being infinite. /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif, Peace
  19. cooks94

    cooks94 Well-Known Member

    I wouldnt say that Zaibatsu has any more or less stupidaty than vfdc or any other forum. They are just plain stubborn twords trying VF becasue its not all that mainstream as tekken. Im sure they are great at tekken just like we are at VF just we are not closeminded to Tekken or any other fighting game. On another note i just read the latest gamepros review of T4, they gave it a 4.5 as opposed to VF4 5.0 I wonder what Zaibatsu is gona say about that......
  20. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    well i sure wont bring that up to them, coz they are gonna freak for sure, but then again there some reasonable persons there that would prolly agree, but if someone did bring this topic up its gonna be one big issue in Zaibatsu.
    BTW when did gamepro review VF4, just wanna find that issue and see they're veiw of the game, or maybe you could tell me?

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