Modern Control Scheme Coming to VF6????

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Jun 9, 2022.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Street Fighter 6 is getting new modern, watered down command entry controls. One button super hit, One button special attacks for people who can't pull off the execution of some of the more complex combos and controls.

    After the Tekkenization of Virtua Fighter we now know how things work in the FGC. Street Fighter is King. Tekken copies off of Street Fighter. And now we know that Virtua Fighter copies of Tekken. So the next version of Tekken will have this new dual control scheme(or something like it) with watered down commands and moves. And then Virtua Fighter will copy off of Tekken 8:meh:.

    We will probably not even recognize the next version of Virtua Fighter:oops:

  2. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    I doubt sega is that stupid enough to do something like that. I mean VF commands are already simplified enough, and make sense. But then again, this is so called modern sega. So I understand the concern.:p

    But I did see that in the case of SF6, it has some gamers a bit worried. I'm gonna check out Ignant Rizzy's channel, and see what this is about.

    I just checked out your link. Apparently, the simplified control scheme in SF6 is for noobs. Kinda like what they did for the SF characters, in Smash Bros. If this is true, hopefully, no worries there. Hopefully.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2022
    masterpo likes this.
  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Yea, but the simplified control scheme is just to start. If it increases players then they'll water down move lists next. The make hit boxes bigger, combo windows longer etc.:cautious:
  4. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    That has been one of the biggest fears for a long time now. And unfortunately, it has been going on to some extent, for over close to 2 decades now, so this is nothing new. I mean imagine playing VF6, and each character only has 20 moves. I would get bored in an instant.

    I mean Goh in VF4, has alot more throws, than Goh in VF5 FS and US. So that is one of many warning signs for all of us, and a good example of a watered down moveslist.
  5. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Once upon a time.... execution speed, and the skill required to execute complex moves proved that a player had the steel or the metal. Pulling off complex moves, and combos especially during a hire pressure match demonstrated a certain amount of savoir faire. Also the Arcade version of the game made it require skill or else it would just suck up your quarters or tokens. In order to stay on the machine you had to be able to pull off the moves or you would go broke, and have to give up the stick.:ROTFL:

    Now that the Arcade Scene is gone, the game publishers want to water down the game so that Ma, Pa, Grand Ma, Baby Boy, Baby Girl, Uncle Joe, every body can play and enjoy the fighting game, but the way they make money now is through DLC, and Micro-transactions. :oops:

    On the Arcades its to the developer benefit to force you to keep feeding the machine tokens to practice executing complex moves, and combos. And to the arcade developer's advantage to make the flashy stuff force you to use more quarters or tokens to learn it.

    On the Game Consoles difficulty is a bad thing. The way to make money is to make the game easy enough for anybody to pick up and play and then constantly charge for DLC and Microtransaction.

    So difficulty at the arcades is good, creates a challenge environment, creates arcade superstars, and legends (Those that can pull off the complex moves). On a game console difficulty is bad, drives away potential customers and therefore the game publishers want to water the game down. The more people playing the game , the more DLC that can be sold.

    On watered down game console versions of fighting games, the trick is to make the high level players think they're still legends:ROTFL:
  6. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Yu Suzuki always wanted Virtua Fighter to be low execution, so I'd be down.
    masterpo likes this.
  7. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    To-May-toe, To-Mah-toe :ROTFL: six of one, half-a-dozen of anutha

    High skill execution is under assault by the profiteers and gamer wannabes:

    • Elden Ring
    • Sifu
    • Sekiro Shadows Die Twice, etc

    @MadeManG74 I truly hope we'll both be able to recognize the next version of VF as a legitimate version of VF;)
  8. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    First, you didn't refute my point at all.
    Second, I don't care if VF6 is a fucking NFT idle phone game that stars Spot the Dog, if it's a piece of shit I just won't play it and I'll keep TO'ing VF5FS/US instead.
  9. Dreamboat

    Dreamboat Well-Known Member

    not even the first capcom game to feature this. get a grip
    MadeManG74 likes this.
  10. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    @MadeManG74 didn't try to refute because I essentially agreed;)

    @Dreamboat wasn't trying to cite the first instance, only an instance. For the purposes of this thread any example would do, old, current, future, whatever.

    The point is, it may be a wee bit naive to think that VF is not on track to copy off the FG trends that will be set by SF6, Tekken 8, etc:meh:

    On the other hand if the point I'm trying to make is too nuanced, or sophisticated for you chaps, no worries I understand:)
  11. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    You said that "High skill execution is under assault by the profiteers and gamer wannabes:", but you agree that Virtua Fighter was always intended to be low execution from the outset?
    If that's the case, what's the fear of easier control methods?
    Honestly, I can see a reason to panic if it's something like Auto-Combo because I believe that would inherently make the game more complex instead of less complex, but removing execution barrier for existing moves (Thinking stuff that requires fastest input or just-frames), I'm in favour of. I personally liked the move from MTE to Lazy Throw Escape for example.

    Also, please no more veiled insults, or we will issue warnings.
    phanatik, Ares-olimpico and masterpo like this.
  12. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Yes Yu did want the game to be more accessible. But my friend consider the fighting games that were out at the time and execution requirements at the arcades in the late 80's and early 90's. Very different ball game than what's the case today. So VF's (relatively) lower requirements back then, are strenuous in today's client of kinder, gentler fighting game modes:sneaky:


    I don't make veiled insults. When I want to insult someone on VFDC I do so unambiguously and with precision:meh: And I only insult someone after I've been attacked, or trolled or insulted in some way.

    @MadeManG74 after all these years, you should be aware that my VFDC postings are just like my VF matches, I'm a counter attacker. I never start the fight, I strike after I've been struck:whistle:

    As my mom used to say, it always takes at least two (sometime more) to tangle. So, if there are going to be some warnings issued there have to be at least two recipients. I'm not the kind of person that attacks or insults someone out of the blue without provocation:cautious:
  13. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Fighting games today still require really good execution, Guilty Gear and Marvel etc all have super difficult combos and the like. Regardless, I think Suzuki's term was even 'I would like it to be as if it was hooked up to the player's mind, so they could just think what they wanted to do and have it happen'. No matter of the games around it, I could see VF aiming for minimal execution barriers.

    If you're worried about other games then sure, some of them have higher execution as a big part of their identity. To that I'd say, just support the older games that have that feature, and don't support the newer games that don't.
    masterpo likes this.
  14. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    That's the plan:ROTFL:
  15. Birthua

    Birthua Active Member

    My only wish is the returning of the Evade button! ...Well and improved grab animations
  16. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I've always believed that fighting games required more physical skill, hand eye coordination, more practice, and more knowledge than most other types of video games.

    I know this is a controversial position. I've met players who argue that FPS are just as complex and require even more hand-eye-coordination and speed.o_O

    But good fighting games tend to have dozens, of base moves to memorize, button combinations with required input windows that can be extremely challenging, character match ups and a plethora of move list and situational permutations to learn, and practice, not to mention the whole frame data, matter.

    A player that is truly good at games like Virtua Fighter, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Tekken, Soul Calibur etc., is an extremely skilled individual that has put in hundreds if not thousands of hours honing the requisite skills to be good at the game.

    These players are legends for good reason. They've earned the crowd's cheers and applause, they've put in the work, sweat, studied the move sets, practiced the combos and mastered the move lists of one (sometimes more than one character)

    Back in the late 90's and early 2000's players that had achieved this status were elite, and their well earned reputations preceded them in the gaming world wherever they went.

    Fast forward to 2022, where the (profit seeking, money making) trend is to make fighting games so easy that anyone can play them, anyone can win, anyone can be a top player (or least hope to be) and it takes something away (however small) from fighting game folklore, and the fighting game legends.:cry: One button combos, comeback meters, purposely broken characters on launch(e.g. Leroy Smith in Tekken 7) all lead to more sales for the game publisher, more people playing the game, more opportunities for DLC sales, and micro-transactions. Who gives a damn about the super combo-input-execution-eye-hand-coordinated-yomi-having-frame-data-mastering freaks from the late 90's through early 2000's there's only so many of them anyway. Can't get rich off those dudes. Who even remembers Ryan Hart:ROTFL:

    No, the way to go is open this thing up to any and everybody skilled or not, create a lot of e-sports hopefuls. Hell even grandma oats should be able to play and win. What we need to do is stream line those move lists, make those hit boxes a little bigger, and loosen the execution time on those combos, add one button super moves, comeback mechanics that can deliver the win no matter how bad the loser is losing, and eventually add pay-to-win mechanics and we'll have a FN gold mine:holla:

    I know the fighting games will never go back to the way they were. That's why I've drawn the line at VF5FS, Tekken 6, Soul Calibur 6, DOA5LR. Those games are as streamlined and watered down as I'm prepared to swallow:(

    The fighting games coming out after 2022 and the e-sports legends that will be created from them will all be based on a complete different skill set. And imo that skill set just won't have the same prestige:cool:
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2022
  17. Dragonps

    Dragonps Well-Known Member

    May I ask what's wrong with a simplified control scheme?

    How does that affect me as a player?

    It's one thing being able to pull off a move, it's another thing entirely to know WHEN to pull off that move. Sure new players have access to easier inputs but they still don't know when to use these moves.

    Isn't that a good thing that anyone can play them? Does it not grow the community? I'd rather more people be playing FGs than less.

    This is highly debatable, are you suggesting for instance that I could beat someone like Daigo or Tokido? I think you'll find I'd lose pretty badly and I'm fairly decent at fighters.

    No they can't, being a top player takes an insane amount of skill that not everyone is able to achieve. Just because I can pull off 20 hit combos with a single button press doesn't mean I have the experience or mindset that a top player would.

    Fighting game folklore? Were you one of those players that hid their hands playing MK so that young kids like me couldn't see how it was done? Then when I'd ask them they'd have a go at me and tell me to "learn"

    Those types made life hell for me as a kid trying to learn moves and play styles. It was like they were part of a secret club that you weren't a part of.

    Removing the entry barrier is a good thing for FGs, it removes that mystery that stops players being interested.

    This smells of "it's not fair they should have to learn like I did" No they shouldn't not at all.

    Fighting games like other genres have to evolve because if they don't then they'll slowly die out and devs simply won't make them any more.

    Space Invaders was a great game for it's day but the formula had to evolve and it has. What we got was crazy bullet hell shooters requiring insane memory techniques.

    However I'm guessing you hate bullet hell shooters and you'd rather play space invaders?
  18. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    I agree with everything you said, but kind of disagree that simpler controls are inherently a 'good' evolution. I think that they have a place and I'm fine with seeing them introduced as long as they are incorporated in a good way.
    I think that more complex execution still has a place in fighting games too though, but neither is 'better' or worse than another.
    And thank you for pointing out that strategy and knowledge has a LOT to do with fighting games more than just execution hurdles.
    beanboy likes this.
  19. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't mind if they gave you both options like how Akira can do an easier version of his DLC if you want, or there's still the original inputs if you can pull it off. Reward the player who can do the move with higher executions and for those who do the simplified controls for a move, just have it do less damage. Couldn't they have kept multiple throw escapes for those who prefer that over the simplified easy throw escapes? Or would it not work having both options on that?
  20. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    MTE would be too strong in a game that only has three throw directions I guess?

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