Minnesota Players Wanted For Battle!!

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by ChampionLion, Jul 17, 2003.

  1. ChampionLion

    ChampionLion Member

    OK, Minnesota players where you at. I have a few ppl from the Minneapolis area, and we need some fresh meat. So if your man enough to bring it email me at ChampionLion@hotmail.com. O, yeah guess who I use?
  2. ChampionLion

    ChampionLion Member

    One more thing we are willing to host a tournament for locals
  3. ETPharaoh

    ETPharaoh Well-Known Member

    Hey there! Those of us in the MN crew rarely post here on the boards but I just noticed this thread and figured that we should reply.. There are a few of us who, after all these years, are still playing VF. I sent you an email detailing how we can get together. If anyone else is interested in joining us for some VF at my place you are more than welcome. Just shoot me an email at ETPharaoh@hotmail.com

    We usually play a few times a week so you should have no trouble finding a time that works for you.

    Glad to see that there is more VF blood to be found in MN. Maybe someday we will make it to a larger national gathering. /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
  4. Bedwettah

    Bedwettah Active Member

    Hey, this is Brady.

    Just wanted to let people know that we are now having pretty large gatherings with people playing vf4 evo in minnesota (maplewood specifically). These gatherings started out just for tekken tag but t4, sc2 and vf4evo have been added. At the last get-together that I was there for I think we had 7 or 8 people playing evo - though some of those are still undecided on whether they want to learn the game there are atleast 3 of us that can give you a good game.

    I asked the guy who runs these if I could ask other vf'ers to show up and he said, 'yes'. I'm guessing that there would not be a TON of people that would show up for this - but if you ridgedale/moa people are still playing multiple times a week it would be REALLY cool if you could drop by next friday or saturday. We have a small group right now for vf but they are starving for some good compeition. And I'm QUITE certain that if we have a lot of people playing vf there some people will gravitate towards it.

    PS I know Boyd USED to read these forums and if I'm remembering correctly ETPharaoh = Sam. If you guys still play give me a hollar.
  5. ETPharaoh

    ETPharaoh Well-Known Member

    Yo Brady. Yep, you remembered correctly. This is Sam. Anyways, I just sent you an email to the address listed under your profile here on VFDC. Get back to me whenever you can. Cya.
  6. Air Jacky

    Air Jacky Well-Known Member

    Hey Brady
    When do you guys get togeather? i got time this saturday. Let me know if that works. Also i suck at evo i dont play that much but i still can put up a good fight every once and a while:) oh well
    let me know thanks

  7. RabidPandaMN

    RabidPandaMN New Member

    yeah us tekken players are starting to learn vf

    we arent very good so dont expect much
  8. Ooh_He_Tasty

    Ooh_He_Tasty New Member

    its like this....we new kids suck beans...but we are all getting better fast...it seems basic fighting game skills translate to other games?

    anyways i be the guy who hosts the gatherings that brady is talking about
    (although for a guy who hates his online name i cant believe he is using it at so many websites???)

    this next weekend though alot of people are gonna be out of town some for tournaments in sc2 and t4 and myself for other reasons but the weekend after that the gatherings resume at my place

    PM me if you want a piece of the furry tornado
  9. ETPharaoh

    ETPharaoh Well-Known Member

    Yo, I understand that Jesse and Boyd made it out to your last gathering. I wish that I could do the same (a bloody curse on my stomach!!!!).

    Like I said before, you guys are welcome to come play some Evo here at my place anytime.
  10. Ooh_He_Tasty

    Ooh_He_Tasty New Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ETPharaoh said:

    [/ QUOTE ]

    if you dont mind my asking, whats going on with your stomach?

    i hear outstanding things about your game all the time from brady even back in our tekken days ...and moreso now that i am a fellow MN lion player....although i cant stand his flippin voice...i will get over it

    it would be bad ass to see how a real player plays...although watching chibita doesnt seem to hurt any...its too surreal for me...especially since i cant play against him

    i would like to come see you play...sadly i am in a similar situation(broken leg)
    email me ill see what i can do if the offer is still out there
    maybe i can even grab some of the other VFers
  11. ETPharaoh

    ETPharaoh Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ooh_He_Tasty said:

    if you dont mind my asking, whats going on with your stomach?

    i hear outstanding things about your game all the time from brady even back in our tekken days ...and moreso now that i am a fellow MN lion player....although i cant stand his flippin voice...i will get over it

    it would be bad ass to see how a real player plays...although watching chibita doesnt seem to hurt any...its too surreal for me...especially since i cant play against him

    i would like to come see you play...sadly i am in a similar situation(broken leg)
    email me ill see what i can do if the offer is still out there
    maybe i can even grab some of the other VFers

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yo. With regard to my stomach I don't mind you asking at all. The trouble is that I become severely nauseous pretty consistantly. It comes and goes but when it does manifest itself it is pretty terrible. Needless to say it has seriously hindered my ability to travel.

    Anyways... Though I'm not so sure that my play warrants much praise I do appreciate the feedback. It's worth noting, however, that Jesse and I are 100% evenly matched with regard to skill in VF. Brady or Mark can probably give you a clearer picture with regard to our game now that we've had the opportunity to play. It's entirely possible that Brady's opinions about me have changed since then. No worries though! We had alot of fun Saturday night when he and Mark came to play and I'm sure that we'll do it again. You are more than welcome to come along with them the next time they make the voyage out here. I can shoot you an email or you can get a hold of me via my email which I listed above.

    Haha! I'm with you on the atrocious job that Lion's voice actor has done. He has been my main character since the VF2 days and his winning taunts never fail to irritate the hell out of me. I'll also say that the fact that Lion's voice is deeper in VF2 than it is in VF3 or 4 doesn't make much sense. Nevertheless I'm relatively certain that Lion isn't gay despite his ridiculous voice. I've heard rumors that Lion hooks up with Aoi in that hideous VF anime that came out a while back. If that is true then you might want to change your sig! /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    Either way I guess it really doesn't matter. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif I chose Lion way back then because of his fighting style. I used to take praying mantis from a local (and legitimate) praying mantis master a while back so I just had to play with a character that used a similar style (I took southern mantis, Lion uses northern). I didn't stay at the school long enough to get anywhere due to the inconsistant work schedule that I used to have but it was fun for the short time that it lasted. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  12. RabidPandaMN

    RabidPandaMN New Member

    when is everyone playing vf again?

    i just got the game so now i can practice and what not
  13. Fury

    Fury Active Member

    you = winner
  14. RabidPandaMN

    RabidPandaMN New Member

    fury loves the cock
  15. Fury

    Fury Active Member

    wild suck ass, hawks are #1
  16. Bedwettah

    Bedwettah Active Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ETPharaoh said:
    It's entirely possible that Brady's opinions about me have changed since then.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmm, I'm not even sure I beat you and if I did it was only once or twice in around 20 matches, so no, you definately have my number as has been the case since the middle of the vf3 days. I played everyone else fairly decently and definately learned a ton of shit though, mostly little things like gauranteed pounces and whatnot - invaluable nonetheless. I messed around with some stuff afterwards and am now almost pretty happy with where my Brad is now. Atleast against the computer I'm escaping a LOT more throws and am handling low punches way better.
  17. Event_Horizon

    Event_Horizon Well-Known Member

    Sam, I really like your style of Lion, it wasn't as frustrating as the other Lions I have played. Usually I'm up against a low, mid, throw guessing game the whole time, which I'm not against, it just frustrates me. You wupped me without that, it was refreshing /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif It was also really fun playing over there, thanks!
    Well back to work on my Lei, not sure I want to use him since he's considered top tier. See you guys later
  18. ETPharaoh

    ETPharaoh Well-Known Member

    Aye, it was alot of fun. It was definitely good to play some people other than our usual crew. None of us play the characters that you guys do at the competitive level that you do! I'm down to play anytime so whenever you guys feel like making the trip...

    I can also talk to Jesse/Boyd/Alexei and see when they might want to meet you guys out in Maplewood. Either way just let me know!
  19. Ooh_He_Tasty

    Ooh_He_Tasty New Member

    this saturday we will be having a tournament in all the games ...VF included(cheap little tournament but it should be fun) you should consider it

    the first head of the CIA was married to a lady and gay at the same time...there is my theory there

    and this nonsense about the hawks and the wild....is pointless when the Avalanche own the entire league, quite literally they bought out all the worthwhile talent
    they are the yankees of NHL and will win
  20. Petrovsk

    Petrovsk Active Member

    Hello, I recently stumbled across these forums and lo and behold, I find a calling for Minnesota players. I am resident of St. Paul. I admit I am fairly new to VF (Didn't care for earlier VFs, but I've been playing Evo as much as possible - best fighting game ever). I would like to see some real players fight - perhaps kick my ass and teach me something. Post again if you ever plan on meeting again and I'll contact someone, maybe sooner.

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