MAX's Mind - Constantine

Discussion in 'General' started by Liquid_MAX, Jul 19, 2005.

  1. Liquid_MAX

    Liquid_MAX Well-Known Member



    When I heard that Keanu Reeves would be starring in his first lead role since the advent of his meteor-like rise to stardom in the wake of the cult hit that was The Matrix Trilogy, I sat up and took note.

    Watching the first teaser trailer and all the subsequent previews doing the rounds on the net, I expected it to be a fairly straight-forward, B-movie-ish cop-out film that was still pretty entertaining. What a pleasant surprise, then, that not only did this film have its fair share of suceessfully horrific elements (something even most horror movies today seem wholly unable to acheive), but it also had a surprising amount of artistic integrity both in terms of plot and general cinematic style.


    The main character, as emboddied by a wonderfully moody Reeves, is that of one John Constantine. Best described as a "renegade occultist", Constantine is a man who is dogged by his birth gift/curse to see 'the world behind the world'. Heaven and Hell are merely parallel dimensions to the same universe - that is, where you are standing right now on Earth, there is a Heaven and Hell version of where we are, but on different 'frequencies' from what we can see. The 'balance' is an agreement between God and Lucifer that they will have no direct angelic or demonic influence on humans...the exception to the rule being the inclusion of 'half-breeds' which, as the name suggests, are haf-divine/half-demonic. They are seen by humans as humans. Constantine, on the other hand, sees them in their 'true' angelic and demonic forms, and he views this arrangement as "hypocritical bullshit" as the wager placed between God and the Devil as to who will get which souls is played out in what he believes to be a game that is entirely selfish.

    What's so great about this whole set up is that - because these beings are a part of Constantine's routine life - we get this air of confidence and familiarity around the protagonist. While everyone else is freaking out, Constantine approaches the situation like another day at the office. This is what he does. This makes a great set up for when things do start to "go to Hell", because even Constantine will break the odd sweat.


    Reeves emboddies the once-English Constantine of the Hellblazer graphic novels with a wonderful sense of depressed sarcasm from the terminal cancer patient whose time is running out. For all the criticisms that have been levelled at Reeves in years gone by, there's little doubting that the man can carry a film with the best of 'em...and he's never cocky about it. He may not have the greatest range, but it's a Keanu performance - like a Pacino performance or Cruise performance, part of the fun of seeing their movies is seeing them take on the challenges of their character and alter their personalities just enough that we believe that they are that character.

    And Keanu Reeves is Constantine.

    On a cinematographic and directorial standpoint, music video director Franics Lawrence disproves the trend of his kin lacking any artistic voice worthy of note. He actually has a great and consistent and continuously fresh approach to the entire movies. Sure, his inspirations are a tad obvious a lot of the time, but he pulls it off with enough pinache that you can't help but admire the final product. He has a definite sense of the movie's ethos and visual representation of the world we see. With a surprisingly indie feel for such a big-budget piece that suits the tone of the material perfectly, he's done a great job in turning studio dollars into a solid comic book adaptation with a respectible level of artistry.


    Story-wise, this movie surprises us once again - a climax that is surprisingly low-key and personal, and a great ' pure Constantine' moment as he gives 'Lu' the finger as he enters Heaven - one of those juxtapositions that really is quite wonderful in context /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    Overall, this movie can't really be faulted. Yes, there are a couple of cringe-worthy points, but most of those seem to have come from Ms. Rachel Weisz, which was somewhat unexpected. Nevertheless, the movie holds together very well indeed. The immediate ending may be just a tad underwhelming, but it's got more than enough style and depth to make up for well as the fact that it's in perfect Hellblazer tone, so it's simply a matter of taste.

    Great movie - go buy /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


    <font color="red">Score:

    [Check out my RT journal entry for Constantine and the rest of my RT journal here.]
  2. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Liquid_MAX said:


    When I heard that Keanu Reeves would be starring in his first lead role since the advent of his meteor-like rise to stardom in the wake of the cult hit that was The Matrix Trilogy, I sat up and took note.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Do you have a hard-on for this guy? /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    I'm sorry, I haven't read the article but felt the need to post upon reading this opening statement. Keanu Reeves was already playing the lead roles in many films before the Matrix trilogy. Off the top of my head, I can name the Bill & Ted movies, Speed, Johnny Mnemonic, Point Break and Devil's Advocate. To say he drew acclaim due to the Matrix films is absurd.

    I like Keanu Reeves, he has his moments but in no way would I classify him as a great actor.

    I haven't seen Constantine but plan to in the future. Now I'll read the rest of your article.
  3. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    It's also absurd to say that the Matrix series was a cult movie. The second and third were much larger than that, but i guess calling them 'mainstream' just doesn't fit with Liquid's hardcore 'real' persona
  4. KS_Vanessa

    KS_Vanessa Well-Known Member


    i remember talking about seeing this film with a friend. the conversation went like this:

    Me: hey, u wanna go see constantine after this last spliff?

    friend: constantine? why the fuck would i want to go see a film with keanu reeves?

    me: good point.........
  5. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    Man the keanu hate is in full effect. This is a silly thread but from me Keanu deserves props. He created many very similar but interesting characters ithat we will proabably remember until we are old. Its funny how many can hate on him and still name 5 or 6 movies he's starred in off the top of their heads. The man gets paid the big bucks because evidently he is very entertaining in his movies. Can't argue with that much.
  6. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    KS_Vanessa said:


    i remember talking about seeing this film with a friend. the conversation went like this:

    Me: hey, u wanna go see constantine after this last spliff?

    friend: constantine? why the fuck would i want to go see a film with keanu reeves?

    me: good point.........

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dude what is up with that. Enough with the flames.
  7. KS_Vanessa

    KS_Vanessa Well-Known Member

    sorry, didnt mean to flame.

    constatntine is an alrite film. There could have been alo more action but at least the voodoo guy made up the film for me.
  8. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    wait, he posted about how he didnt like keanu, and thats a flame?
  9. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    Darrius Cole HD
    Keanu Reeves is cool. He's not Jack Nicholson, but he can carry a movie.
  10. KS_Vanessa

    KS_Vanessa Well-Known Member

    and i guess a movie can carry him also.
  11. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Constantine: Neo Goes to Hell

    constantine was shite with alterations from the source that made no sense with allusions to the source (and actual layouts as well) that made even less sense. A complete mess from start to finish.

    Keanu can no more carry a film than Mark Wahlberg can. They both certainly come from the same "whisper = emote" school of acting but companions in the ability to carry exactly one note on screen don't make them worthy of any particular praise.

    side note: getting ready to play hamlet in outdoor theatre (what every hack was doing at one point because good actors do it to remain sharp), Keanu made a stop at my university to "take notes" at our own production of Hamlet. no real slight against the kids who were performing at the time (they were serviceable) but if you are inclined to learn your craft there are better places than a university production of a shakespearean play.

  12. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    When I heard that Keanu Reeves would be starring in his first lead role since the advent of his meteor-like rise to stardom in the wake of the cult hit that was The Matrix Trilogy, I sat up and took note.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    what the fuck is wrong with you? not only do you have excrable taste in movies, but you're ignorant as shit, too. anyone older than 12 that even casually follows movies will know that reeves was a huge, studio-bankable movie star well before the matrix, and, even more obviously, a series of movies that grossed over USD $1,623,967,842 (which is only counting box office reciepts, not rentals and dvd) IS NOT A FUCKING CULT SERIES, YOU FUCKING RETARD.
  13. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    hey bungle sorry to spoil your fun but you're a few days late

    [ QUOTE ]
    Painty_J said:

    It's also absurd to say that the Matrix series was a cult movie. The second and third were much larger than that, but i guess calling them 'mainstream' just doesn't fit with Liquid's hardcore 'real' persona

    [/ QUOTE ]
  14. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: MAX's Mind - Constantine *DELETED*

    Post deleted by Mr. Bungle
  15. DragonCop

    DragonCop Well-Known Member

    Clear off Pansy or I'll [K] your ass
  16. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    dragoncop said:

    Clear off Pansy or I'll [K] your ass

    [/ QUOTE ]

    oh no big man with a little gun bringin the hate to people at random everyone watch out his emotes are madd style

    bungle no hard feelings man just wantd you to know that tree's already been shaken
  17. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    Darrius Cole HD
    Re: Constantine: Neo Goes to Hell

    [ QUOTE ]
    By GodEater
    Keanu can no more carry a film than Mark Wahlberg can. They both certainly come from the same "whisper = emote" school of acting but companions in the ability to carry exactly one note on screen don't make them worthy of any particular praise. (emphasis added)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The money says otherwise.

    If you will look at Mr. Bungle's links you will find that "Revolutions" box office take was less than that of the original "The Matrix." Personally I attribute all of that difference to the way "Revolutions" and thus the trilogy, ended. "I want peace," indeed (with disgust and sarcasm).

    Its very simple.....

    Kill the bad guy
    Rescue the damsel in distress
    Save the world

    .....Give the people what they want.
  18. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Re: Constantine: Neo Goes to Hell

    I for sure agree that he seems to generate box office numbers, I just don't think he is a good actor or makes a bad film better for his being a part of it. It was in this respect that I used the phrase.

    The money actually agree with me on this point since revenue declined with the third film. Keanu's presence was not sufficient to make the film a success in light of growing audience dissatisfaction.

  19. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    Darrius Cole HD
    Re: Constantine: Neo Goes to Hell

    Well, I agree that he probably won't be winning an Oscar any time soon. However, bankability is the most important measure of any aspect of filmaking. Many actors and actresses who have won Oscars are not bankable, Keanu Reeves is bankable.

    You don't count $424,988,211 as a success? What does count as a success in your book?
  20. Madin

    Madin Well-Known Member

    Re: Constantine: Neo Goes to Hell

    [ QUOTE ]
    Mcoleman2 said:

    However, bankability is the most important measure of any aspect of filmaking.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You what?

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