Matrix Revolutions [SPOILERS!!!]

Discussion in 'General' started by Namflow, Nov 5, 2003.

  1. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    Warning: Massive amount of spoilers and major bitch fest ahead. You have been warned...

    Okay I saw the Matrix Revolutions last night. I had seen headlines of some reviews that said it was awful, that it was a dud, and that "at least we have ROTK" to look forward to. My thoughts:

    To start off I was a bit disappointed with the second movie, but seeing as the second movie had the "middle of the triology" thing going for it, thus no beginning or end, I thought the third one would be better.

    I was really, really disappointed. It started off okay with some interesting things going on, like how can neo affect the machines outside of the matrix, Agent Smith possessing someone and coming out of the Matrix into the real world, and the architect's words from the end of the second movie.

    I'm trying to pinpoint where things started to go downhill for me. I initially thought it was cool that Neo got blinded, and he had that whole "I'm blind and a badass" thing going for him. But then that turned into the whole "Neo is Jesus" thing, which was way too much for me to take.

    I was happy Trinity died. But then her death scene went on for way too long. "Whine whine whine cry cry cry kiss me neo I love you." I was thinking "STFU bitch and die already."

    There was way too much dropping of the l-bomb. Love this, love that, shes in love, hes in love, everything for love! I don't even remember how Trinity and Neo fell in love, and I certainly didn't care. I kept rolling my eyes and I felt bad for myself and everyone else having to sit through that garbage. At the chance of sounding like a bitter old man, all that mushy love stuff made me sick. It was worse than mushy love stuff, it was cliche "Let's drop the l-bomb because oh wow he did it for love that's awesome!!!"

    The battle for Zion was Star Wars all over again. The whole "we'll give 'em hell before we die" "YEA!!!" scene made me roll my eyes. Oh look they're getting in mechnical suits to fight the machines, let me get excited now!

    They also didn't do a good job of explaining the psychology of the use of the EMP. Apparently in the first movie they say that each ship has 1 EMP (corrent me if I'm wrong, this is what my friend said, I havn't seen the original since my first year in college). But anyways, they shouldn't assume I can remember the minute details of the first movie for such a huge part of the battle scene. How many EMPs do they have? I dunno. How come they can't fire EMP after EMP to own all the machines? I dunno. Wouldn't Zion be loaded with EMPs they could explode one after another to own the machines. I mean, if I was Zion, and I had a weapon that could disable the machines (which are my mortal enemy and I know they will be invading soon) I'd make sure to have as many of them as I can. Its after the fact they tell us that it screws over their defenses (it was mentioned briefly earlier), but even so, that whole part confused me, and not in a good kind of way.

    There weren't that many fights inside the Matrix which pissed me off. I really like the fights in the Matrix, but I guess they had been done before in the first two movies, and they were saving all the Matrixy effects for Neo Vs Smith. Even so, the Zion battle was pretty eh. Like it looked awesome, but I mean we've all seen Star Wars, we've all seen a zillion copies of Star Wars, I didn't need to see another one.

    Neo Vs Smith was a letdown. I was looking forward to that perhaps the most because I thought to myself "Even if there's a gay ass Star Wars battle, even if there's gay ass love this and love that, they can't screw up the final battle between Smith and Neo." And it started cool, like with the rain, the lightning, and all the other smiths watching. But then the end was such a let down. No one won! Neo laid down for the count. He's like "Here you go, possess me!" Granted he had to do that do kill Smith, but he just laid down for the count, when both him and smith were still able to fight. This is the second Neo vs Smith fight in the second Matrix film in a row that goes without a clear cut winner. Oh yea sure Smith ends up getting owned and Neo saves the matrix and the real world, but so what? Who would win in a fight: Smith vs Neo? We don't know! I would have liked it more if Smith kicked Neos ass to a bloody pulp, Smith possessed him, and we're like "no shit neo lost!!!!!!!!!!" and then we realize what happened. But seriously, if they are both still able to fight, why should Neo just let Smith possess him? It was really anti-climatic. Yea yea I know Neo let Smith possess him so that Neo could beat Smith, but blah...

    There was also little resolution to the story. So there is peace now. So what? Humans who want to leave can. How can they if they don't know they are even in the Matrix? And didn't the ones who want to leave end up leaving anyway, or else how would have Neo and the rest of them escaped? Whats going to happen to the Earth? Will they work together to get rid of the clouds that the humans threw up there to stop the machines from getting solar power in the Animatrix? Will humans chose the Matrix over the real earth because the real earth sucks now and the Matrix is more beautiful and pleasurable anyway?

    I'd ramble on about is neo dead or not, but who cares? The whole thing with him being christ, being blind, being able to see, and having the image of the cross burn in his chest in one of the end explosions I was just like "WTF man." I think they tried to do way too much, to make the ending seem more than it was.

    And the end, don't even get me started. Somewhere during the movie the thought "Just as long as it doesn't end in a sunrise, the most cliche symbol of a new beginning ever..." And what does it end with? A FUCKING SUNRISE!!!

    Like, I had low expectations going in, but it was even worse than I thought it could have been. It was definitely the least favorite of the Matrix movies for me because it had the most things that pissed me off and the least amount of things I enjoyed.

    And, the most excited I was while watching the movie was during the trailer for ROTK.

    Did anyone out there enjoy it, am I being too picky and too bitter and expecting too much from the movie? Or was it just a "pile of wank" as my Scottish friend would say?
  2. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Sounds about right and thanks, you just saved me $9.00 and 2 hrs of my life. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  3. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    just what I expected...its gotten TRASHED by the washington post and new york times heheheh.
  4. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    Ok I liked it more than you did I think... My thoughts....

    -The love stuff was way too overdone... especially Trinity dying... "kiss me one more time"... sheesh, if she had been killed on impact, we probably would have felt a lot more sorry for both her and Neo...

    -I actually enjoyed the fight at Zion, at least for the first half... then it could have stopped... but I enjoyed it as more than a "Star Wars" ripoff as you put it...

    -Did all the octapus things flying around remind you at all of the swords of hatred at the end of Utena?

    -Neo being blind was cool, but yea I really could have done without the cross inside of him at the end... we already get the fact that he is the human race's savior because they've said so multiple times... if they were going to do some Jesus references they should have been way more subtle... see also, them talking about love...

    -I was TOTALLY confused about the EMP shockwave deal too... They should have made it clear that they can't use them inside Zion without frying their defenses... if they had EMP shockwaves but couldn't use them, then it wouldn't have seemed so important that the Hammer or whatever it was called made it back to detonate...

    -I very much enjoyed the Neo VS Smith fight... with the rain, the lightning, everything I thought it was very well done... i thought the ending left some to be desired, but oh well...

    -the sunrise was cheesy...

    -that talking machine face thing was BAD ASS...

    -i can't wait for RoTK...

    -overall I enjoyed the movie - my biggest gripes would be
    #1) the love stuff - too much of it, way overdone...
    #2) internal logic flaws (EMP shockwave, ect)

    your review was great though....

  5. sekaijin

    sekaijin Well-Known Member

    The whole point of the series is....

    As a movie, I agree that it is flawed. There is far too much flash that takes up an improper amount of screen-time.

    However, as a series, the conclusion was fantastic.

    What it suggests is that there are two camps in life: first, those of us who are able to have faith in a greater purpose and give our lives meaning through emotional outlets (be it love, faith, or any other emotion that has no basis in reason). On the opposite side there are those of us who rationalize everything down to the very point where there is no real point to life. We are born. We experience the world in a way that can be explained scientifically (indeed, in almost all aspects, from our physical bodies to the chemical balances in the brain that produce the sensations that we experience as emotions). We die. Time renders the life of an individual worthless: mankind represents the prolongation of worthlessness, a disease who needs to be eradicated. So we have ourselves two warriors who are at a greater comprehension of those two forces (let us call them, the Real World and the Matrix). Neo represents the former; Smith represents the latter.

    That being said, the point of the Architect creating balance and the Oracle creating imbalance was fantastic. Do you not agree that for all the bad things that happen between people there are also people who try to be genuine and good? The entire point is, it is a conflict which cannot be resolved because therein lies the meaning of life. If Good were to win, then there would be no counter-force: i.e. good itself would also cease to exist with nothing to compare itself to. By allowing Smith to "possess" him, Neo makes the two forces join and the power is too great to exist. So it shatters.

    The peace which results (which everyone seems to hate in this thread) is a world where man realizes that an overly-rationalized world reduces his own humanity.

    I think it is a very optimistic ending indeed, as I feel that people more and more rationalize their lives down to the point where there is no spontaniety and excitement, just routine.

    There's my two cents.
  6. OneTooMany

    OneTooMany Well-Known Member

    Re: The whole point of the series is....

    Is it me or the acting was pretty lame.Kinda reminded me of a cheap police drama.I'm no fan of The Matrix but as a fan of movies I think it was pretty bad.And that last fight, no nice moves just power punching with big special effects.
  7. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    Re: The whole point of the series is....

    Something I realized was that Smith was totally pointless as there was no way Smith could win. If Neo didn't let Smith possess him then there are two other fesable outcomes: Neo beats Smith or Smith beats Neo. If Neo beats Smith, Neo wins. If Smith wins, he assimilates Neo and explodes. So what's the point besides looking cool? (When the fight could have been a zillion times better anyways)
  8. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Smith and Neo

    To me the idea was that neither can win...either way they would annihilate one another and cease to exist. Smith is the "anti-neo". The attempt of a program to balance the anomoly that creates Neo. Its like anti matter (particles , whatever you want to think off) meeting matter. Annihilation occurs and nothing is given out but energy. Smith was important as he was a renegade program refusing to do what he should be doing and in the end "changing" the matrix for the final showdown. Its the idea that a logically thinking set of algorithms would actually develop traits of a human that is the main part of his story IMHO. Just seen it at the cinema btw and unsure of what I think about it atm. Need to sleep on it I think.
  9. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Everything has a beginning, has an end. In the case of the matrix, the beginning was the end. This movie along with the 2nd one are complete pointless, full of flaws, and just plainly gay. Quit wasting your time trying to find logic for all of these, I'm still wonderinig where are all the white people in Zion..

    neo: trin, you can't die
    trin: yes i can.
    (whole theater bust out laughing)

  10. stalwartsamurai

    stalwartsamurai Well-Known Member

    They should have left it at Reloaded and never released Revolutions.
    That way it would be however you wanted to interpret the story.
    Revolutions = disappointing /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  11. Horsepool

    Horsepool Well-Known Member

    i think the movie woulda been alot more cooler if "Mamma said knock you out" was played during the one hit to smiths face. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  12. GoatCheeseBlues

    GoatCheeseBlues Well-Known Member

    I think you guys are being a bit to hard on it. Its not nearly as good as the first one, but its decent enough.

    The Star Wars fight scene was definitly my favorite part, even if its been done countless times before. The movie was really starting to drag me down until that fight scene, but then I noticed that I was enjoying the movie much more afterwards. I thought it was pretty obvious that an EMP would take out all their machine defences as well, but i guess thats only from watching other movies that explain the use of EMP. It would make sense for them to have one in the base just in case, but then battle would lose alot of its fun and drama.

    I don't think there was a lot of love stuff at all. It wasn't nearly as bad as the second movie. The scene where neo was talking to dying trinity wasn't that long at all. In fact, if it was any shorter I would have been genuinely pissed. If i've had to sit for 3 movies worth of trinity and neo looking into each others eyes, and telling each other how much they loved each other, and then when trinity finally dies neo just goes "oh well" and goes off to face the sentinels, I would have left the movie right there. That scene has to be there or all that love stuff they made us watch before it would have been a complete waste of our time.

    My only real complaints were that I never really cared what happend to any of the characters (this is a problem i have with the trilogy as a whole) and that the final fight between neo and agent smith was a real letdown. The fight before that where neo pretends to be blind and then chops smiths head off was really cool, and made me look foward to their final matrix fight. Unfortunatly, the fight was really lame, and just had a lot of boring slow motion punches, and neo and smith flying into each other and either bouncing off, or going into some sort of rolling, punching death circle. I almost thought they replayed the same part twice as the fight basically goes, punching each other, fly into and bounce off one another, punching each other, fly into rolling punch craddle, punch each other, fly and bounce again, punch some more, another rolling punch ball, and then finally, the final punch each other scene in a puddle of mud. This final fight scene may be the worst one in the whole damn trilogy.

    Other than that, I had no real problems with the movie. I think you have to watch it or else it makes watching the second move a complete waste of time and money. It turns out that everything happens in the most obvious way possible, but at least now you know how it ends for sure.

    Of course, the more i think about it, it doesn't seem like anything happened at all. The happy sunrise matrix looks like it did when the trilogy started, so it kinda feels like nothing really significant happened. I assumed that everyone would be living happily in Zion in the end, but they are all still in the matrix. What was the point of it all?!?? Oh well, I still say it was worth watching /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    GoatCheese Blues
  13. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shang said:

    Everything has a beginning, has an end. In the case of the matrix, the beginning was the end. This movie along with the 2nd one are complete pointless, full of flaws, and just plainly gay. Quit wasting your time trying to find logic for all of these, I'm still wonderinig where are all the white people in Zion..

    neo: trin, you can't die
    trin: yes i can.
    (whole theater bust out laughing)


    [/ QUOTE ]
    the only white person is Jesu..I mean Neo

    Neo did not need to be portrayed as Jesus so much, I mean wth...enough with the biblical shit and flaming jesus chest Neo with cross, and oh shit...Neo's walking on a friggin' metal floor, so let's make his vision gold and look like he's walking on water like Jesus did!! yayy Woot!

    Namflow, if I had heard the word "love" one more time, there would have been murders...the Wachowski brothers fucked up with this movie big time..

    too much fucking retardedly obvious foreshadowng, are you making this movies for three year old why do they have shit like, the kid carrying ammunition trips and spills it...oh fuck, guess we gotta have some very cliche and "deep" lines about meaning of universe and machines...and later..holy fuck..the kid has to carry ammo to the same guy, and his carrying the ammo is important to the outcome of the war...who knew??

    ...or let's see...the black dude from Oz's girlfriend who was making the shells, who knew that all her lines were foreshadowing that she would play an important role and what it would be..." you load, I'll shoot" gee wiz!

    Neo when he became blind, first was like a cool ninja type thing (like blind Kenjii in MK:DA or what ever) but of course, like all things in Matrix 3, became overdone...alot..

    HOW CAN NEO KILL ROBOTS WHEN HE'S NOT IN THE MATRIX?? this goes against the first movie entirely, where Neo was supposed to be the one because of how he can manipulate the matrix, not the real world (wtf?) did they even explain how he can do this?

    Niobe : some things change
    Morpheus: some things don't
    audience : STFU PLZ aaa..a!!
    - - - -
    some highlights:

    Neo vs 'smith' on the ship, when he was blinded and when trinity was thrown down the ladder, but of course this was followed by Jesus wandering around and ducking crow bar swings..yawn

    Persephone's outfit..yowza!!

    and the previews were pretty good, seeing tom cruise as the only white guys get to nail some hot asian chick when there are tons of other asians around getting killed looks like a cool movie, the last white guy or something...
    - - - -
    but like Shang said, this cliffhanger style ending will most likely provide more room for novels and Animatrix part 6 style merchandise!!

    didn't one of the Wachowski brothers get a sex change, no wonder the last 2 Matrix films were weird
    - - - -
    the oracle, train station...all of that was just unecessary in an already 'empty' movie, tell the story (which they didn't love love etc.), give an ending (again no ending, wtf?), and then let your movies get fame (which it will....hype works people)....

    bah...this ends my rant..I'll add more when it comes to me, right now I am gonna recover from SME (shitty movie experience) with pizza and beer, hopefully some better movies are on tv...Matrix 2&3 are dissapointing..
    - - -
    Sahtee or whatever...get the cute little kiddies, candy, and puppies the fuck outta' my bitchin' Sci-fi movies was that all about..

    first the matrix is about computers and programs..then the oracle and smith..then zion and the matrix..trinity and neo..blind monk and skin head guards...morpheus and niobe...jesus and neo..way too many conflincts..most of them either resolved in a terrible fashion, cliche fashion, or not at all

    does anyone know why the oracle was a different person?? I couldn't hear half the dialog (there was a like a 12 year old kid's birthday party when I went..fucking movie theater manager needs to get fired..the movies R..they talked the whole time..when there was the club scene with LOOL!O OMDFG WHOLY SHITTT BOOBIESS!! HEHEH HYEEE LOL WTF THEYT ARE TEHH!!! BOOBZSS......they wouldn't stop parents in sight....)

    shit that was obviously only trying to give a movies a 'rush' or excitement factor...take when Niobe orders the ship to be piloted at lowest they don't get detected (which would make the movies boring) instead they make the ship get caught..and we get to watch machines get raped by gunfire at high speeds...WOOHOO!!
    - - - -
    What's funny is that my friends are all "diehard" Matrix fans (i.e. stupid douche bags), who think they know everything about the matrix, and that it's "..EFFIN' KEWL!"...

    I remember one of my friends refusing to believe Jesus dies..." he can come back!! Teh Oracle said so..omg Neo is alive in Matrix I know it..!!" or "..Neo couldn't have died because he is the matrix, idiot..." or even " guys I got it, all of this was in the matrix, because how else would Neo be able to blow up the machines and shit dawgZ!!" favourite was my friend coming up with an hour long speech in a car ride about how the orcacle changing bodies symbolized some deeper meaning bullshit among other things...thannks Jackeh ;-) can't wait to tell him she dies in real life.
    - - - -
    SuperG, that ULTR4-K00L!! talkng head thing was like a bad wizard of Oz.."I am the great and powerful head!!" snooze...ZzzZZzzz

    I thought they would go for a Unicron (yah!) style machine..but this movie failed yet again..booo!
    - - -
    the ending, are the machines and human coexisting peacefully, forever? what about the people in the matrix? what about Zion? if they wanted to...the machines could just rape the hell outta' zion's population now..because now they don't have to worry about Zion resistance, Neo, or humans lose??

    damn the ending...wth↕?
  14. _stroppa_

    _stroppa_ Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    does anyone know why the oracle was a different person??

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The original actress died so they replaced her and wrote in something lame to the film script. I can't even remember what it was but it was pretty lame and insulting to the intelligence, I imagine...
  15. whoa_its_eric

    whoa_its_eric Active Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jackeh said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    does anyone know why the oracle was a different person??

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The original actress died so they replaced her and wrote in something lame to the film script. I can't even remember what it was but it was pretty lame and insulting to the intelligence, I imagine...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    would you rather have them not explain the change of the oracle? i believe she, the "new" oracle, appears in the enter the matrix game, and you may find a better answer there than what was given in the movie.
  16. _stroppa_

    _stroppa_ Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    whoa_its_eric said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jackeh said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    does anyone know why the oracle was a different person??

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The original actress died so they replaced her and wrote in something lame to the film script. I can't even remember what it was but it was pretty lame and insulting to the intelligence, I imagine...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    would you rather have them not explain the change of the oracle? i believe she, the "new" oracle, appears in the enter the matrix game, and you may find a better answer there than what was given in the movie.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah actually, I would rather they didn't feel like they had to explain it. It's like they don't think we're smart enough to figure out that she was the oracle.
  17. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jackeh said:
    Yeah actually, I would rather they didn't feel like they had to explain it. It's like they don't think we're smart enough to figure out that she was the oracle.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think it wouldv'e been akward to have a completely different person playing the role, and not have it addressed at all in the movie.

    Furthermore, since it's explained as the oracle getting a new "shell", I think they should've gotten someone who looked COMPLETELY diffferent from the first actress. Like some fat white dude or something. I think by casting someone of the same gender/race/age, it kind of seemed like they were trying to make up for the fact that it's obviously a completely different person.

    Actually, all in all, I think having a different looking oracle present in the this one was a bad idea altogether. They shouldv'e just had her sitting in another room or something, or just cut the scene altogether (another bad option).

    I dunno, this movie seems like it was desined to not turn out well. Having a different actress just detracted from an already unimmersive movie. It couldv'e been a LOT better, I was not feelin it at all.
  18. Horsepool

    Horsepool Well-Known Member

    felt weird not having the original Oricle.

    Though during the one scene, (i cant remember witch one exactly... i was tired) Jack Nicolson woulda made an awsome Smith /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  19. whoa_its_eric

    whoa_its_eric Active Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Dandy_J said:

    Furthermore, since it's explained as the oracle getting a new "shell", I think they should've gotten someone who looked COMPLETELY diffferent from the first actress. Like some fat white dude or something. I think by casting someone of the same gender/race/age, it kind of seemed like they were trying to make up for the fact that it's obviously a completely different person.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i think making the "new" oracle similar to the "old" oracle created a sense of familiarity. had they given the oracle the shell of a "fat white dude", i think people would be thinking "wtf" and saying what a stupid idea it was.
  20. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    whoa_its_eric said:
    i think making the "new" oracle similar to the "old" oracle created a sense of familiarity.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, the fat white dude thing was a joke, obviously /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif.

    But having someone close but not quite it was very...unimmersifying. As if the movie was immersive at all up to that point. All I could think the whole time was "STFU bitch you're not the oracle!"

    I swear, after I watched the movie (which is about 2 hours in length), I felt like there was about a half hour of movie there. Like, I could count the number of significant events on one hand.

    1. Neo wakes up and visits the oracle
    2. Neo gets the ship and goes to the machine city.
    3. Sentinels start shitting on zion.
    4. Trinity dies.
    5. Neo jacks in and kills Smith.

    All this shit together takes up like 25% of the movie. The other 75% is crap that no one cares about.

    Personally, the movie went in the exact opposite direction that I wanted it to. There was too much focus on zion and not enough on things within the matrix. And I'm not talking about kung fu scenes, either. I would've liked to see more things like the architect scene in reloaded. The only thing similar to that in revolutions was that stupid fucking train station scene. WTF was that about? "A place between the real world and the martix, used to smuggle in illegal programs". I mean, the concept is fine I guess, but how did Neo pop up there of all places? If he can jack into the matrix without equipment, how did he jack into a place that he didn't know existed? WTF. Meaningless filler.

    I liked the concept of the Oracle vs the Architect. I liked when Neo talked to the Wizard of Oz and I liked when Smith and Neo went SupersayajinGOHAN MODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111

    Everything else was boring and/or stupid.

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