Discussion in 'Site News, Questions and Feedback' started by SUGATA, Mar 17, 2014.


    SUGATA Well-Known Member

    After awesome Myke's NEW Command list section, i think it will be very useful for increasing VF community activity to make a NEW Match finder section on this site!
    This idea came from russian

    Step 1: Add a Player note in your profile (by YOURSELF):
    1. Select your Game (VF5FS or VF2 or VF5 online or DOA5U, or others)
    2. Select your Platform (XBOX360 or PS3)
    3. Add your Skype ID
    4. Add Comment/Characters

    Step 2: Edit other existing Player notes in your profile (about other game) (by YOURSELF):
    the same 1-4.

    Step 3: Add Gamer tag (PSN, XBL) - if not added in your profile (by YOURSELF).
    (For the first time for quickly making Player base - Moderators/Admin can to make existing Players info on Community PSN and XBL threads).
    Your setup is complete.

    Then, when you want to find the most convenient opponent for you:
    Step 4: Go into Match finder section on VFDC, and Just set your filter search settings
    [​IMG] find your appreciated opponent (with their info) - with SORTING feature on every column:

    Of course, forum names / PSN/XBL IDs are clickable and opening player's Personal page on this site/ His PSN/XBL card - for easy contacting and searching his profile.


    1) No need to wait moderator to upgrade your Player info (its AUTO upgradable)
    2) Moderator become free from often editing 1st post (players list)
    3) Comment/Character column (is also AUTO upgradable) - the player by himself can whenever he want to upgrade this info (character, skill, and any info).

    1) Only registered on VFDC members are listed in this Matchfinder (impossible to post your friend/mam/grandpa Player card).
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2014
    Myke likes this.
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Thanks for the suggestion, I like it! I'm working on some other priorities for now, but will definitely consider this soon.
    SUGATA likes this.

    SUGATA Well-Known Member

    Thank you! I hope this new real-time AUTOUPGRADABLE and actual Players list (aka Match finder) - will make fimding an opponent more faster and easy, and increase Activity of our community.

    Of course, forum names / PSN/XBL IDs are clickable and opening player's Personal page on this site/ His PSN/XBL card - for easy contacting and searching his profile.

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