Match Analysis: Back Throw off Intercept K+G

Discussion in 'Vanessa' started by TaNooki_kun, Oct 7, 2012.

  1. TaNooki_kun

    TaNooki_kun Well-Known Member

    Hey guys, Nooki-kun here with my first match analysis thread/video. I came across something pretty interesting last night in an online match with one of my buds but I'm at a loss as to how it happened. It occurs at the end of the first match here:

    I apologize that the resolution and volume are so low in the vid, I can only record from my phone right now.

    If anybody has an idea of what happened here please help! I think it could turn into something pretty dangerous for people who try to side step an expected Intercept Position Kick >:)
  2. RadicalReactor

    RadicalReactor Well-Known Member

    Looks like Sarah tried to sidestep away from screen, then you hit her with your own K+G, which caused her to be back turned... Not sure why, but that's what I sees. Nice find!
  3. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Looked to me like Sarah was doing [8][K][+][G] (in which she spins around) and was caught by [K][+][G]. CH whilst turning around = sideturned. CH by [K][+][G] = Sideturned. Sideturned + Sideturned = Backturned (if they're in the same direction).
    erdraug likes this.
  4. TaNooki_kun

    TaNooki_kun Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the replies guys. I just finished trying to recreate the situation based on what MarlyJay suggested but was unsuccessful. First of all I want to again apologize for the quality of the video because that makes seeing the inputs difficult. Second Sarah's [8][K][+][G] puts her in the air before she spins so if the attack hit her during that move it would've just knocked her into the air. Truthfully I don't think there was even time to use a move and that she was hit during the actual side-step. The other attack chart put the advantage at +12 frames and didn't register as a side hit so this leads me to believe that she was hit during the evade attempt.

    However, what's even more puzzling is that while I was at +12 advantage I input a forward dash before the throw so it didn't end up connecting as a combo. So now, what's really going on here? Thankfully the Sarah player wasn't mashing buttons so we can clearly see that the last thing that was input before the back-throw was a couple of [2]s and [P][+][K][+][G] , which doesn't really amount to anything warranting another side-turn. If there's any other details I can give that would help you guys out please let me know cause this is really starting to intrigue me.
  5. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Well it could be any of Sarah's moves that spin her around. There is no way of hitting someone into backturned outside of sideturning them when they're already sideturned as far as i know.
  6. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Sarah had to be in the process of spinning around in order for her back to be exposed to Vanessa in this particular situation. I can't really see which direction was inputted from the screen during the 0:44 mark by the Sarah player, but I believe either [8][K][+][G] or [2][K][+][G] command was being buffered in during the failed evade animation which led to that unusual occurrence.

  7. TaNooki_kun

    TaNooki_kun Well-Known Member

    I understand what you guys are trying to say, however I'm looking closely at the inputs and what the Sarah player input just before the evade was [G] which clears all prior inputs, then one input of [8] to initiate the evade, then [2] by itself, then [2][K][+][G] so even if that was buffered it doesn't spin at all. I know this is a little frustrating but I sincerely just want to get to the bottom of this and really don't want to just write it off as a glitch or something without thoroughly examining it.

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