low throws from back stagger?

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by IceCold, Dec 17, 2002.

  1. IceCold

    IceCold Active Member

    in playing kumite on vf4, i found that if vanessa staggers an opponent, she can successfully perform a low throw (d, p+k+g or df, p+k+g) even though they're not crumpling or crouching. i have yet to try this on a human competitor... is this just a bug, or have i missed something in the game faqs about the conditions for low throws?

  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    It an AI bug, the computer always fall for it for some reason.
  3. Calvin

    Calvin Well-Known Member

    i think hemeans is how come it works if the opponent isn't crouching. i doubt he's talking about the ai's smarts.
  4. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Actually, Creed answered the question satisfactorily. William hasn't been sufficiently punished for his b,b K+G > low throw and will enter the low throw command whenever he issues the kick fully charged, regarless of whether it crumbles or not. It just so happens that the kumite cpu will eat the throw for some reason. William told me he asked this question, for which I slapped him and showed in testing that his garbage anti-cpu tactics would never ever work against a player of my caliber.

    The moral of this story should be that if you are playing against a character with low throws and you get crumbled you need to be entering your low throw escapes...unless you didn't like that half of your lifebar anyway. Everybody knew this already though, so what the hey?
  5. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Actually, that technique ONLY works when you play the AI players in kumite mode. In an actual human vs human fight, any charge move from vanessa DOES NOT give you a low throw opportunity when a full charge attack hits. Low throws only work when you stomach crumple an opponent or when they are in a crouch state. CreeD is correct in saying that works only on AI characters. For some reason they always block the fully charged bbK+G and eats the low throw if you do it right after the kick. This will not work on a human opponent unless they duck.

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