Looking for beginer(ish) eileen related tips

Discussion in 'Eileen' started by Valtiel, May 14, 2007.

  1. Valtiel

    Valtiel Member

    Been playing as Eileen since March now and feel i'm growing fairly confident with her command list and the basic speed and dodging required to manipulate her to best affect. And until recently its all been going quite smoothly. My brother, who happens to be the person i play against the most has recently opted to switch his character from Brad to Vanessa and suddenly, i'm having my a** handed to me quite frequently, my win ratio has dropped from about 60% to about 50 and i'm looking for ways to step up my game with Eileen, any help appreciated. Just so you know i've only been playing since March, so am still in fairly early days i guess.
  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Can you be a little more specific about the parts where you are having problem with?

    For example, how to break down defense? or you are getting hit when you tech roll, or you don't know how to defend against Vanessa's attacks?

    What do you think is your biggest weakness with Eileen?
  3. Valtiel

    Valtiel Member

    I think part of the problem is defedning against vanessa, as i havn't changed characters my brother still knows how to defend against Eileen, whilst i'm kind of helpless against vanessa atm. Also Vanessa has some nasty reversals whilst Eileen only has a absic high parry, which is a bit unadvantuous. I have tried going through Vanessa's command list a few times to get a flacvor, but it doesn't seem to be working hugely. The only other qualm i have is sometimes it becomes very difficult to utilise Eileen's moves in combnat, i guess a huge advantage of hers is that her combosd are so very unpredictable, what with the alteration inbetween the moves with the down,diagonal,right/left moves between the combos but i amde the mistake of stopping for elder scroll IV oblivion, and now on my return to VF i seem to have lost the knack for the timing of some of them
  4. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Well, first of all, Eileen's 46K is one of the strongest sabaki's in the game. Against many of Vanessa's strings, it is possible to interrupt her mid string with the sabaki.

    Other than that, you just have to learn the hit levels of the strings, and interrupt them with LP, or simply crouch and punish any whiffs.

    Aside from that, the most basic tip I can give you is to make good use of her PP6P string, and learn to fuzzy guard when it's blocked. You can try to delay the last mid as well to go for counter hit or stagger.

    Remember to use her cancel moves after PP, and utilize 6P or 6P+K when you have enough advantage. Since 6P is very safe on block, you can simply crouch to fuzzy guard. 6P+K offers alot of options for Eileen, with 236P+K options.

    From the sound of it though, I think your main problem is just lack of familiarity with Vanessa's movelist. On top of that, you haven't really learned to utilize Eileen's movelist yet, especially her cancel moves. Without a good mix of cancel moves, Eileen is pretty predictable.
  5. Valtiel

    Valtiel Member

    Some brilliant tips there thanks. I'd have been too scared to try her 46 sabaki as i didn't think it would be quick enough to work mid combo. My fuzzy guardings pretty week mind, could use a lot of work there and i always seem to misuse 236 P+K usually results in me attempting a follow up of P+G and falling flat on my backside when it falls through. Thanks for the tips though, i'll attempt to utilise the PP6P string a bit more, gotta say i havn't used it a great deal and i'll try and get 46K in a lot more aswell
  6. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I've realized now that 236P+K P+G option is very very unreliable. I've had many instances where Eileen just falls on her butt even though the opponent is completely frozen up and guarding high (the opponent admits to simply guarding high and not doing anything at all).

    So out of her flip, K is your best bet.
  7. tribaL

    tribaL Well-Known Member

    i noticed this as well but never posted anything due to my limited knowledge of the engine as a whole. i just figured it was a user error; hearing it from a credible source makes me wonder was justifies as a clean throw compared to a whiff.

    i noticed that any move that hits and goes into the flip causes it to totally miss.
  8. RaidenNC

    RaidenNC Member

    question, what do you guys use to punish after a back dash. I tried using 9K+G but the transition and start up is too slow. What are some good punishers. Also, what are her best launchers? Right now I'm just using 9K+G or jabs. neither of which are working too great atm.
  9. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I find the P+G option to only be reliable after you've trained your opponent to block high in fear of 236P+K P, or against opponents who like to dodge the 236P+K K.

    I've been trying out 236P+K K option and I'm getting more success with that actually I'm starting to rethink the P+G option
  10. RaidenNC

    RaidenNC Member

    I'll re ask it, b/c maybe nobody saw it.
  11. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I just use 66P in hopes of a CH if I'm feeling lucky or 6P P strings normally using 6P P K because the Kick goes pretty far. That second option of mine probably isn't the best answer though.
  12. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    66P - will crumple on MC (and mC?) - on MC, follow with 66P+K,P,236K,K,K

    46P - will back flop on MC - follow with P,6P+K,P,P

    66P+K,P,[continuation skill of choice] - advances quickly while initiating your continuation skill bread and butter

    214P+K,P - built in back dash - causes forward-falling knockdown, follow with 6P+K,P,236K,K,K

    6K - use if their attack has brought them into the space you just vacated with your backdash

    3K+G - supah sweep! follow with choice oki.

    Hope this helps a little -- I'm by no means an Eileen expert but I've found these to be quality post-back dash tools (and fine tools in general).
  13. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    RaidenNC did u mean when you're the one backdashing or your opponent is ?

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