Locking threads

Discussion in 'General' started by LemmyIsTheGame, Apr 14, 2008.

  1. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    I think threads get locked far too easy lately. VF5R threads in particular.

    The forum had lots of activity when VF5R was announced with people discussing what they wanted to see in the game, but since the threads have all been locked there has been no hype on this forum what-so-ever for this new exciting game. To read the recent posts the game may as well not have been announced.

    If you don't want to read every users wish-list for the new game, then just don't read - but stop locking threads and stopping any further discussion.

    As some moderators are telling people what they should and shouldn't discuss on here, they've turned VFDC into a ghost town.

    I think the enthusiasm for VF5R should be encouraged. Excuse us for thinking a VF5 update is more exciting than anything else out there.

    The discussion on VF5R will stop naturally when users have said all they want to say, but there isn't any need enforcing it.

    Thanks to the moderators for keeping VFDC going but try to be more lenient in closing threads and encourage people discussing all they want to about VF.

    By the way - I do know this thread will be locked instantly - I hope the irony is not lost on you /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  2. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Please don't lock this thread.

    Delete it.

  3. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member

    i had the same problem when t6 got anounced on TZ.com. it's really difficult to differentiate between more and less useful topics. i generally lock things that are officially proven to be different/wrong. but threads about serious speculations that are not based on bs should stay open imo.

    mods doing a good job here i think. props.
  4. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    "should and shouldn't discuss on here"

    Start posting actual information, as opposed to misinformation ( ps3 port in october, lau removed from game, etc) or off-topic rambling (akira stage 4 music, hitler), and threads will stop getting locked. What's that? There is no actual information about R? Then stop posting about it.

    If you need a kiddie sandbox to talk shit about whatever, go start a "VF5R shittalking (NO ACTUAL INFO HERE)" thread in General.

    " VFDC into a ghost town"

    Ahahaha. No. It's not even noon yet, and so far today, there have been how many posts about TCJ Hammertime (you know, an actual event)? Hell, the jeff forum is generally dead, and there have been 2 posts already today.
  5. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member

    ^agreed so far. i do it the same way.

    but be happy, vfdc is really spared from kiddies talking about bs like on other forums that i visit.
  6. GMonroy

    GMonroy Well-Known Member

    What misinformation was in the VF5R threads? We were discussing the possibilities and our hopes and desires for the game. If hopes and desires are outlawed then that is sad.
  7. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Want to talk about R[/size]?

    Visit #vfhome on IR[/size]C.

    Alternately - start a blog.

    Alternately - buy the domain lemmywantstospeculateonr.com and set up some forum software.

    I dislike speculation, especially speculative threads with deceiving titles. Someone posted a thread called Item Pack 4, and I was all "OMFG! YES!" and then it was some guy whining about not getting it.

    Speaking of misleading thread titles - how about posting a true title next time, like "Lemmy wants to speculate on R"

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