Lock on. (RD?)

Discussion in 'El Blaze' started by Outfoxd, Feb 20, 2008.

  1. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member

    How do you guys use the Rocket Discharge? I'm just curious because I don't hear a lot of talk about it and I want to see if there's some things I'm missing with it. DO you guys do salvos and keep chaining them together, or do you use them once randomly every so often?
  2. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    It depends on how much space you have between you and your fighter. I use the RD alot. 6K to RD into a Low drop kick works really well, because it goes thru some attacks. But if you think they're going to block low(Afraid of the "Hot Dog") The regular drop kick would catch them lovely, and plus, once it connects, you could RD again! Is all about mixing up. Another great way to get some space and RD is 7K. Is a very effective cart wheel attack. And plus, you get a lot room for your RD setups....But, is risky on a open stage. People tend forget that you could RD of two of El Blaze slept on attacks. P,P,P, K. You could RD after the kick. It works best when they block your kick(gives you space) And my bread and butter is the 3 K+G is fast, it gives space, and enough time(If it connects) to do RD setups. I have other setups, but it depends on your style.
  3. Shin_KoRyo

    Shin_KoRyo Active Member

    I found that in the beginning I used the RD a lot. I mean a lot. Blaze has a ton of stagger moves that force your opponent to struggle to get guard while you initiate RD. So not only are they trying to get the guard back but then they have to guess which RD attack you are going to use. Against noobs I used it to punish whiffed get up attacks. And of course off his DM, if it connects.

    I stopped using the RD in favor of a more high pressure game. I personally think Blaze can do more damage with combos off staggers than he can with RD attacks. I'm a mid-level player at best so my opinion may not count for much. I will also say that my observation of Blaze players I meet online are that beginners use RD a lot and higher level players use it much more sparingly.

    My favorite attacks to follow with RD are off DM and off Back+P,K.
  4. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Combos off of the stagger is certainly higher damage.

    Outfoxd, you use the RD particularly well IMHO.

    However, the damage off a combo is almost twice as high. I have played people in the past, when I stooped to the level of using El Blaze a lot, that could break the stagger every time before I could land a floater. If they are doing that and your style is heavily based on staggering into combos, you're in trouble because they've neutralized your main weapon right off the bat.

    I used to save the RD for when I needed it and used it to surprise someone when they were expecting something else. So I would combo off the staggers 90% of the time and go for the Deja Vu the other 10%.

    I have played a guy a few times (GT: I am James) who is a defender in ranked with El Blaze. He uses the RD often. When I played him much earlier and he was 10th dan he used it every two seconds. I think he has backed off of it a little since then though. Even when he was doing it a lot though, he was catching me with it.

    I must say, there is something cheesy and simple about El Blaze to me though... His moves have odd hit boxes with super long range and his damage seems a little out of whack to me. In addition to that, it seems like he can 0-frame throw waaay too often. His HCB throw seems to come out 0-frame more often than not.

    P.S. I didn't know you were from Flint... Go Roger and Me!!!
  5. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member

    As of late I've found RD works wonders for throwing someone off. Most Blaze players do something right off the RD on the first pass, so it makes it easier to confuse someone when I run behind them. Also, if you can time it right hitting a roll or something right as he passes so Blaze turns around really screws with people.
    Hell, sometimes running and just stopping is cool.

    Yeah, from Flint. Wewt for urban blight.
  6. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    When you run past them and they are down and you bait the rising attack and bounce off the wall, that is confusing and very hard to deal with...
  7. Shin_KoRyo

    Shin_KoRyo Active Member


    I will admit that Blaze can deal damage. And, it's pretty well known that he is probably the most stagger laced character in the game. But, I wouldn't go so far as to say cheesy and simple. Let's be honest, one mistake against Wolf, Jeffrey, and Akira and you can kiss half your life bar goodbye. Most of their combos are not exceedingly difficult to pull off. Does that make those three characters cheesy and simple?

    My other character is Sarah. Let me tell you getting damage with her is a lot of work so I will say it's fun to play with Blaze and put a serious hurting on people with only a few moves. Most people who rely on trikery with Blaze's RD are usually one trick ponies who don't understand how good Blaze really is as a character. The playing field is level. Every character can dish damage if you know what you're doing. So singling out Blaze seems a little odd to me.

    If I'm missing your point please forgive me.
  8. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I just think the he works is kind of funny and a little suspect. Like his turning uppercut has the oddest range and hitbox. It can hit you from a mile away and then he can juggle for a lot of damage. Also I found a combo only off a stagger that does like 50% against everyone, even Jeff and Wolf.

    Jeff, Wolf and Akira have to pay a speed penalty for all that damage but Blaze (and Eileen) really don't. In the past, when they added characters to VF, it wasn't to come up with a couple interesting but easy to learn characters (easy to learn and use being the important part)...

    I think he was designed to be powerful with less practice than the other characters. I used to use him exclusively but one day I just got sick of him, he was too easy to use and tricky in an unfair way. It's just my opinion but I'm sure there are people out there who would agree.

    And I have to disagree that Akira's combos aren't hard to pull off. He has some of the hardest combos in the game, with tight timing and very difficult execution.
  9. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    For what my opinion can be worth, Akira's best combos are the hardest to pull in the game. Fact. Considering that his best combos involve the use of buffered double palm, full dragon lance combo and standing knee, they are for sure the toughest in the game. Maybe not in terms of timing, but for sure for inputs.
  10. Shin_KoRyo

    Shin_KoRyo Active Member

    Ok I will concede the point that Akira has difficult input for combos. But you must admit that his easier and lesser damaging combos are still relatively easy to pull off.

    Wolf and Jeff do pay a price for their power in that they are slow. But they also get the benefit of having combos that just will not work on them because of their weight. Something Eileen and Blaze cannot say.

    Your comment is actually similar to something I went through in the past. In VF1 through VF3 I used Jacky and Lau. Then when VF4 came out and I saw how much more they were capable of I just decided to stop using them. In my opinion they just had too many simple, effective, and safe moves. That's when I went to Sarah and then in VF5 I started using Blaze as a secondary. It's all good man, in the end it's just a game. Look for me on live, I need a lot of practice against good Goh players.
  11. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    yeah people a lot of the time when complaining about Eileen's speed and high dmg combos forget that she has the lightest weight in the game so the most dmging combos work on her. *tips hat to AM2*
  12. YuuKun

    YuuKun Well-Known Member

    Everything Blaze does can be avoid, I don't see any funny or cheesy moves he's got. Yes, it's a know fact he has the most staggers in the game, but he is designed to be a close range fighter, he needs these to compensate the lack of long range. The only move with good range is 66k which is slow enough to see and punish. The 4p+k (Volcano Upper) has mid range and sabaki properties, it's not a move to abuse, it's linear and can easily be punishable by evade, back grab, etc.

    And don't forget all staggers can be struggled out and guard, I played a high ranked player who struggle out and guard the staggers 90% of the time, infact I only connected a couple of stagger combos with many games I had with him, making Blaze limited, although not a problem if you start mixing setups. The RD is also punishable, it's a matter of both players to guess hit, guard, or evade. RD is very much like rock, paper, and scissors.

    If Blaze was this simple, cheesy, abusable moves, long range, etc. We will see alot more Blaze around Live.

    Gernburgs, I noticed you were a big fan of Blaze for a good few months, you may got to the stage where you feel Blaze is not the right character for you. But coming here to start trashing a character, IMO is disrespectful to those who uses him, including myself. No hard feelings, I wanted to point this out, not a personal attack... well.. maybe a little. j/k /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  13. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Hey, no hard feelings, he just pisses me off now that have to play against him. I'm not trashing him too hard either, just a little. The same things that I used to do to other people are getting done to me now so I'm a sore loser. Whether his execution is easy is not debatable, it is. He has some of the easiest inputs for combos in the whole game, that is going to be hard to deny my friend...

    Maybe it hurts worse coming from Blaze cause I know what he is going to do and I still don't stop it. Outfoxd has thoroughly trashed my Goh with his El Blaze recently, so I know Blaze is a good character. I will still use him at times but, yeah, I guess he isn't the character for me.

    I won't talk shit about Blaze anymore, I concede, you are right Yuukuun. I'm being a sore loser...
  14. YuuKun

    YuuKun Well-Known Member

    don't be so hard on yourself, i think it's a matter of time you figure Blaze out and beat his BS moves. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    maybe you shouldn't give up Blaze, make him your sub-character! we need more Blaze running around, it's a dying breed. we need more soldiers throwing hotdogs!! lol
  15. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member

    Hey, I can came over to the Blaze side on a completely random whim. Maybe more are forthcoming!
  16. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Yeah, us Blaze players need to stick together. To many people are afraid to use him. YuuKun, we need to do El Blaze mirror matches again mate. Those were fun has hell. I'm still laughing over that Jacky setup you show me. Funny has hell.
  17. YuuKun

    YuuKun Well-Known Member

    ahh... ShinobiFist! it's been a very long time since i last played you. your Blaze was hot shit! maybe this coming weekend i'll be looking forward to an intense session.
  18. Shin_KoRyo

    Shin_KoRyo Active Member

    YuunKun and ShinobiFist,

    When are you guys normally on? I feel as though my game has hit a plateau and could really use some concentrated sparring sessions. My GT is the same as my name here sans the underscore.
  19. YuuKun

    YuuKun Well-Known Member

    just add my GT. if i'm around, pm me for a session. i'm happy to spar with you. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  20. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Hit me up man. I'm on during evenings and late nights. You could learn alot from YuuKun play style. He is very good on sneaking El Blaze's 6K, 66K and 46K. All those moves will lead to stagger(except 6K, crumble baby!) that leads to big combos. My style is a little different....Can't really explain it. Put it like this, I need a cape, lol.

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