LION TECH: Exploring Combo Opportunities Using 3K After Side Crumple and 9P

Discussion in 'Lion' started by DomAug, May 7, 2021.

  1. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    I saw Chibita use a crazy combo against a Wolf player named Pazwolf:

    (on side) 2_6P+K (side crumple) > 7P+K+G (centers Lion to Wolf's front) > 9P (re-stand) > 3K > 6_P (off-the-ground bounce/dribble) > 6PP

    The 3K here allowed him to bounce Wolf off the ground with 6_P based on his positioning after the 9P re-stand. I am sure this is knowledge a lot of the top level Lion players in Japan already have, but this blew me away so I wanted to try and see if it works on everyone else.

    Spoiler Alert: It works on most of the cast, though with some changes.

    I'm working on a video to show what I've seen and tested so far. Special thanks to @Stl_Tim for testing some of the harder-to-execute patterns and giving me his feedback, I'm lucky to have a player with as high execution as he has to help with this one.

    Last edited: May 11, 2021
    Chanchai, erdraug, VFnumbers and 4 others like this.
  2. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    (First post has been edited to include my YouTube video on this subject. Give it a watch! The visual aid is a lot clearer than this post might be.)

    I'll just dump some of the raw data I gathered from the combo practice.

    2_6P+K (side crumple) > 1/7P+K+G > 9P (re-stand) > 3K > 6_P (re-bounce) > 6PP

    Wolf (closed stance & use 1/7P+K+G towards Wolf's front; open stance & use 1/7P+K+G towards Wolf's back)

    2_6P+K (side crumple) > 1/7P+K+G > 9P (re-stand) > 3K > 2P (re-bounce) > 66KK

    Eileen, El Blaze, Aoi, Sarah, Pai, Lion, Vanessa, Lau, Kage, Lei, Brad, Goh, Jacky, Jean
    (see tables below for situations and notes)

    NAME: Opponent character
    Closed/Open Stance: Will this combo work in closed/open stance? Y/N
    CS/OS 1/7P+K+G Readjust: Ability to combo either with readjustment after side crumple using 1/7P+K+G towards their front (F) or back (B) or without readjustment after side crumple and just going directly into 9P re-stand (N )
    COMMENTS: Notes on delays required, substitutions, etc.


    NOTE: Neither of the above situations work on the following characters: Taka, Jeffry, Akira, Shun.
    Last edited: May 11, 2021
  3. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    first post updated with the video! I'll be adding these to the Lion combo section tonight or tomorrow.
    Chanchai likes this.
  4. Ares-olimpico

    Ares-olimpico Well-Known Member Content Manager Lion

    Very good work
    sometimes y try with om after the crumple trying to use 8kk as ender in de standar combo, or searching for better oki.
    In this video or other of pazwolf (maybe both) chibita do 33p+g dash/om 2p 46p+k p 66p+kp
    Chanchai and DomAug like this.
  5. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    that combo was awesome, I'm so blown away by how creative Lion's combos can be though it is kinda frustrating how sneakily difficult a lot of them can be
    Chanchai likes this.

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